Objective More and more researches have proved that residual renal function has a great influence on the prognosis of patients. This study will examine the impact of compliance on residual renal function in patients with maintenance hemodialysis.
Methods Sixty-two cases of maintenance hemodialysis patients whose 24-hour urine outputs were equal to or more than 200 ml during dialysis interphase in the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from February, 2015 to May, 2016 were enrolled. Due to transplantation, transfer, infection and surgery, 10 patients drop out during follow-up. Patients were divided into two groups (good compliance group and bad compliance group, with 26 cases in each group) according to the compliance evaluation criteria. The 24-hour urine outputs during dialysis interphase, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen before and after dialysis, hemoglobin, parathormone, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, ferritin, transferring saturation, albumin, C reactive protein, Kt/V, weight growth rate during every dialysis interphase, blood pressure before dialysis were compared at the beginning of follow-up and a year later.
Results The good compliance group had more 24-hour urine outputs, better parathormone and ferritin, higher vitamin D, less weight growth rate during dialysis interphase compared with bad compliance group after one year, which had statistical significance (
Conclusion Improved compliance can reduce weight gain during hemodialysis interval, maintain urine output and protect the residual renal function, delay the reduce of residual renal function in maintenance hemodialysis patients.