Comparative study of the clinical efficacy of acetylglutamine and paroxetine in treating generalised anxiety disorder
目的 研究乙酰谷酰胺与帕罗西汀治疗广泛性焦虑症(generalized anxiety disorder,GAD)的临床疗效,并进行对比分析。 方法 收集蚌埠医学院第一附属医院2019年3—11月收治的焦虑症患者共30例,按随机数字表法分为研究组和对照组,各15例。2组患者在一般资料如年龄、性别、病程等基本信息上差异无统计学意义, 可进行对比分析。研究组予以乙酰谷酰胺治疗,对照组予以帕罗西汀治疗,通过汉密顿焦虑量表评分分别比较2组患者在治疗7 d后、治疗14 d后的病情变化。 结果 对照组在治疗前、治疗7 d后、治疗14 d后的焦虑评分分别为(21.33±3.42)分、(17.40±3.38)分、(15.20±2.51)分,研究组3个时间点评分分别为(22.47±4.03)分、(16.53±3.52)分、(11.80±2.47)分,研究组较对照组在治疗14 d后焦虑程度明显缓解(P < 0.05)。对照组患者的总有效率明显低于研究组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.039)。 结论 乙酰谷酰胺与帕罗西汀治疗广泛性焦虑症均有明显的治疗效果,但前者抗焦虑效果优于后者,起效更快,安全可靠,更值得临床推广应用。 Abstract:Objective To compare and analyse the clinical efficacy of aceglutamide and paroxetine in treating generalised anxiety disorder. Methods A total of 30 patients with anxiety disorders admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from March 2019 to November 2019 were collected and divided into study group and control group by random number table method, with 15 patients per group. No statistically significant difference existed between the two groups in general information such as age, gender, course of disease, and other basic information which could be compared and analysed. Patients in the study group were treated with aceglutamide, whereas those in the control group were treated with paroxetine. Changes in the condition of patients in the two groups after 7 and 14 days of treatment were compared using Hamilton Anxiety scale scores. Results The anxiety scores of the control group before treatment, 7 days after treatment and 14 days after treatment were 21.33±3.42, 17.40±3.38 and 15.20±2.51 respectively, while those of the study group were 22.47±4.03, 16.53±3.52 and 11.80±2.47 respectively. The anxiety scores of the study group were significantly reduced compared with those of the control group (P < 0.05). The total effective rate of the control group was significantly lower than that of the study group (P=0.039). Conclusion Aceglutamide and paroxetine have obvious therapeutic effects in treating generalised anxiety disorder, but the former has better anti-anxiety effect, with faster onset, safety and reliability, which is more worthy of clinical application. -
Key words:
- Acetylglutamate /
- Paroxetine /
- Generalised anxiety disorder
表 1 2组广泛性焦虑症患者治疗前后HAMA评分比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 治疗前 治疗7 d 治疗14 d F值 P值 研究组 15 22.47±4.03 16.53±3.52 11.80±2.47a 246.303 < 0.001 对照组 15 21.33±3.24 17.40±3.38 15.20±2.51a 22.727 < 0.001 t值 -0.848 0.688 3.499 P值 0.404 0.200 0.002 注:与同组治疗前比较,aP < 0.05。 表 2 治疗后2组广泛性焦虑症患者临床总有效率比较[例(%)]
组别 例数 痊愈 显效 有效 无效 总有效 对照组 15 1(6.67) 1(6.67) 6(40.00) 7(46.66) 8(53.33) 研究组 15 2(13.33) 7(46.66) 5(33.34) 1(6.67) 14(93.33) 注:2组总有效率比较采用Fisher精确检验,P=0.039。 -
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