Comparative study on the effectiveness of two machine learning algorithms in constructing risk assessment models of coronary heart disease in the elderly
目的 基于机器学习算法构建老年冠心病风险评估模型,并比较逻辑回归(logistic)和极限梯度上升(eXtreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost)模型在社区老年人群中预测冠心病风险的效能,以期为老年人冠心病防治提供更高效的健康管理方法。 方法 抽取2019年浦东地区47家社区卫生服务中心的8万条老年体检数据构建本次模型,经特征工程筛选27个变量,采用logistic和XGBoost算法构建老年冠心病风险评估模型。 结果 XGBoost模型最优参数为learning_rate=0.1,树深度=8,最小子节点权重=5,循环次数=50;logistic模型最优参数为:C=1,class_weight=None,max_iter=100,solver=newton-cg。XGBoost和logistic准确度分别为0.82和0.71,受试者工作特征曲线下面积分别为0.85和0.80。两模型特征重要性分布区别较大,XGBoost模型重要性集中分布在少数特征中,前9项特征重要性之和为94.2%,logistic模型重要性分布相对均衡,前9项特征的重要性之和为59.5%。 结论 基于社区老年人体检数据构建的冠心病风险评估模型稳定性较好,其中XGBoost算法模型的效能相对于logistic算法模型的结果更优,能够为社区老年人冠心病风险评估提供方法参考。 Abstract:Objective The aim of this study is to established the ta risk assessment models for coronary heart disease in elderly based on machine learning algorithms and provide a more efficient health management methods for the prevention of coronary heart disease in the elderly. and compared the effectiveness of Logical regression and XGBoost for the risk prediction of coronary heart disease in elderly. Methods Data records of 47 community health service centers in Pudong area from January to December in 2019 were extracted from the regional health information platform of Shanghai Pudong health development research institute. Using Python Panda, 80 000 physical examination data of the elderly were included to build the model. Twenty-seven variables were selected by feature engineering to build the model, and logistic and xgboost were used to construct the model respectively. Results The optimal parameter of XGBoost model: learning_rate=0.1, Tree depth=8, Minimum node weight=5, Number of cycles=50. The optimal parameters of logistic model: C=1, class_weight=None, max_iter=100, solver=newton-cg. The accuracies of XGBoost and logistic were 0.82 and 0.71, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.85 and 0.80. The importance of XGBoost model is concentrated in a few features, and the importance of the first nine features accounts for 94.2% of the relative importance, while the importance of logistic model is relatively balanced among the features, and the importance of the first nine features accounts for 59.5% of the relative importance. Conclusion The coronary heart disease risk assessment model based on the physical examination data of the elderly in the community has good stability, and the efficiency of the model constructed by XGBoost is better than that of the logistic regression, which can provide a method for coronary heart disease risk assessment of the elderly in the community. -
Key words:
- Community /
- Coronary heart disease /
- Risk assessment /
- Big data /
- Machine learning
表 1 2种模型对老年人冠心病风险评估预测结果的比较
数据集 模型 ACC TNR TPR KS F1_score AUC 验证集 logistic模型 0.72 0.71 0.72 0.47 0.74 0.80 XGBoost模型 0.83 0.70 0.87 0.51 0.75 0.86 测试集 logistic模型 0.71 0.70 0.71 0.46 0.73 0.80 XGBoost模型 0.82 0.68 0.87 0.50 0.75 0.85 表 2 2种模型特征重要性评分
特征分区 排序 XGBoost Logistic 特征名称 特征重要性评分 特征名称 特征重要性评分 第一区 1 是否高血压a 0.717 6 是否高脂血症a 0.085 6 2 是否脑血管病 0.160 7 右侧收缩压 0.085 2 3 是否高脂血症a 0.014 0 甘油三酯 0.081 2 4 尿葡萄糖a 0.012 6 是否慢性肾病a 0.064 8 5 尿酸 0.012 2 性别 0.058 7 6 饮酒频率 0.006 9 腰围 0.057 1 7 年龄 0.006 4 是否高血压a 0.054 1 8 是否糖尿病 0.006 2 右侧舒张压 0.054 1 9 是否慢性肾病a 0.005 2 尿葡萄糖a 0.053 7 第二区 10 性别 0.004 9 是否脑血管病 0.051 4 11 吸烟状况a 0.004 2 饮食习惯_嗜油 0.051 3 12 总胆固醇 0.004 1 尿酸 0.047 7 13 尿素 0.003 9 低密度脂蛋白a 0.041 2 14 尿微量白蛋白 0.003 8 年龄 0.040 9 15 右侧收缩压 0.003 6 饮酒频率 0.033 8 16 低密度脂蛋白a 0.003 6 是否糖尿病 0.028 2 17 甘油三酯 0.003 6 葡萄糖 0.027 9 18 右侧舒张压 0.003 5 吸烟状况a 0.019 3 第三区 19 葡萄糖 0.003 3 肌酐a 0.012 9 20 饮食习惯_荤素平衡a 0.003 2 尿微量白蛋白 0.011 0 21 高密度脂蛋白a 0.003 0 饮食习惯_荤素平衡a 0.009 7 22 BMIa 0.002 9 B超结果a 0.008 2 23 B超结果a 0.002 7 高密度脂蛋白a 0.007 7 24 饮食习惯_嗜盐a 0.002 7 尿素 0.007 7 25 肌酐a 0.002 6 BMIa 0.004 8 26 腰围 0.002 6 总胆固醇 0.001 3 27 饮食习惯_嗜油 0.000 1 饮食习惯_嗜盐a 0.000 3 注:a是指2种模型中分布在同一区组的特征。 -
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