Study on the reducing toxicity and enhancing efficacy of Jiedu Quyu Zishen Recipe in treating systemic lupus erythematosus with hormone
目的 观察联合服用解毒祛瘀滋肾方对激素治疗系统性红斑狼疮的疗效及不良反应的影响。 方法 以110例中度系统性红斑狼疮患者为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为对照组(55例)和研究组(55例)。对照组患者给予醋酸泼尼松治疗,研究组患者予以解毒祛瘀滋肾方辅助醋酸泼尼松治疗。比较2组治疗前后血清ANA、抗ds-DNA、IgA和IgG等抗体水平变化,进行系统性红斑狼疮疾病活动度(SLEDAI)评分,检测尿蛋白含量水平,评价治疗后系统性红斑狼疮临床疗效水平,观察治疗期间药物不良反应情况。 结果 研究组患者治疗后血清ANA、抗ds-DNA、IgA和IgG含量[(1.74±0.18)、(0.99±0.10)、(1.45±0.12)、(8.57±0.74)mg/mL]均显著低于对照组水平[(2.15±0.21)、(1.32±0.16)、(1.78±0.14)、(11.57±1.02)mg/mL],均P < 0.05;研究组患者治疗后SLEDAI评分和24小时尿蛋白含量[(4.57±0.36)分和(0.67±0.06)g]均显著低于对照组水平[(5.18±0.49)分和(0.93±0.08)g],均P < 0.05;研究组患者系统性红斑狼疮临床治疗总体有效率(96.67%)显著高于对照组水平(83.33%),P=0.015;研究组患者药物不良反应总体发生率(11.63%)显著低于对照组水平(33.33%),P=0.004。 结论 解毒祛瘀滋肾方辅助醋酸泼尼松治疗系统性红斑狼疮,可在降低醋酸泼尼松维持给药剂量的基础上,有效缓解临床症状,提高疗效水平,并减少激素药物不良反应,具有增效减毒作用,值得临床推广使用。 Abstract:Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and side effect of Jiedu Quyu Zishen Recipe prescription on hormone therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods A total of 110 patients with moderate systemic lupus erythematosus were divided into control group (n=55) and study group (n=55) by random number table. Patients in the control group were treated with prednisone acetate, and patients in the study group were given Jiedu Quyu Zishen Recipe supplemented with prednisone acetate. The serum levels of antinuclear antibody (ANA), anti-double stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA), IgA and IgG of the two groups were compared before and after treatment. The SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) score was conducted to detect the urine protein level, evaluate the clinical efficacy of systemic lupus erythematosus after treatment, and observe the adverse drug reactions during treatment. Results After treatment, the levels of ANA, anti-dsDNA, IgA and IgG in the study group [(1.74±0.18) mg/mL, (0.99±0.10) mg/mL, (1.45±0.12) mg/mL and (8.57±0.74) mg/mL] were significantly lower than those in the control group [(2.15±0.21) mg/mL, (1.32±0.16) mg/mL, (1.78±0.14) mg/mL and (11.57±1.02) mg/mL], P < 0.05. After treatment, SLEDAI score and urine protein content at 24 h [(4.57±0.36) points and (0.67±0.06) g] in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group [(5.18±0.49) points and (0.93±0.08) g], P < 0.05. The overall response rate of systemic lupus erythematosus in the study group (96.67%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (83.33%), P=0.015. The overall incidence of adverse drug reactions in the study group (11.63%) was significantly lower than that in the control group (33.33%), P=0.004. Conclusion Jiedu Quyu Zishen Recipe can assist prednisone acetate in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. On the basis of reducing the maintenance dose of prednisone acetate, it can effectively relieve clinical symptoms, improve curative effect, and reduce adverse reactions of hormone drugs. It has the effect of enhancing and reducing toxicity, and is worthy of clinical promotion. -
表 1 2组系统性红斑狼疮患者治疗前后血清抗体水平比较(x ±s,mg/mL)
组别 例数 ANA 抗ds-DNA IgA IgG 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 对照组 60 2.86±0.31 2.15±0.21a 1.77±0.20 1.32±0.16a 2.27±0.21 1.78±0.14a 16.21±1.59 11.57±1.02a 研究组 60 2.90±0.34 1.74±0.18a 1.82±0.22 0.99±0.10a 2.31±0.22 1.45±0.12a 16.48±1.61 8.57±0.74a t值 0.452 6.137 0.506 5.394 0.481 5.871 0.392 7.483 P值 0.683 < 0.001 0.628 < 0.001 0.654 < 0.001 0.741 < 0.001 注:与治疗前比较,aP < 0.001。 表 2 2组系统性红斑狼疮患者治疗前后SLEDAI评分和24小时尿蛋白含量比较(x ±s)
组别 例数 SLEDAI评分(分) 24小时尿蛋白(g) 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 对照组 60 12.04±1.42 5.18±0.49a 2.08±0.19 0.93±0.08a 研究组 60 12.26±1.41 4.57±0.36a 2.11±0.20 0.67±0.06a t值 0.447 4.862 0.493 6.419 P值 0.685 < 0.001 0.642 < 0.001 注:与治疗前比较,aP < 0.001。 表 3 2组系统性红斑狼疮患者临床疗效水平比较[例(%)]
组别 例数 显效 有效 无效 总有效 对照组 60 37(61.67) 13(21.67) 10(16.67) 50(83.33) 研究组 60 49(81.67) 9(15.00) 2(3.33) 58(96.67) 注:2组总有效率比较,χ2=5.926,P=0.015。 表 4 2组系统性红斑狼疮患者治疗期间药物不良反应情况比较[例(%)]
组别 例数 白细胞计数偏低 库欣综合征 骨质疏松 消化道疾病 皮肤痤疮 总发生率 对照组 60 6(10.00) 7(11.67) 5(8.33) 4(6.67) 5(8.33) 20(33.33) 研究组 60 1(1.67) 2(3.33) 2(3.33) 2(3.33) 2(3.33) 7(11.67) 注:对照组中有3例患者白细胞计数偏低合并库欣综合征,有2例患者库欣综合征合并骨质疏松,有2例患者库欣综合征合并皮肤痤疮;研究组有1例患者白细胞计数偏低合并库欣综合征,有1例患者库欣综合征合并骨质疏松。2组不良反应总发生率比较,χ2=8.076,P=0.004。 -
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