Investigation on the oral health literacy and the influencing factors among residents in Bozhou city
目的 了解亳州市居民口腔健康素养现状并分析其影响因素,为有针对性地制定口腔健康教育计划提供科学依据。 方法 2019年9—12月,自制调查问卷,采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法抽取亳州市985名居民进行问卷调查并对数据进行统计学分析。 结果 亳州市居民口腔健康知识、态度、行为及知信行中位得分分别为9.00(7.00, 11.00)分、7.00(6.00, 8.00)分、6.00(4.00, 9.00)分、22.00(19.00, 26.00)分; 及格率分别为38.38%、49.95%、35.63%、41.73%。Logistic回归分析显示受教育程度、是否独生子女、口腔健康教育、口腔保健可及性是口腔健康知信行得分的影响因素。接受过口腔健康教育的居民,口腔健康知识、行为及知信行得分是未接受过的1.674、2.159、2.915倍; 接受过口腔保健指导的居民,口腔健康知识、态度、行为及知信行得分是未接受过的3.020、2.982、4.241、5.072倍。 结论 亳州市居民口腔健康素养较低,口腔健康教育和口腔保健指导是提高居民口腔健康素养的重要途径之一。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current situation of oral health literacy of bozhou residents and analyze its influencing factors, so as to provide scientific basis for making targeted oral health education plan. Methods From September to December 2019, a questionnaire was made by ourselves and 985 residents of Bozhou city were sampled by multi-stage stratified random sampling with equal capacity. Mann-whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis H test and logistic stepwise regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results The median scores of oral health knowledge, attitude, knowledge-beliefs-behaviors were: 9.00 (7.00, 11.00), 7.00 (6.00, 8.00), 6.00 (4.00, 9.00), 22.00 (19.00, 26.00). The passing rate was 38.38%, 49.95%, 35.63% and 41.73%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that education level, one-child or not, oral health education and access to oral health care were the influencing factors of oral knowledge-beliefs-behaviors score.The scores of oral health knowledge, behavior and knowledge-beliefs-behaviors were 1.674, 2.159 and 2.915 times higher than those of the residents who had not received oral health education. Residents who have received oral health guidance have scores of 3.020, 2.982, 4.241, and 5.072 times on oral health knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge-beliefs-behaviors than those who had not. Conclusion The oral health education and instruction is one of the important ways to improve the oral health literacy of residents in Bozhou city. -
Key words:
- Residents /
- Oral health literacy /
- Influence factor
表 1 亳州市居民口腔健康素养得分情况(分)
项目 最小值 最大值 M(P25,P75) 满分 及格率(%) 知识 0 15 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 16 38.38 态度 1 11 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 12 49.95 行为 0 12 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 12 35.63 KAP 2 37 22.00(19.00, 26.00) 40 41.73 表 2 亳州市居民不同人口学特征OHL的单因素分析[M(P25,P75),分]
因素 类别 人数(%) 知识 态度 行为 KAP 性别 男性 371(37.66) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 22.00(19.00, 26.00) 女性 614(62.34) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 22.50(20.00, 27.00) Z值 -0.220 -4.248 -0.039 -1.340 P值 0.826 < 0.001 0.969 0.180 年龄(岁) ≤24 179(18.17) 10.00(8.00, 12.00) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 24.00(21.00, 28.00) 25~34 376(38.17) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 8.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 22.00(19.00, 27.00) 35~44 160(16.24) 8.00(7.00, 10.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 8.00) 22.00(19.00, 24.00) ≥45 270(27.41) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(5.00, 8.00) 22.00(18.75, 24.00) χ2值 20.079 20.271 4.949 23.735 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.176 < 0.001 户籍 农村 385(39.09) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 8.00) 22.00(19.00, 26.00) 城镇 600(60.91) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 8.00(7.00, 8.00) 6.00(5.00, 9.00) 23.00(20.00, 26.75) Z值 -0.839 -1.078 -2.850 -1.698 P值 0.401 0.281 0.004 0.090 是否独生子女 是 194(19.70) 10.00(7.75, 12.00) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 8.00(6.00, 11.00) 25.00(21.00, 30.00) 否 791(80.30) 8.00(7.00, 10.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 8.00) 22.00(19.00, 25.00) Z值 -3.734 -4.348 -7.028 -7.432 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 家庭收入(万元) ≤5 255(25.89) 8.00(7.00, 11.00) 8.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 22.00(19.00, 26.00) 5~12 450(45.69) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(5.00, 9.00) 22.00(20.00, 26.00) ≥12 280(28.43) 9.00(7.00, 10.00) 7.00(7.00, 8.00) 6.00(5.00, 9.00) 23.00(20.00, 27.00) χ2值 1.161 0.154 4.784 1.978 P值 0.560 0.926 0.091 0.372 受教育程度 初中及以下 210(21.32) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 5.00(4.00, 7.00) 20.00(18.00, 23.00) 高中 268(27.21) 8.00(7.00, 10.00) 8.00(7.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 8.00) 22.00(19.00, 25.00) 大专 337(34.21) 11.00(9.00, 14.00) 8.00(6.00, 8.00) 8.00(5.00, 11.00) 27.00(21.00, 30.00) 本科及以上 170(17.26) 7.50(6.00, 9.00) 8.00(7.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 22.00(19.00, 24.00) χ2值 180.562 31.562 67.759 155.978 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 医疗支付方式 公费医疗 87(8.83) 8.00(7.00, 10.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(5.00, 9.00) 22.00(19.00, 25.00) 城镇医疗保险 482(48.93) 9.00(7.00, 11.00) 8.00(7.00, 8.00) 6.00(5.00, 9.00) 23.00(20.00, 27.00) 农村合作医疗 341(34.62) 8.00(7.00, 11.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 9.00) 22.00(19.00, 26.00) 自费商业保险 7(0.71) 7.00(7.00, 8.00) 7.00(5.00, 7.00) 6.00(5.00, 10.00) 20.00(17.00, 23.00) 全自费 68(6.90) 10.00(7.00, 12.00) 8.00(6.25, 8.00) 6.50(5.00, 11.00) 24.00(20.00, 29.00) χ2值 9.649 14.429 8.427 14.697 P值 0.047 0.006 0.077 0.005 表 3 口腔健康教育、口腔保健可及性对亳州市居民OHL的影响[M(P25,P75),分]
因素 类别 人数 知识 态度 行为 KAP 是否接受过口腔健康教育 接受过 254 10.00(8.00, 15.00) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 9.00(6.00, 11.00) 27.00(23.00, 30.00) 未接受过 731 8.00(7.00, 10.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 8.00) 21.00(19.00, 25.00) Z值 -8.882 -4.586 -10.962 -12.689 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 是否接受过专业口腔保健指导 接受过 233 10.00(9.00, 15.00) 8.00(7.00, 9.00) 10.00(7.00, 11.00) 28.00(24.00, 31.00) 未接受过 752 8.00(7.00, 10.00) 7.00(6.00, 8.00) 6.00(4.00, 7.75) 21.00(19.00, 24.00) Z值 -10.268 -7.414 -13.002 -4.336 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 表 4 亳州市居民OHL的多因素分析
变量 β SE Wald χ2 P值 OR(95% CI) 受教育程度 高中 -0.549 0.230 5.693 0.017 0.577(0.368~0.907) 大专 -1.346 0.227 35.202 < 0.001 0.260(0.167~0.406) 本科及以上 0.121 0.275 0.194 0.659 1.129(0.659~1.933) 是否独生子女 0.743 0.199 13.976 < 0.001 2.103(1.424~3.104) 口腔健康教育 1.070 0.200 28.582 < 0.001 2.915(1.969~4.314) 口腔保健指导 1.624 0.208 60.848 < 0.001 5.072(3.373~7.627) 常量 -4.179 0.522 64.105 < 0.001 0.015 -
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