Analysis of pathological characteristics and prognosis of stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 cervical squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma
目的 探究ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈鳞癌(squamous cell carcinoma, SCC)与腺癌(adenocarcinoma, AC)患者的病理特征、预后影响因素及其差异。 方法 回顾性分析2016年1月—2019年1月在蚌埠医学院第一附属医院接受宫颈癌根治术治疗的ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC和AC患者的260例临床资料,比较两者的病理特征、预后影响因素及差异。 结果 (1) SCC以外生菜花型为主,AC以内生浸润型为主(均P < 0.05);两者的年龄、肿瘤大小、浸润深度、细胞分化差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05);(2)ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC 3年PFS(无进展生存期)分别为:94.6%、89.4%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),单因素log-rank分析示:临床分期、肿瘤大小、浸润深度均是ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC和AC预后影响因素,根据预后影响因素进一步分析,ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC患者3年PFS在肿瘤大小、浸润深度、临床分期上差异均无统计学意义;将临床分期、肿瘤大小、浸润深度纳入多因素Cox回归模型分析示:临床分期是ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC患者预后的独立危险因素(均P < 0.05)。 结论 ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC的病理特征大致相似,AC以内生浸润型为主,易漏诊,宫颈管搔刮术(endocervical curettage, ECC)可明显降低AC漏诊率;根据术后的中危因素,采取合适的术后辅助治疗,ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC患者可获得相同的预后。 Abstract:Objective To explore the pathological characteristics, prognostic factors and differences among patients with ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and cervical adenocarcinoma (AC). Methods To retrospectively analyse the clinical data of 260 patients with stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 cervical SCC or AC who underwent radical resection of cervical cancer in the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from January 2016 to January 2019. The differences in pathological characteristics, prognostic factors and between the two pathological types were compared. Results SCC was mainly the lettuce flower type, whereas AC was primarily the endogenous infiltrating type (all P < 0.05). Differences in age, tumour size, depth of invasion and cell differentiation between the two pathological types were not statistically significant. The 3-year progression-free survival (PFS) of stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 cervical SCC and AC was 94.6% and 89.4%, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant. Log-rank analysis revealed that the clinical stage, tumour size and depth of invasion were all influencing factors on the prognosis of these two pathological types. Further analysis of the prognostic factors found no statistically significant difference in tumour size, depth of invasion and clinical stage among patients with stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 cervical SCC and AC at 3 years. Incorporating multiple predictors of survival such as clinical stage, tumour size and depth of invasion into Multivariable Cox regression analysis the result demonstrated that clinical stage was an independent risk factor for the prognosis of patients with stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 SCC and AC (all P < 0.05). Conclusion The pathological characteristics of stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 cervical SCC and AC are roughly similar. AC is mainly of endogenous infiltration type, and thus it can be easily missed. Endocervical curettage can substantially reduce the missed diagnosis rate of AC. In the presence of intermediate risk factors and with the conduct of appropriate a adjuvant therapy, after surgery the patients with stages ⅠB1 and ⅡA2 SCC and AC can achieve the same prognosis. -
表 1 ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC的病理特征
病理特征 SCC AC 统计量 P值 临床分期 0.649a 0.516 ⅠB1 8 7 ⅠB2 59 15 ⅠB3 57 17 ⅡA1 30 15 ⅡA2 43 9 肿瘤大小(cm) 1.715b 0.190 < 4 97 37 ≥4 100 26 浸润深度 3.197b 0.074 < 1/2 72 31 ≥1/2 125 32 细胞分化 0.368a 0.713 Ⅰ级 11 4 Ⅱ级 119 39 Ⅲ级 67 20 生长类型 15.478b 0.002 外生菜花型 100 15 内生浸润型 85 44 溃疡型 6 3 糜烂型 6 1 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 2 ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC预后影响因素的单因素分析
病理特征 例数 终点事件人数 3年PFS率(%) χ2值 P值 年龄(岁) 0.500 0.823 < 50 129 11 94.1 ≥50 124 11 92.6 临床分期 11.277 0.024 ⅠB1 15 0 100.0 ⅠB2 74 2 98.6 ⅠB3 74 7 95.5 ⅡA1 40 4 88.4 ⅡA2 50 9 84.5 肿瘤大小(cm) 5.581 0.018 < 4 129 6 95.6 ≥4 124 16 91.0 病理类型 0.729 0.393 SCC 192 15 94.6 AC 61 7 89.4 浸润深度 4.446 0.035 < 1/2 95 4 95.5 ≥1/2 158 18 91.9 细胞分化 3.893 0.143 Ⅰ级 15 0 100.0 Ⅱ级 154 11 92.6 Ⅲ级 84 11 93.6 生长类型 2.217 0.529 外生菜花型 110 10 91.3 内生浸润型 128 12 94.1 溃疡型 9 0 100.0 糜烂型 6 0 100.0 表 3 ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC的3年PFS率比较(%)
组别 例数 肿瘤大小(cm) 浸润深度 临床分期 < 4 ≥4 < 1/2 ≥1/2 ⅠB ⅡA SCC 192 93.5(87/93) 90.9 (90/99) 97.1(66/68) 89.5 (111/124) 94.4(117/124) 88.2(60/68) AC 61 94.4(34/36) 80.0(20/25) 93.3(28/30) 83.9(26/31) 94.9(37/39) 77.3(17/22) χ2值 2.353 0.765 1.598 P值 0.672a 0.125 0.584a 0.382 0.999a 0.206 注:a为采用Fisher精确检验。 表 4 ⅠB1~ⅡA2期宫颈SCC与AC预后影响因素的多因素分析
病理特征 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 临床分期 0.882 0.441 3.998 0.04 2.416 1.018~5.731 肿瘤大小 0.807 0.493 2.681 0.102 2.242 0.853~5.891 浸润深度 0.706 0.573 1.518 0.218 2.025 0.659~6.223 -
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