Status quo of uncertainty in illness and its correlation with coping in kidney transplant recipients
目的 探讨肾移植受者疾病不确定感现状,分析疾病不确定感与应对方式的相关性,为进一步研究提供参考。 方法 采用方便抽样法,选取肾移植受者259例为研究对象,使用一般资料调查表、疾病不确定感量表(MUIS)、医学应对方式问卷(MCMQ)对研究对象进行调查。 结果 肾移植受者疾病不确定感的得分为(87.86±12.67)分,其中4个维度平均得分由高到低分别为不明确性维度(37.88±8.13)分,信息缺乏维度(19.34±4.69)分,复杂性维度(16.00±3.22)分,不可预测性维度(14.63±2.62)分;肾移植受者更倾向选择面对的应对方式(64.1%),3种应对方式的平均得分分别为面对(19.98±3.81)分、回避(14.44±2.97)分、屈服(8.81±3.17)分,疾病不确定感总分、不明确性维度、复杂性维度和信息缺乏维度得分与应对方式中的屈服方式呈正相关关系(r=0.320、0.297、0.131、0.249,均P < 0.05),未发现不可预测性维度与应对方式之间的相关关系。 结论 肾移植受者的疾病不确定感处于中水平。医务人员应当注重肾移植受者疾病不确定感的评价与管理及其与应对方式的相关性,引导肾移植受者采用积极的方式应对,降低其疾病不确定感。 Abstract:Objective To explore the current status of disease uncertainty in kidney transplant recipients and analyse the correlation between uncertainty in illness and medical coping modes in kidney transplant recipients to provide reference for further research. Methods Convenience sampling method was used to select 259 kidney transplant recipients as research objects. General information questionnaire, Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) and Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire (MCMQ) were used to survey kidney transplant recipients. Results Kidney transplant recipients' score of uncertainty in illness was (87.86±12.67) points, of which the average score of the four dimensions from high to low was the uncertainty dimension (37.88±8.13) points, the lack of information dimension is (19.34±4.69) points, the complexity dimension is (16.00±3.22) points and the unpredictability dimension is (14.63±2.62) points. Kidney transplant recipients tend to select confrontation (64.1%), the average scores of the three coping modes are confrontation (19.98±3.81) points, avoidance (14.44±2.97) points and acceptance-resignation (8.81±3.17) points. Total uncertainty in illness, uncertainty, complexity and lack of information are positively correlated with the acceptance-resignation (r=0.320, 0.297, 0.131, 0.249, all P < 0.05), but there is no correlation between the unpredictability dimension and coping modes. Conclusion Kidney transplant recipients' uncertainty in illness is at a moderate level. The medical staffs should pay more attention to the assessment and management of uncertainty in illness in kidney transplant recipients and its correlation with coping modes, guide patients to adopt effective coping modes to reduce their uncertainty in illness and promote the health of kidney transplant recipients. -
Key words:
- Kidney transplantation /
- Uncertainty in illness /
- Coping
表 1 肾移植受者疾病不确定感各维度得分
项目 得分范围(分) 得分(x±s,分) 不明确性 13~63 37.88±8.13 复杂性 7~27 16.00±3.22 信息缺乏 7~34 19.34±4.69 不可预测性 5~23 14.63±2.62 总分 40~117 87.86±12.67 表 2 肾移植受者应对方式得分(x±s,分)
应对方式 得分 全国常模 t值 P值 面对 19.98±3.32 19.48±3.81 7.380 < 0.001 回避 15.96±2.90 14.44±2.97 12.307 < 0.001 屈服 9.22±2.88 8.81±3.17 11.514 < 0.001 表 3 不同特征肾移植受者疾病不确定感
项目 例(%) MUIS得分[M(P25, P75)] 统计量 P值 性别 -0.314a 0.753 男 170(65.6) 87(79, 98) 女 89(34.3) 88(81, 95) 文化程度 30.118b < 0.001 初中及以下 51(19.7) 96(89, 101) 高中/中专 57(22.0) 87(80, 96) 大专及以上 151(58.3) 85(77, 94) 婚姻状况 0.235a 0.628 已婚 166(64.1) 88(79, 96) 未婚/离异/丧偶 93(35.9) 88(80, 97) 医疗付费方式 13.845b 0.001 新农合 95(36.6) 92(84, 99) 医保/公费 156(60.1) 85(78, 93) 自费 8(3.0) 94(90, 99) 家庭经济收入 14.509b 0.002 < 3 000元 85(32.8) 93(84, 99) 3 000~6 000元 100(38.6) 87(79, 95) 6 000~10 000元 54(20.8) 85(77, 92) >10 000元 20(7.72) 84(73, 92) 经济负担 13.593b 0.004 无 9(3.5) 75(70, 84) 轻 17(6.6) 83(78, 89) 中 84(32.4) 85(78, 97) 重 149(57.5) 90(84, 97) 透析类型 1.062b 0.588 血透 220(84.9) 87(79, 97) 腹透 29(11.1) 89(80, 96) 两者都有 10(3.9) 93(83, 103) 并发症 0.790a 0.374 有 197(76.0) 89(78, 95) 无 62(24.0) 87(81, 97) 注:a为Z值,b为H值。 表 4 肾移植受者年龄、透析时间、移植术后时间的疾病不确定感情况
项目 M(P25, P75) MUIS得分(x±s) rs值 P值 年龄(岁) 36(30, 43) 87.86±12.67 -0.009 0.874 透析时间(月) 12(6, 24) 87.86±12.67 0.223 0.721 移植术后时间(月) 15(7, 44) 87.86±12.67 -0.156 0.012 表 5 肾移植受者疾病不确定感与应对方式的相关性分析(r值)
应对方式 不明确性 复杂性 信息缺乏 不可预测性 总分 面对 -0.065 -0.103 -0.059 -0.062 -0.098 回避 0.087 -0.107 0.078 0.003 0.078 屈服 0.297a 0.131b 0.249a -0.012 0.320a 注:aP < 0.01, bP < 0.05。 -
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