Clinical characteristics and risk factors of heart failure patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation treatment
目的 探讨造血干细胞移植后心衰患者临床特征及危险因素,提高造血干细胞移植后心衰的早期识别和早期干预,改善患者预后。 方法 选取上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院2017年7月—2019年7月骨髓及外周造血干细胞移植患者200例纳入研究,依据患者术后1个月N末端B利钠肽前体值(NT-proBNP)及心衰症状分为心衰组(患者有心衰症状且NT-proBNP>125 pg/mL,45例)和非心衰组(155例),对2组患者临床特征及可能危险因素进行比较分析。 结果 造血干细胞移植后心衰发生率为22.50%;造血干细胞移植后发生心衰组患者的移植前NT-proBNP值、合并肺部感染率、脐带血联合外周血造血干细胞移植方式率、非全相合的配型率、是否为复发难治、环磷酰胺或蒽环类联合环磷酰胺的预处理方案率及抗胸腺细胞免疫球蛋白+环孢素的抗排斥方案选择率均高于非心衰组,血红蛋白值低于非心衰组,差异具有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);Logistic回归分析结果显示,移植前高NT-proBNP值、移植后1个月高NT-proBNP、合并肺部感染及脐带血联合造血干细胞移植方式为造血干细胞移植后心衰发生的独立危险因素(OR=1.184、1.154、1.091、0.217)。 结论 移植前高NT-proBNP值、移植后1个月高NT-proBNP、合并肺部感染及脐带血联合外周血造血干细胞移植方式是造血干细胞移植后心衰发生的独立危险因素,临床上应对此类患者给予特殊关注,早期干预,减少心衰发生,提高患者预后效果。 Abstract:Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and risk factors of patient with heart failure after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT), improve methods for the early recognition and intervention for patients with heart failure after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and improve the prognoses of patients. Methods From July 2017 to July 2019, a total of 200 cases of bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation were obtained. On the basis of the N terminal value of b-type natriuretic peptide precursor (NT-proBNP) and heart failure symptoms, patients were divided into the heart failure group (patients with symptoms of heart failure and the NT-proBNP>125 pg/mL) and heart failure group, and clinical features and possible risk factors of the patients in the two groups were compared. Results The incidence rate of heart failure after HSCT was 22.50%. The haematopoietic stem cell transplantation group before transplantation in patients with heart failure in the aftermath of the NT-proBNP value, pulmonary infection, cord blood combined rate of peripheral blood haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, not in all matches, whether for recurrence of the pretreatment of refractory, cyclophosphamide or anthracycline-based combined with cyclophosphamide solution rate and spore. The anti-thymocyte immunoglobulin+ring anti-rejection scheme selection rate was higher, and haemoglobin value of the haematopoietic stem cell transplantation group was lower than those of the heart failure group, the difference statistically significant (all P < 0.05); Logistic regression analysis showed a high NT-proBNP value before transplantation and high NT-proBNP value one month after transplantation, combined with pulmonary infection and umbilical cord blood combined with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation were independent risk factors for heart failure after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (OR=1.184, 1.154, 1.091, 0.217). Conclusion High NT-proBNP value before transplantation, high NT-proBNP value one month after transplantation, combined with pulmonary infection and umbilical cord blood combined with peripheral blood haematopoietic stem cell transplantation are independent risk factors for heart failure after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Special attention should be given to such patients in clinical practice for early intervention, reduction of the risk of heart failure and improvement of prognosis. -
表 1 2组骨髓及外周造血干细胞移植患者一般临床资料比较
(x ±s) 组别 例数 性别
(次/min)心衰组 45 23/22 32.32±11.63 74.12±22.13 1 132.12±215.26 200.36±12.32 55.62±12.01 83.43±11.02 84.36±12.02 非心衰组 155 85/70 31.95±12.83 29.52±15.20 56.23±15.20 201.25±15.26 54.98±10.85 96.52±6.05 83.98±11.04 统计量 0.195a 0.174b 12.679b 3.504b -0.403b 0.340b -7.641b 0.199b P值 0.659 0.862 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.688 0.734 < 0.001 0.842 组别 例数 收缩压
(mm Hg)舒张压(mm Hg) BMI 合并心脏瓣膜
病变(有/无,例)临床诊断(例) AML ALL MDS NHL 其它 心衰组 45 75.26±6.25 142.26±15.26 22.02±3.26 32/13 25/20 14 15 4 11 1 非心衰组 155 74.98±3.26 139.52±11.05 21.85±6.23 123/32 48/107 48 47 12 39 9 统计量 0.289b 0.132b 0.244b 1.359a 9.097a 0.558a P值 0.774 0.896 0.808 0.244 0.003 0.275 注:a为χ2值,b为t值。1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa。 表 2 2组骨髓及外周造血干细胞移植患者治疗相关指标比较
(例) 组别 例数 配型方式 造血干细胞来源 移植方式 自体 10/10相合 5/10相合 其他 无关供者 同胞 自体 Allo-PBSCT auto-PBSCT UCB-PBSCT 心衰组 45 4 21 9 11 15 20 10 22 19 4 非心衰组 155 35 94 9 17 35 100 20 101 17 37 χ2值 6.225 8.125 6.221 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.006 组别 例数 预处理方案 抗排斥方案 Bu-
MMF+ATG心衰组 45 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 13 15 11 6 非心衰组 155 12 12 26 18 15 42 30 32 52 26 45 χ2值 9.552 2.668 P值 < 0.001 0.029 表 3 造血干细胞移植后发生心衰的相关变量赋值
变量 赋值说明 移植前NT-proBNP值 < 120 pg/mL=0,≥120 pg/mL=1 移植后1个月NT-proBNP值 < 120 pg/mL=0,≥120 pg/mL=1 血红蛋白值 实际值 是否合并肺部感染 否=0,是=1 移植方式 Allo-PBSCT=0,auto-PBSCT=1,UCB-PBSCT=2,以Allo-PBSCT为对照进行哑变量化 配型方式 自体=0,10/10相合=1,5/10相合=2,其他=3,以自体为对照进行哑变量化 预处理方案 Bu-Cy-E=0,FLU-BU=1,PTCY=2,SEAM=3,BEAM=4,FLU-BU-MEL=5,CLAE续贯FLU-BU=6,以Bu-Cy-E为对照进行哑变量化 抗排斥方案 CsA+MTX=0,CsA+MTX+ATG=1,CsA+MTX+MMF=2,CsA+MTX+MMF+ATG=3,以CsA+MTX为对照进行哑变量化 表 4 OSAHS合并肝酶升高危险因素的logistic分析
变量 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR(95% CI) 移植前NT-proBNP值 0.186 0.397 13.893 < 0.001 1.184(1.127~2.982) 移植后1个月NT-proBNP值 0.154 0.255 10.221 < 0.001 1.132(1.010~2.335) 合并肺部感染 0.193 0.276 12.936 < 0.001 1.091(1.026~2.894) UCB-PBSCT移植 0.051 0.031 1.057 0.385 0.217(0.316~0.748) 常模 -6.223 2.012 -
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