Analysis of influencing factors and pregnancy outcomes of macrosomia among pregnant women with diabetes in a hospital in Zhengzhou City from 2014 to 2018
目的 对妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)巨大儿影响因素和妊娠结局进行分析,探讨降低GDM巨大儿的有效方法。 方法 将2014年1月—2018年12月郑州市某医院住院分娩的单胎GDM孕妇1 135例作为研究对象,分巨大儿组(体重≥4 000 g,175例)和非巨大儿组(体重 < 4 000 g,960例),进行回顾性分析。 结果 本研究中发生GDM巨大儿发生率为15.42%,与孕妇糖尿病家族史、孕前BMI、增长体重、空腹血糖存在关联(均P < 0.05)。GDM巨大儿组并发孕妇妊娠高血压,出现手术产、早产、新生儿低血糖、胎儿窘迫以及产后出血不良妊娠结局显著高于非GDM巨大儿组(均P < 0.05)。研究发现,GDM巨大儿出现新生儿低血糖的危险系数是非巨大儿的1.599倍(95% CI:0.938~2.726),发生妊娠高血压的危险系数是非巨大儿的1.756倍(95% CI:1.132~2.723),出现产后大出血的危险系数是非巨大儿的2.489倍(95% CI:1.385~4.471)。 结论 GDM巨大儿可增加手术产、早产、胎儿窘迫、妊娠高血压和产程中大出血等不良妊娠结局。因此对于有上述危险因素孕妇应尽早筛查口服葡萄糖耐量试验(oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT),改变传统饮食结构及不良生活方式,科学控制孕期体重增长及血糖水平,做好GDM孕妇孕期、产时及产褥期的全程护理干预,从而有效降低本地区GDM巨大儿发生率,减少不良妊娠结局风险。 Abstract:Objective To analyse the influencing factors and pregnancy outcomes of fetal macrosomia in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and discuss effective methods for reducing the incidence of this disease. Methods A total of 1 135 single pregnancy women with GDM who were admitted to Zhengzhou First People's Hospital from January 2014 to December 2018 were retrospectively analysed. They were divided into macrosomia group (175 cases with body weight of ≥4 000 g) and non-macrosomia group (960 cases with body weight of < 4 000 g). Results The incidence of GDM macrosomia was 15.42%, and this disease was found to be associated with family history of diabetes in pregnant women, pre-pregnancy BMI, gain too much pregnancy weight and high fasting blood glucose (all P < 0.05). The pregnant women in the macrosomia group were with a high incidence of gestational hypertension, surgical delivery and adverse pregnancy outcomes of premature delivery, neonatal hypoglycemia, fetal distress and postpartum haemorrhage, which were significantly higher than those in the non-GDM macrosomia group (all P < 0.05). The risk factors of neonatal hypoglycemia in the GDM macrosomia group was 1.599 times (95% CI: 0.938-2.726), 1.756 times (95% CI: 1.132-2.723) and 2.489 times (95% CI: 1.385-4.471) that in the non-macrosomia group. Conclusion GDM macrosomia can increase adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as surgery, preterm delivery, fetal distress, pregnancy hypertension and massive haemorrhage during labour. Pregnant women must be screened for oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), their traditional diet and lifestyle must be changed, their weight gain and increase in blood sugar levels during pregnancy must be strictly limited and nursing intervention should be implemented during the entire process of intrapartum and puerperium to control the risk factors of GDM. These steps can effectively reduce the incidence of GDM macrosomia and reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. -
Key words:
- Gestational diabetes mellitus /
- Macrosomia /
- Influencing factors /
- Outcome /
- Nursing intervention
表 1 2组新生儿一般资料(x ±s)
组别 例数 出生体重(kg) 出生身长(cm) 出生1分钟评分(分) 性别(例) 男 女 巨大儿组 175 4.29±0.28 52.92±1.30 8.89±0.40 110 65 非巨大儿组 960 3.24±0.51 49.97±3.26 8.82±0.56 550 410 统计量 38.730a 20.556a 2.085a 1.884b P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.038 0.170 注:a为t值,b为χ2值。 表 2 2组孕妇基本情况(x ±s)
组别 例数 年龄(岁) 分娩孕周(周) 产前腹围(cm) 孕前体重(kg) 分娩前体重(kg) FPG(mmol/L) 巨大儿组 175 30.91±4.78 38.88±1.16 110.72±8.25 66.36±11.45 82.43±11.50 5.81±1.35 非巨大儿组 960 31.33±5.04 38.00±2.15 104.74±7.58 61.11±10.44 75.28±10.94 5.35±0.99 t值 -1.025 7.941 9.457 6.025 7.892 4.302 P值 0.306 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 表 3 GDM巨大儿发生的单因素分析(例)
项目 类别 活产儿 巨大儿 非巨大儿 统计量 P值 年龄(岁) < 25 79 11 68 1.292a 0.256 25~35 730 120 610 ≥35 326 44 282 民族 汉族 1 116 173 943 0.349a 0.555 少数民族 19 2 17 文化程度 高中及以下 543 90 453 1.666a 0.197 大专或本科 311 48 263 本科以上 281 37 244 职业 工人 6 1 5 0.936a 0.333 农民 7 1 6 专业技术人员 88 17 71 经商 31 6 25 无业 1 003 150 853 孕前BMI < 18.5 77 3 74 28.644a < 0.001 18.5~24.0 568 68 500 24.0~28.0 341 65 276 ≥28.0 149 39 110 增长体重(kg) < 12.5 432 47 385 21.374a < 0.001 12.5~18.0 429 65 364 ≥18.0 274 63 211 孕次 初次 303 43 260 3.918a 0.789 2次及以上 832 132 700 产次 初产 465 72 393 0.245a 0.621 经产 670 103 567 不良妊娠史 有 78 13 65 0.100a 0.752 无 1 057 162 895 糖尿病家族史 有 123 27 96 4.441a 0.035 无 1 012 148 864 干预治疗 饮食干预 1 104 169 935 0.373a 0.541 胰岛素治疗 31 6 25 FPG(x±s,mmol/L) 1 135 5.81±1.35 5.35±0.99 4.302b < 0.001 OGTT 1 h(x±s,mmol/L) 1 135 9.79±1.86 9.28±1.87 3.326b 0.001 OGTT 2 h(x±s,mmol/L) 1 135 7.99±1.99 7.82±2.05 0.986b 0.325 注:a为χ2值,b为t值。 表 4 GDM巨大儿发生多因素logistic回归分析
变量 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 糖尿病家族史 0.497 0.254 1.634 0.049 1.354 1.009~2.672 孕前BMI -0.728 0.185 15.244 < 0.001 2.071 1.483~2.893 增长体重 -0.095 0.017 26.305 < 0.001 1.302 1.652~2.939 FPG -0.470 0.242 3.778 0.050 1.599 0.996~2.568 OGTT1 h -0.086 0.049 3.035 0.081 0.918 0.833~1.011 注:变量赋值,是否有糖尿病家族史,否=0,是=1;孕前BMI, < 18.5=0,18.5~24.0=1,24.0~28.0=2,≥28.0=3;孕期增重, < 12.5 kg=0,12.5~18.0 kg=1,≥18.0 kg=2;FPG≥5.1 mmol/L,否=0,是=1;OGTT 1 h≥10.0 mmol/L,否=0,是=1。 表 5 GDM妊娠结局的单因素分析(例)
变量 活产儿 巨大儿 非巨大儿 χ2值 P值 手术产 剖宫产 799 137 662 6.093 0.014 顺产 336 38 298 妊娠高血压 是 170 35 135 4.051 0.044 否 965 140 825 产后出血 是 65 19 46 9.540 0.002 否 1 070 156 914 胎儿窘迫 是 175 11 164 12.068 0.001 否 960 164 796 早产 是 145 3 142 15.198 < 0.001 否 990 172 818 新生儿低血糖 是 107 24 83 4.429 0.035 否 1 028 151 877 新生儿黄疸 是 657 102 555 3.944 0.047 否 478 73 405 表 6 GDM妊娠结局多因素logistic回归分析
变量 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 手术产 -0.445 0.202 4.842 0.028 0.641 0.431~0.953 妊娠高血压 0.563 0.224 6.322 0.012 1.756 1.132~2.723 产后出血 0.912 0.299 9.297 0.002 2.489 1.385~4.471 早产 -2.238 0.601 13.848 < 0.001 0.107 0.033~0.347 胎儿窘迫 -0.814 0.334 5.957 0.015 0.443 0.230~0.852 新生儿低血糖 0.470 0.272 2.978 0.084 1.599 0.938~2.726 注:变量赋值,是否有手术产,否=0,是=1;是否有妊娠高血压,否=0,是=1;是否有产后出血,否=0,是=1;是否有早产,否=0,是=1;是否有胎儿窘迫,否=0,是=1;是否有新生儿低血糖,否=0,是=1。 -
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