Application of cluster nursing management to the treatment of orthopaedic trauma with infection through vacuum sealing drainage
目的 探讨集束化护理管理在负压引流术治疗骨科创伤感染患者中的应用效果,为临床护理提供新的依据和方法。 方法 选择2019年7月—2020年7月于中国人民武装警察部队海警总队医院骨科住院治疗的创伤感染患者150例,按照便利抽样法将其分为干预组和对照组,每组75例。对照组患者给予常规护理,干预组在对照组的基础上实施预防骨科创伤感染的集束化护理管理。比较2组患者负压封闭引流术(VSD)失败率、创口愈合时间、负性情绪症状、疼痛情况以及护理满意度。 结果 干预组VSD失败率为8.00%,对照组为20.00%,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预组患者创口愈合时间显著短于对照组(P<0.05);干预前,2组患者SDS、SAS评分及VAS评分比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05);干预后,干预组患者SDS、SAS评分显著低于对照组(P<0.05);干预组患者VAS评分为(2.11±0.97)分,显著低于对照组[(4.22±1.02)分,P<0.05];干预组患者护理满意度为96.00%,显著高于对照组(66.66%,P<0.05)。 结论 实施预防骨科创伤感染的集束化护理管理可以有效改善行VSD治疗的骨科创伤感染患者治疗效果。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the application of cluster nursing management to the treatment of orthopaedic trauma patients with infection through vacuum sealing drainage and provide novel methods for clinical nursing. Methods A total of 150 patients with trauma infection who were hospitalized in the Department of Orthopaedics of The Coast Guard Headquarters Hospital of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force from July 2019 to July 2020 were divided into the intervention and control groups with a convenience sampling method. Each group included 75 patients. Both groups received VSD treatment, but the control group received routine care, whereas the intervention group was subjected to cluster nursing management preventing orthopaedic trauma. VSD failure rate, wound healing time, negative emotional symptoms (depression and anxiety self-rating scale, SDS/SAS), pain (visual analogue scale, VAS) and nursing satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results The VSD failure rate in the intervention group was 8.00%, which was significantly lower than that in the control group (20.00%; P < 0.05). Wound healing time in the intervention group was significantly shorter than that in the control group (P < 0.05) before the intervention, and no significant changes in the SDS, SAS and VAS scores of the intervention group (P>0.05) were found after the intervention. The SDS and SAS scores of the intervention group were significantly lower than those of the control group (P < 0.05) after treatment. The VAS scores of patients in the intervention group were significantly lower than those in the control group [(2.11±0.97) points vs. (4.22±1.02) points; P < 0.05]. Nursing satisfaction rate was 96.00% in the intervention group, significantly higher than that of the control group (66.66%; P < 0.05). Conclusion The implementation of cluster nursing management to prevent infection in patients with orthopaedic trauma can effectively improve the therapeutic effect of VSD treatment. -
Key words:
- Preventive nursing /
- Cluster nursing /
- Orthopaedic trauma /
- Infection /
- Negative pressure drainage
表 1 2组骨科创伤感染患者VSD治疗失败率比较[例(%)]
组别 例数 引流管堵塞 引流不畅 半透膜密闭不严 负压值过小 失败率(%) 对照组 75 6(8.00) 4(5.33) 2(2.67) 3(4.00) 20.00 干预组 75 3(4.00) 1(1.33) 1(1.33) 1(1.33) 8.00 注:2组失败率比较,χ2=4.485,P=0.034。 表 2 2组骨科创伤感染患者SAS、SDS评分比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 SAS SDS 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 对照组 75 52.24±7.43 47.67±3.21a 55.67±5.68 48.58±3.55a 干预组 75 53.75±7.52 42.27±1.37a 55.71±5.73 41.06±2.48a t值 1.237 13.399 0.043 15.039 P值 0.218 <0.001 0.966 <0.001 注:与干预前比较,aP<0.05。 表 3 2组骨科创伤感染患者VAS评分比较(x ±s,分)
组别 例数 干预前 治疗后 t值 P值 对照组 75 5.14±1.21 4.22±1.02 5.035 <0.001 干预组 75 5.21±1.24 2.11±0.97 17.053 <0.001 t值 0.351 12.982 P值 0.727 <0.001 表 4 2组骨科创伤感染患者护理满意度比较[例(%)]
组别 例数 十分满意 满意 一般 不满意 满意度 对照组 75 30(40.00) 20(26.67) 19(25.33) 6(8.00) 50(66.66) 干预组 75 51(68.00) 21(28.00) 3(4.00) 0(0.00) 72(96.00) 注:2组满意度比较,χ2=21.253,P<0.001。 -
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