Analysis of the related factors of the invasion depth of gastric cancer in middle-aged and elderly patients
目的 研究中老年早期胃癌浸润深度与临床病理特征的相关性,探讨早期胃癌浸润深度的相关危险因素及其与淋巴结转移的关系。 方法 回顾分析2013年1月—2019年12月,六安市人民医院普通外科收治的110例中老年早期胃癌患者的临床及病理资料,分析早期胃癌浸润深度和淋巴结转移与各临床病理特征的关系,采用logistic回归模型分析早期胃癌浸润深度及淋巴结转移的独立危险因素。 结果 110例患者中有54例肿瘤局限在黏膜层,其中53例无淋巴结转移,1例有淋巴结转移,56例肿瘤侵及黏膜下层,其中44例无淋巴结转移,12例有淋巴结转移。单因素分析表明,浸润深度不同的2组性别(P=0.739)、年龄(P=0.336)、大体分型(P=0.815)、肿瘤位置(P=0.410)、分化程度(P=0.519)、脉管癌栓(P=0.057)及神经侵犯(P=0.243)比较差异无统计学意义;肿瘤大小≥2 cm(P=0.005)及有淋巴结转移(P=0.001)的患者肿瘤侵及黏膜下层的比例高于黏膜层。多因素logistic分析结果显示肿瘤大小(P=0.016)为早期胃癌浸润深度的独立影响因素,进一步分析发现浸润深度(P=0.044)是早期胃癌淋巴结转移的独立影响因素。 结论 中老年早期胃癌浸润深度与肿瘤大小相关,肿瘤直径≥2 cm更容易出现肿瘤浸润黏膜下层,发生淋巴结转移的风险越大,建议临床上对于肿瘤直径≥2 cm且侵犯黏膜下层的早期胃癌患者选择内镜黏膜下剥离术和根治胃癌切除术时缩小手术清扫范围需谨慎对待。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the correlation between the depth of infiltration of early gastric cancer (EGC) and clinicopathological features in middle-aged and elderly patients, and to explore the risk factors for the depth of infiltration of EGC and its relationship with lymph node metastasis (LNM). Methods The clinicopathological data of 110 patients with EGC admitted to the General Surgery Department of Lu'An Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from January 2013 to December 2019 were retrospectively collected. The relationship between the infiltration depth, LNM and clinicopathological features were analyzed. A logistic regression model was used to analyze the independent risk factors for the infiltration depth and LNM. Results Of the 110 patients, 54 had tumors confined to the mucosal layer, of which 53 patients had no LNMs and 1 had LNMs, and 56 had tumors invading the submucosal layer, of which 44 patients had no LNMs and 12 patients had LNMs. Univariate analysis showed no statistically significant differences between the two groups with different depth of infiltration in terms of gender (P=0.739), age (P=0.336), gross type classification (P=0.815), tumor location (P=0.410), differentiation (P=0.519), vascular invasion (P=0.057) and perineural invasion (P=0.243). Patients with tumor size ≥2 cm (P=0.005) and LNM (P=0.001) had a higher proportion of tumors invading the submucosa than those confined to the mucosal layer. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that tumor size (P=0.016) was an independent influence on the depth of infiltration of EGC, and further analysis revealed that the depth of infiltration (P=0.044) was an independent influence on LNM of EGC. Conclusion Tumor size was the independent risk factor of the tumor invasive depth. EGC with a tumor size of ≥2 cm may be more likely to have tumor invasion of the submucosal layer and a greater risk of LNM. It is recommended that the middle-aged and elderly patients with EGC whose tumor diameter is ≥2 cm and invades the submucosal layer should be careful when choosing endoscopic submucosal dissection or radical gastrectomy with inadequate lymph node dissection. -
表 1 中老年早期胃癌浸润深度相关因素的单因素分析(例)
因素 例数 黏膜层组(n=54) 黏膜下层组(n=56) χ2值 P值 性别 0.111 0.739 男性 87 42 45 女性 23 12 11 年龄(岁) 0.925 0.336 < 60 32 18 14 ≥60 78 36 42 大体分型 0.408 0.815 隆起型 5 2 3 平坦型 34 18 16 凹陷型 71 34 37 肿瘤位置 1.781 0.410 胃上1/3 20 8 12 胃中1/3 13 5 8 胃下1/3 77 41 36 肿瘤大小 7.903 0.005 < 2 cm 69 41 28 ≥2 cm 41 13 28 淋巴结转移 10.110 0.001 无 97 53 44 有 13 1 12 分化程度 0.416 0.519 未分化型 14 8 6 分化型 96 46 50 脉管癌栓 5.051 0.057 无 106 54 52 有 4 0 4 神经侵犯 2.974 0.243 无 107 54 53 有 3 0 3 表 2 中老年早期胃癌浸润深度的多因素logistic分析
因素 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 肿瘤大小(1) -1.049 0.434 5.833 0.016 0.350 0.149~0.821 淋巴结转移(1) -1.789 1.111 2.594 0.107 0.167 0.019~1.474 注:自变量赋值如下,淋巴结转移(无=1;有=0);肿瘤大小(< 2 cm=1;≥2 cm=0);浸润深度(黏膜层=1;黏膜下层=0)。 表 3 中老年早期胃癌淋巴结转移多因素logistic分析
因素 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 浸润深度(1) -2.219 1.102 4.051 0.044 0.109 0.013~0.943 肿瘤大小(1) -1.132 0.609 3.457 0.063 0.322 0.098~1.063 注:分类变量编码如下,浸润深度(黏膜层=1;黏膜下层=0);肿瘤大小(< 2 cm=1;≥2 cm=0)。 -
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