Effect of different binders on bond strength and durability of fibre post
目的 探讨不同条件下不同树脂粘结剂对纤维桩粘结强度的影响。 方法 选取2018年7月—2019年12月间在蚌埠医学院第一附属医院口腔科因正畸需要拔除的160颗单根管前磨牙作为研究对象。经过完善的根管治疗,再进行桩道预备后按照随机数表法分成A、B、C、D四组,每组40颗。每组分别采用不同粘结剂处理桩道,A组采用第六代可乐丽粘结剂,B组采用第八代3M粘结剂,C组采用第八代BISCO粘结剂,D组采用第八代Kerr粘结剂;将玻璃纤维桩粘结于根管内,包埋后用慢速金刚石切割机垂直于牙长轴将每颗牙在牙根颈部切取一个厚1 mm片段,作为实验试件;每组又平均分成两小组,即推出实验组和冷热循环实验组,每组20颗,测试不同条件下,记录不同粘结剂对粘结强度产生的影响。最后在体视显微镜下观察标本的断裂情况。 结果 4种粘结剂在薄片推出实验中粘结强度比较差异有统计学意义(F=110.854,P < 0.001),其中D组粘结强度最高[(28.04±3.18)MPa],A组粘结强度最低[(15.15±2.62)MPa]。4种粘结剂在冷热循环实验中粘结度比较发现差异有统计学意义(F=82.630,P < 0.001),其中D组粘结强度最高[(24.12±2.47)MPa],A组粘结强度最低[(14.29±2.11)MPa],4组薄片推出实验和冷热循环实验在粘结剂断裂方式方面比较差异均无统计学意义(χ2=2.906、3.593,P=0.820、0.731)。 结论 不同粘结剂对纤维桩粘结强度差异显著,其中第八代Kerr粘结剂粘结强度最高。 Abstract:Objective To discuss the influence of different resin binders on bond strength of fibre pile under different conditions. Methods Total 160 single-canal premolars that needed to be extracted for orthodontic treatment in the Department of Stomatology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from July 2018 to December 2019 were selected as the research objects. After completing root canal therapy, root canal preparation was followed by cold pressure filling. Then, post-canal preparation was conducted and then divided into four A, B, C, D groups according to the random number table method (with 40 pieces in each group). Each group was treated with different binder. Group A was bonded with the sixth generation of Kelloli binder, group B was bonded with the eighth generation of 3M binder, group C was bonded with the eighth generation of BISCO binder, and group D was bonded with the eighth generation of Kerr binder. A 1-mm-thick segment of each tooth was cut in the root neck with a low-speed diamond cutting machine perpendicular to the tooth's long axis, which was used as the experimental specimen. Each group was divided into two groups, namely, the experimental group and the hot and cold cycle experimental group (with 20 pieces in each group). Under different conditions, the influence of different binders on the bond strength was tested and recorded. Finally, the fracture of the specimen was observed under a microscope. Results Statistically significant differences were observed in the bond degree of the four kinds of binders in the sheet pull-out test (F=110.854, P < 0.001). Amongst them, the bond degree of group D [(28.04±3.18) MPa] was the largest, and that of group A [(15.15±2.62) MPa] was the lowest. Statistically significant differences were observed amongst the four kinds of adhesive bonding degree in the hot and cold cycle experiments (F=82.630, P < 0.001). Amongst them, the bond strength of group D was the highest [(24.12±2.47) MPa], and group A had the lowest bond strength [(14. 29±2.11) MPa], and there was no significant difference in the distribution of fracture mode among the four groups (χ2=2.906, 3.593, P=0.820, 0.731). Conclusion The bond strength of fibre piles varies significantly amongst different binders, and the eighth generation of Kerr binder has the highest bond strength. -
Key words:
- Binder /
- Fibre post /
- Bonding strength /
- Durability
表 1 不同粘结剂在薄片推出实验粘结强度和断裂方式比较
组别 例数 粘结强度(x±s,MPa) 断裂方式(例) 纤维桩/粘结剂 根管壁/粘结剂 混合断裂 A组 20 15.15±2.62 17 2 1 B组 20 16.71±2.21 14 4 2 C组 20 22.98±2.27ab 16 2 2 D组 20 28.04±3.18abc 17 1 2 统计量 110.854d 2.906e P值 < 0.001 0.820 注:与A组比较,aP < 0.05;与B组比较,bP < 0.05;与C组比较,cP < 0.05。d为F值,e为χ2值。 表 2 不同粘结剂在冷热循环实验粘结强度和断裂方式比较
组别 例数 粘结强度(x±s,MPa) 断裂方式(例) 纤维桩/粘结剂 根管壁/粘结剂 混合断裂 A组 20 14.29±2.11 17 2 1 B组 20 15.02±1.99 13 4 3 C组 20 19.36±2.33ab 17 2 1 D组 20 24.12±2.47abc 17 2 1 统计量 82.630d 3.593e P值 < 0.001 0.731 注:与A组比较,aP < 0.05;与B组比较,bP < 0.05;与C组比较,cP < 0.05。d为F值,e为χ2值。 -
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