Analysis of health status and differences among white-collar workers in one street in Shanghai city
目的 研究白领人群整体健康状况及影响其健康状况的主要因素。 方法 在上海市北外滩辖区内随机选定8座楼宇开展问卷调查,共发放问卷1 040份,回收有效问卷993份。通过对调查结果的整理,本文检验了不同人口特征对于白领人群3种健康状况的影响,包括慢性病患病状况、焦虑状况以及自评健康。 结果 白领人群患有慢性疾病的占总体13.71%;有焦虑症状的占总体33.55%;自评健康结果以“一般”居多,为48.43%,“比较好”次之,为32.73%。随年龄增长白领人群慢性病患病率越高(P < 0.05),从事“商业、服务业人员”以及“专业技术员”的白领人群慢性患病率高于其他职业类型人群; 教育水平越高白领人群心理健康状态越趋近于良好(P < 0.05),社会医疗保险覆盖人群心理健康状况也优于未覆盖人群(P < 0.05);女性白领人群自评健康状况优于男性(P < 0.05),教育水平越高自评健康结果也趋近于更好(P < 0.05),已婚白领人群自评健康结果优于未婚人群(P < 0.05),社会医疗保险覆盖人群自评健康结果也优于未覆盖人群(P < 0.05)。 结论 白领人群健康状况因职业性质特殊具有特异性,年龄、性别、职业内容、教育水平、婚姻状况、社会医疗保险是影响白领人群健康状况的重要因素,应建立白领人群适合的特殊基层医疗体系,从而改善白领人群生理、心理的整体健康水平。 Abstract:Objective To learn the general health status of white-collar workers and its affecting factors. Methods A survey was conducted using questionnaire among the White-collar workers who works in work building in Beiwaitan Street in Shanghai city. A total of 1 040 questionnaires were distributed, and overall 993 valid questionnaires were returned. Based on the results, this article examined the effect of different population characteristics on the health status of white-collar workers, including the prevalence of chronic disease, anxiety status and self-rated health. Results Prevalence of chronic disease among the surveyed subjects was 13.71%, and the prevalence of people with anxiety disorder accounted for 33.55% of the total. As for the results of self-rated health, the majority of the subjects noted average condition, which made up 48.43% of the total, and those who noted relatively good made up 32.73%, taking the second place. According to the results, the prevalence rate of chronic disease seemed to increase gradually with age (P < 0.05), and the subjects who worked as service personnel and professional technicians were more likely to suffer from chronic diseases (P < 0.05). The higher the level of education of white-collar workers, the better the status of mental health (P < 0.05), and the anxiety disorders appeared less for workers who had social medical insurance. Furthermore, the results showed that women's self-rated health was better than men's (P < 0.05), and those with a higher education level seemed to have better results for this part (P < 0.05). Married workers and those who had social medical insurance were more likely to have better results of self-rated health (P < 0.05). Conclusion The health status of white-collar workers has occupational specificity.The age, gender, professional type, education level received, marriage status and whether or not the workers have social medical insurance can all be regarded as the important factors affecting their health status. A basic medical system which is especially suitable for the white-collar workers should be established or improved to promote their general physiological and mental health statuses. -
表 1 白领人群慢性病患病状况的相关性分析[例(%)]
项目 类别 慢性病患病状况 χ2值 P值 是 否 不清楚 性别 男性 58(13.36) 348(80.18) 28(6.45) 4.398 0.111 女性 70(13.94) 381(75.90) 51(10.16) 年龄段(岁) 18~29 26(8.50) 245(80.07) 35(11.44) 29.964 < 0.001 30~39 83(14.43) 449(78.09) 43(7.48) 40~59 20(33.33) 37(61.67) 3(5.00) 户籍 上海户籍 100(13.79) 568(78.34) 57(7.86) 1.437 0.488 非上海户籍 29(14.36) 152(75.25) 21(10.40) 教育水平 初中及以下 3(8.57) 32(91.43) 0(0.00) 19.176 < 0.001 高中 26(24.30) 71(66.36) 10(9.35) 大专 37(14.62) 197(77.87) 19(7.51) 大学本科 50(11.09) 360(79.82) 41(9.09) 研究生 11(14.10) 58(74.36) 9(11.54) 婚姻状况 未婚 37(9.79) 303(80.16) 38(10.05) 9.061 0.060 已婚 77(16.08) 368(76.83) 34(7.10) 其他 9(15.00) 45(75.00) 6(10.00) 社会医疗保险 是 111(14.36) 597(77.23) 65(8.41) 2.524 0.283 否 11(9.09) 100(82.64) 10(8.26) 职业 国家单位、党群组织、企业、事业单位负责人 15(10.34) 122(84.14) 8(5.52) 16.153 0.040 专业技术员 27(16.17) 128(76.65) 12(7.19) 办事人员和有关人员 22(13.50) 130(79.75) 11(6.75) 商业、服务业人员 25(17.36) 97(67.36) 22(15.28) 其他 21(13.64) 117(75.97) 16(10.39) 收入(万/年) 0~10 49(18.99) 184(71.32) 25(9.69) 8.088 0.080 10~20 50(12.85) 314(80.72) 25(6.43) 20~ 16(14.68) 86(78.90) 7(6.42) 签约家庭医生 签约 20(14.81) 104(77.04) 11(8.15) 0.260 0.878 未签约 104(13.33) 607(77.82) 69(8.85) 注:入户调查由调查员上门进行问卷发放与收集,存在部分变量的缺失情况。在数据处理过程中,研究的核心因变量不缺失的情况下,对观测值进行了保留。 表 2 白领人群焦虑状况的相关性分析[例(%)]
项目 类别 焦虑症状 χ2值 P值 正常 轻度焦虑 中度焦虑 重度焦虑 性别 男性 279(65.49) 101(23.71) 36(8.45) 10(2.35) 0.481 0.923 女性 335(67.54) 110(22.18) 39(7.86) 12(2.42) 年龄段(岁) 18~29 213(70.53) 60(19.87) 21(6.95) 8(2.65) 12.282 0.056 30~39 377(65.91) 136(23.78) 46(8.04) 13(2.27) 40~59 26(49.06) 17(32.08) 9(16.98) 1(1.89) 户籍 上海户籍 475(66.25) 167(23.29) 59(8.23) 16(2.23) 0.159 0.984 非上海户籍 133(67.17) 44(22.22) 16(8.08) 5(2.53) 教育水平 初中及以下 20(60.61) 12(36.36) 1(3.03) 0(0.00) 26.942 0.008 高中 61(58.65) 30(28.85) 11(10.58) 2(1.92) 大专 150(60.24) 74(29.72) 16(6.43) 9(3.61) 大学本科 323(72.42) 76(17.04) 37(8.30) 10(2.24) 研究生 50(65.79) 17(22.37) 8(19.53) 1(1.32) 婚姻状况 未婚 239(63.23) 97(25.66) 34(8.99) 8(2.12) 5.533 0.477 已婚 322(68.22) 101(21.40) 36(7.63) 13(2.75) 其他 43(75.44) 9(15.79) 4(7.02) 1(1.75) 社会医疗保险 是 521(68.55) 167(21.97) 56(7.37) 16(2.11) 16.178 0.001 否 59(50.00) 39(33.05) 16(13.56) 4(3.39) 职业 国家单位、党群组织、企业、事业单位负责人 93(67.39) 35(25.36) 8(5.80) 2(1.45) 14.468 0.272 专业技术员 108(66.26) 35(21.47) 13(7.98) 7(4.29) 办事人员和有关人员 117(75.00) 28(17.95) 9(5.77) 2(1.28) 商业、服务业人员 94(64.38) 32(21.92) 16(10.96) 4(2.74) 其他 106(70.20) 36(23.84) 8(5.30) 1(0.66) 收入(万/年) 0~10 163(65.46) 65(26.10) 15(6.02) 6(2.41) 4.729 0.579 10~20 262(66.16) 93(23.48) 30(7.58) 11(2.78) 20~ 67(63.21) 24(22.64) 13(12.26) 2(1.89) 签约家庭医生 签约 90(68.70) 31(23.66) 6(4.58) 4(3.05) 2.739 0.434 未签约 516(66.84) 171(22.15) 67(8.68) 18(2.33) 表 3 白领人群自评健康状况的相关性分析[例(%)]
项目 类别 自评健康状况 χ2值 P值 非常差 比较差 一般 比较好 非常好 性别 男性 15(3.25) 80(17.35) 208(45.12) 136(29.50) 22(4.77) 24.130 < 0.001 女性 11(2.11) 44(8.45) 266(51.06) 186(35.70) 14(2.69) 年龄段(岁) 18~29 10(3.17) 42(13.33) 139(44.13) 113(35.87) 11(3.49) 6.023 0.645 30~39 14(2.31) 75(12.40) 301(49.75) 191(31.57) 24(3.97) 40~59 2(2.99) 7(10.45) 38(56.72) 19(28.36) 1(1.49) 户籍 上海户籍 20(2.61) 93(12.14) 375(48.96) 252(32.90) 26(3.39) 1.929 0.749 非上海户籍 6(2.90) 31(14.98) 94(45.41) 67(32.37) 9(4.35) 教育水平 初中及以下 3(7.50) 20(50.00) 9(22.50) 7(17.50) 1(2.50) 115.378 < 0.001 高中 10(8.62) 24(20.69) 54(46.55) 26(22.41) 2(1.72) 大专 5(1.90) 33(12.55) 146(55.51) 72(27.38) 7(2.66) 大学本科 6(1.29) 40(8.58) 226(48.50) 175(37.55) 19(4.08) 研究生 2(2.41) 3(3.61) 35(42.17) 37(44.58) 6(7.23) 婚姻状况 未婚 17(4.31) 66(16.75) 177(44.92) 119(30.20) 15(3.81) 23.374 0.003 已婚 7(1.39) 47(9.36) 259(51.59) 173(34.46) 16(3.19) 其他 2(3.08) 8(12.31) 28(43.08) 22(33.85) 5(7.69) 社会医疗保险 是 17(2.12) 91(11.33) 401(49.94) 274(34.12) 20(2.49) 19.437 0.001 否 4(3.15) 25(19.69) 53(41.73) 35(27.56) 10(7.87) 职业 国家单位、党群组织、企业、事业单位负责人 5(3.29) 25(16.45) 71(46.71) 48(31.58) 3(1.97) 22.025 0.142 专业技术员 8(4.60) 29(16.67) 68(39.08) 62(35.63) 7(4.02) 办事人员和有关人员 3(1.79) 12(7.14) 84(50.00) 58(34.52) 11(6.55) 商业、服务业人员 3(1.95) 18(11.69) 77(50.00) 51(33.12) 5(3.25) 其他 3(1.86) 16(9.94) 84(52.17) 50(31.06) 8(4.97) 收入(万/年) 0~10 8(2.92) 36(13.14) 127(46.35) 91(33.21) 12(4.38) 8.086 0.425 10~20 11(2.67) 65(15.78) 195(47.33) 123(29.85) 18(4.37) 20~ 1(0.90) 9(8.11) 53(47.75) 44(39.64) 4(3.60) 签约家庭医生 签约 7(4.86) 22(15.28) 61(42.36) 51(35.42) 3(2.08) 6.312 0.177 未签约 19(2.34) 96(11.84) 396(48.83) 269(33.17) 31(3.82) -
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