Young and middle-aged people's awareness of family doctor building services and influencing factor analysis
目的 调研上海市北外滩街道辖区内楼宇工作白领人群(中青年)对家庭医生楼宇服务的认知现状,并分析其影响因素。 方法 在北外滩辖区内随机抽取8个楼宇发放自制问卷,共发放问卷1 040份,回收有效问卷993份,并采用基于最大似然估计的回归分析对楼宇服务影响因素进行筛选分析。 结果 (1) 本次调研样本人群总体代表性良好,样本特征比较符合当前上海市中青年人群总体状况; (2)本次被调研人群对“家庭医生楼宇服务”这一全新服务模式的知晓情况较差,仅有4人(0.05%)完全了解这种全新服务模式,仅有3人(0.03%)非常熟悉家庭医生楼宇服务内容; (3)在楼宇服务模式的认知方面,家庭医生签约与否、户籍、自身健康状况了解程度和体检频率在不同类别人群中差异有统计学意义; (4)在楼宇服务内容的认知方面,家庭医生签约与否、性别、年龄、户籍、受教育水平、收入、自身健康状况了解程度、自我健康感知和体检频率在不同类别人群中差异有统计学意义。 结论 被调研人群整体上对家庭医生楼宇服务模式的认知度偏低,对服务内容了解程度较差,集中体现在健康需求相对更低和卫生服务利用率低的人群中。被调研人群对自身健康状况了解程度越高,更倾向于接受更多健康服务信息,对楼宇服务模式的认知程度越高。 -
- 家庭医生楼宇服务模式 /
- 认知分析 /
- 影响因素分析
Abstract:Objective To provide a policy reference that can fully implement the system of contracted family doctor services by investigating a survey to the new mode of family doctor building service. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey the white-collar workers from the eight buildings in Beiwaitan Street in Shanghai which were selected randomly. Among 1 040 questionnaires which were distributed, 993 valid questionnaires were recovered. The influencing factors of building services were analysed by maximum likelihood estimation. Results The sample in this survey was good and in line with the current overall situation of young and middle-aged people in Shanghai. The cognition of building services was poor, only four interviewees (response rate was 0.04%) fully understood this new service pattern and only three interviewees (response rate was 0.03%) were acquainted with the service content entirely. Regarding awareness of building services, statistical differences were observed (P < 0.05) among different groups in family doctor contract, household registration, degree of understanding of their own health status and frequency of physical examination. In terms of building service content, statistically significant differences were noted among different groups of people in family doctor contract, gender, age, household register, education level, income, understanding of their own health status, self-health perception and frequency of physical examination. Conclusion The surveyed people with relatively lower health demand and lower utilisation rate of health service have a lower awareness of family doctor building service pattern and the service content. The higher the understanding of their own health status, the more likely they are to accept more health service information and the higher is their awareness of family doctor building service pattern. -
表 1 北外滩街道楼宇抽样人群基本人口特征
项目 类别 例数 百分比(%) 性别 男性 465 47.06 女性 523 52.94 年龄(岁) 18~29 316 31.82 30~49 610 61.43 49~59 67 6.75 户籍 上海户籍 772 78.86 非上海户籍 207 21.14 教育水平 初中及以下 41 4.21 高中 118 12.11 大专 264 27.10 大学本科 468 48.05 研究生 83 8.52 婚姻状况 未婚 397 41.05 已婚 505 52.22 其他 65 6.72 社会医疗保险 是 804 31.82 否 127 61.43 注:性别、户籍、教育水平、婚姻状况、社会医疗保险量有少许缺失。本研究认知是重要变量,因此除认知以外变量的个位数缺失并没有进行观测值删除。 表 2 北外滩街道楼宇抽样人群对家庭医生楼宇服务的认知现状
认知程度 概念认知 服务内容认知 应答人数 百分比(%) 应答人数 百分比(%) 完全不了解 218 25.20 215 24.71 不太了解 340 39.31 276 31.72 一般 217 25.09 240 27.59 比较了解 86 9.94 136 15.63 非常了解 4 0.46 3 0.34 合计 865 870 表 3 家庭医生楼宇服务认知的影响因素分析
项目 概念认知 服务内容认知 OR值 P值 OR值 P值 性别(Ref.=女性) 1.117 0.443 1.449 0.010 年龄组(Ref.=18~29岁) 30~39岁 0.971 0.860 0.941 0.716 40~59岁 0.604 0.167 0.328 0.002 户籍(Ref.=非上海户籍) 2.041 <0.001 1.920 <0.001 教育水平(Ref.=初中及以下) 高中 1.339 0.501 0.465 0.091 大专 1.321 0.503 0.427 0.048 本科 1.530 0.298 0.392 0.028 硕士及以上 0.884 0.790 0.253 0.004 婚姻状况(Ref.=未婚) 已婚 1.191 0.262 0.996 0.979 其他 1.688 0.087 1.362 0.310 收入阶层(Ref.=极低阶层) 偏低阶层 1.235 0.468 1.082 0.785 中等阶层 1.369 0.276 1.432 0.215 偏高阶层 2.064 0.081 3.881 0.002 极高阶层 5.106 0.175 3.889 0.239 社会医疗保险(Ref.=无) 0.804 0.324 0.732 0.156 了解自身健康状况(Ref.=完全不了解) 不太了解 2.666 0.123 3.000 0.078 一般了解 5.629 0.004 9.520 <0.001 比较了解 7.620 0.001 13.547 <0.001 非常了解 6.719 0.008 5.610 0.014 自评健康(Ref.=非常差) 比较差 1.790 0.336 2.344 0.147 一般 1.726 0.355 1.627 0.393 比较好 2.494 0.128 2.181 0.179 非常好 2.100 0.295 3.863 0.048 体检频率(Ref.=从不体检) 4~5年1次 0.893 0.833 1.344 0.570 2~3年1次 1.914 0.097 1.871 0.097 1年1次 2.262 0.033 2.125 0.041 1年2次及以上 2.916 0.019 3.680 0.004 签约家庭医生(Ref.=否) 3.006 <0.001 2.845 <0.001 是否曾经社区就医 1.177 0.159 1.106 0.406 -
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