Effect of the four-linkage health education model on the self-management efficacy of pregnant women
目的 探讨“四联动”孕产期健康教育模式对孕妇自我效能管理的影响。 方法 选择2018年11月—2019年8月宁波市鄞州人民医院收入的130例孕妇作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分成观察组和对照组,每组各65例。对照组采用传统的大班课形式以说教为主的单向传播方式的社区教育,观察组建立一种以“医院-社区-家庭-孕妇”四联动的新健康教育模式,按设计好的培训计划对孕妇实施课程培训。比较2组孕产妇在入组时和培训后的分娩自我效能及母乳喂养自我效能,比较2组初产妇的分娩结局。 结果 对照组培训前后分娩自我效能自身前后比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.954,P>0.05);而母乳喂养自我效能自身前后比较,差异有统计学意义(t=135.630,P < 0.001)。观察组培训前后分娩自我效能和母乳喂养自我效能自身前后比较,以及2组干预后组间比较差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.001)。分娩结局指标显示,观察组的分娩总产程时间和剖宫产率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。 结论 与传统的孕期健康教育模式相比,医院-社区-孕妇-家属“四联动”健康教育模式能使孕妇获得更多专业的孕产期健康教育知识,提高了孕妇参加学习的积极性,提高了孕妇分娩自我效能和母乳喂养自我效能。 Abstract:Objective To explore the effect of the the new health education model of ' hospital-community-family-pregnant ' four linkages' on improving the efficacy of self-management of pregnant women. Methods A total of 130 pregnant women in Yinzhou People's Hospital of Ningbo City were enrolled in this study from November 2018 to August 2019. They were divided into observation group and control group via the random number table method, with 65 cases in each group. For the control group, the traditional community education in the form of large class and the one-way communication model of preaching was adopted. For the observation group, a new health education model of ' hospital-community-family-pregnant ' four linkages was established. In this new model, the pregnant women underwent a training course according to the designed training plan. The efficacy of self-management of the pregnant women in the two groups in both delivery and breastfeeding were compared at the time of enrolment and after training. The delivery outcomes of primiparas in the two groups were compared. Results In the control group, no significant difference was observed in the efficacy of self-management before and after training (t=1.954, P>0.05). However, a statistically significant difference was found in the efficacy of breastfeeding before and after the training (t=135.630, P < 0.001). The difference in the efficacy of self-management of childbirth and breastfeeding before and after the training between the two groups was statistically significant (all P < 0.001). The total labour duration and caesarean section rate in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (all P < 0.05). Conclusion The The new health education model of ' hospital-community-family-pregnant ' four linkages can provide pregnant women a more comprehensive professional health education knowledge during pregnancy than the traditional health education mode. This new model can enhance the initiative of pregnant women to participate in learning and improve the efficacy of their self-management during childbirth and breastfeeding. -
表 1 2组孕产妇宣教前后自我效能量表得分比较(x±s,分)
组别 例数 分娩自我效能 母乳喂养自我效能 宣教前 宣教后 t值 P值 宣教前 宣教后 t值 P值 观察组 65 95.66±10.02 270.08±27.57 50.362 < 0.001 38.70±2.31 131.45±8.84 79.890 < 0.001 对照组 65 96.27±10.02 99.77±11.37 1.954 0.055 38.86±2.32 91.50±2.54 135.630 < 0.001 t值 0.172 45.691 0.304 34.733 P值 0.864 < 0.001 0.761 < 0.001 表 2 2组初产妇分娩方式对比[例(%)]
组别 例数 自然分娩 剖宫产 观察组 65 55(84.61) 10(15.39) 对照组 65 43(66.15) 22(33.85) 注:2组分娩方式比较,χ2=4.235,P=0.038。 -
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