Effect of training on infection prevention and control skills of primary medical staff in Jiangsu Province
目的 通过感控专职人员对基层卫生人才三阶段的专项培训,全面提升基层卫生人才感染预防与控制水平。 方法 于2020年11月5—19日从江苏省基层卫生人员实训指导中心选派师资,在全省5个基地对江苏省乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心骨干人员进行感染预防与控制同步线下培训,培训内容主要包括以下部分:(1)医院感染防控基础知识,包括标准预防、职业防护、手卫生与感染防控、无菌操作、消毒灭菌、医疗废物管理、传染病管理等;(2)现场演示,包括手卫生、职业暴露处置、消毒剂配置与使用、个人防护用品穿脱、环境采样等;(3)案例分析与分享,包括院感病例诊断、不同类型院感暴发事件处置、感控措施分享等;(4)现场答疑;(5)现场考核,考核分为感控基础知识考核、防护服穿脱考核以及应急处置能力考核3个部分。 结果 共有120名基层卫生人才参与本次培训,包括76名男性学员及44名女性学员,年龄26~58岁,主要以30~39岁(40.83%)年龄段居多,职称分布以初级及中级为主。学员最终基础知识考核得分[(89.44±11.06)分]高于摸底阶段得分[(54.85±12.74)分],分数提高(P < 0.001)。个人防护用品考核中佩戴医用防护口罩及脱医用防护服步骤得分较低。培训学员摸底考核及最终考核得分在性别、年龄、职称、医疗机构等级及基地之间的差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。 结论 所有学员感染预防与控制能力得到很大提高,培训取得了较好成效。 Abstract:Objective To improve the infection prevention and control level of primary medical staff through the three-stage special training for primary medical staff. Methods The Jiangsu provincial grassroots health personnel training guidance centre selected teachers to conduct offline training on infection prevention and control for key personnel of township health centres and community health service centres in Jiangsu Province in five bases from November 5 to November 19, 2020. The training content mainly includes the following parts: (1) Basic knowledge of hospital infection prevention and control, including standard prevention, occupational protection, hand hygiene and infection prevention and control, aseptic operation, disinfection and sterilization, medical waste management, infectious disease management, etc. (2) On site demonstration, including hand hygiene, occupational exposure disposal, disinfectant configuration and use, personal protective equipment wearing and taking off, environmental sampling, etc. (3) Case analysis and sharing, including diagnosis of nosocomial infection cases, disposal of different types of nosocomial infection outbreaks, sharing of infection control measures, etc. (4) On site questions and answers. (5) The on-site assessment, including three parts: the assessment of basic knowledge of sensing and control, the assessment of wearing and taking off protective clothing and the assessment of emergency response ability. Results A total of 120 general practitioners participated in the training, including 76 male and 44 female trainees. The age distribution range was 26-58 years old, mainly 30-39 years old (40.83%). The distribution of professional titles was mainly primary and intermediate. The final average score of trainees (89.44±11.06) was higher than the average score in the stage of investigation (54.85±12.74), and the score increased by 45 points (P < 0.001). In the assessment of personal protective equipment, the score of wearing and taking off medical protective clothing is relatively low. No significant difference was observed in gender, age, professional title, medical institution grade and base (P>0.05). Conclusion The ability of infection prevention and control has been greatly improved, and the training has achieved good results. -
Key words:
- Primary health care /
- Infection prevention and control /
- Skills training
表 1 基层培训学员考核得分比较(x±s, 分)
项目 分类 例(%) 摸底考核 最终考核 统计量 P值 性别 男性 76(63.33) 53.59±11.37 88.55±11.23 0.349c 0.732 女性 44(36.67) 57.05±14.69 90.97±11.71 统计量 -1.443a -1.158a P值 0.153 0.251 年龄(岁) 20~29 21(17.50) 57.50±14.25 85.00±16.22 3.862c 0.277 30~39 49(40.83) 54.19±10.82 89.49±9.83 40~49 39(32.50) 53.72±12.89 90.45±9.42 50~59 11(9.17) 56.82±17.50 94.09±7.69 统计量 0.534b 1.936b P值 0.662 0.129 职称 初级 46(38.33) 55.98±14.12 86.79±12.74 3.089c 0.378 中级 43(35.83) 52.62±13.33 90.41±9.19 副高 28(23.33) 56.16±12.79 91.52±10.53 高级 3(2.51) 57.50±10.00 96.67±5.77 统计量 0.693b 1.772b P值 0.555 0.155 医疗机构等级 一级 95(79.17) 54.71±13.06 89.89±10.93 1.039c 0.792 二甲 20(16.67) 55.00±11.75 86.13±12.29 二乙 5(4.16) 51.25±8.39 98.75±1.77 统计量 0.276b 1.149b P值 0.845 0.334 基地 南京 23(19.17) 58.37±11.93 86.85±10.03 1.042c 0.792 南通 15(12.50) 54.17±11.01 90.17±11.28 徐州 27(22.50) 51.98±10.01 91.72±10.42 苏州 26(21.66) 63.02±15.11 88.79±12.12 淮安 29(24.17) 46.73±8.12 89.42±11.63 统计量 1.142b 0.667b P值 0.334 0.624 注:a为t值,b为F值,c为两阶段得分差值在性别、年龄、职称、医疗机构等级、基地之间比较所得t值或F值。 表 2 基层培训学员个人防护用品穿脱考核得分情况(分)
项目 第一步 第二步 第三步 第四步 第五步 第六步 第七步 第八步 第九步 合计 穿防护服 9.90 9.39 9.69 9.49 9.49 18.98 9.80 10.00 9.90 96.64 脱防护服 9.59 9.49 8.27 18.78 9.39 18.98 10.00 9.69 94.19 表 3 基层培训学员院感突发事件处置考核情况(份)
类别 好 中 差 合计 职业暴露处置 22 20 10 52 冬春季呼吸道传染病暴发处置 30 15 13 58 -
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