Investigation of bacterial contamination and disinfection level in oral dental chair waterway and application of flushing method in reducing bacterial contamination
目的 调查分析口腔牙椅水路细菌污染现状以及水冲洗法降低细菌污染程度的应用效果。 方法 选择2016年4月—2020年1月杭州市23家口腔医疗机构112台口腔牙椅纳入研究,依据医疗机构规模分为A(52台)、B(34台)、C(26台)3组。分别采样口腔牙椅水路进行细菌培养,调查水路细菌污染现状;采用水冲洗法实施牙椅水道消毒,再进行第二次水路采样检测,对比两次采样水道内细菌数量的变化情况。 结果 口腔牙椅医用水源水总体超标率为39.13%(9/23),其中A组无污染,C组超标率60.00%(6/10)高于B组37.50%(3/8),χ2=8.005,P=0.012。高速手机水污染总体超标率为56.25%(63/112),其中C组水污染超标率为92.31%(24/26),均显著高于B组73.53%(25/34)、A组26.92%(14/52),χ2=14.927、29.661,均P<0.001;三用枪水污染总体超标率为68.75%(77/112),其中C组水污染超标率为96.15%(25/26),均显著高于B组82.35%(28/34)、A组46.15%(24/52),均P<0.001。实施水冲洗法后,3组口腔牙椅水路细菌总数均显著下降到标准范围以内,且A组口腔牙椅水路细菌总数显著低于B、C组(均P<0.05)。 结论 口腔牙椅水路细菌污染情况普遍较为严重,且医疗机构规模越小,牙椅水路污染情况越严重,应当引起足够重视;而水冲洗法能够有效清理口腔牙椅水路内的细菌及微生物,显著降低水路细菌污染程度,提高水路质量。 Abstract:Objective To investigate and analyse the current status of bacterial contamination in oral dental chair waterway, disinfection levels and the effectiveness of water flushing methods in reducing bacterial contamination. Methods A total of 112 dental chairs from 23 dental institutions in Hangzhou from April 2016 to January 2020 were selected as the subjects of this study. They were divided into three groups according to the scale of medical institutions: A (52 units), B (34 units) and C (26 units). The oral dental chair waterway was sampled for bacterial culture, and the current situation of bacterial contamination in the waterway was investigated. The flushing method was used to disinfect the dental chair waterway, and then a second waterway sampling test was performed to compare the changes in the number of bacteria in the waterway between the two samples. Results The overall over-standard rate of dental water for dental chairs was 39.13% (9/23), with group A having no water pollution, and the over-standard rate of group C was 60.00% (6/10), which was higher than that of group B (37.50%, 3/8), χ2=8.005, P=0.012. The overall rate of high-speed mobile phone water pollution was 56.25% (63/112). The rate of water pollution in group C was 92.31% (24/26), which was significantly higher than that in group B (73.53%, 25/34) and group A (26.92%, 14/52). The difference was statistically significant (χ2=14.927, 29.661, all P < 0.001). The overall rate of water pollution exceeding three-use guns was 68.75% (77/112), amongst which the rate of water pollution in group C (96.15%, 25/26) was significantly higher than that in group B (82.35%, 28/34) and group A (46.15%, 24/52, all P < 0.001). After the water washing method was implemented, the total number of oral dental chair waterway bacteria in the three groups was significantly reduced to within the standard range, and the total oral dental chair waterway bacteria in group A were significantly lower than those in groups B and C (all P < 0.05). Conclusion Bacterial contamination of dental waterways is a serious matter, and the smaller the size of the medical institution, the more serious the pollution of the dental chair waterway, which should be paid enough attention. Flushing can effectively clean the bacteria and microorganisms in the dental chair waterway, significantly reduce the degree of bacterial pollution in the waterway and improve the quality of the waterway, which is worthy of active application and promotion. -
Key words:
- Oral dental chair waterway /
- Bacterial contamination /
- Disinfection /
- Flushing method /
- Water quality
表 1 口腔牙椅水路的细菌污染情况(cfu/mL)
组别 样本数(医疗机构) 水源水 样本数(台数) 高速手机水 样本数(台数) 三用枪水 最低值 最高值 超标数 超标率(%) 最低值 最高值 超标数 超标率(%) 最低值 最高值 超标数 超标率(%) A组 5 - 58 0 0.00 52 - 21 500 14 26.92 52 - 33 100 24 46.15 B组 8 - 8 480 3 37.50a 34 - 63 800 25 73.53a 34 - 49 920 28 82.35a C组 10 - 12 820 6 60.00ab 26 - 89 600 24 92.31ab 26 - 73 300 25 96.15ab 注:“-”代表检测不出细菌数。3组水源水超标率比较,χ2=5.012,P=0.032;3组高速手机水超标率比较,χ2=10.226,P=0.013;3组三用枪水超标率比较,χ2=14.504,P=0.002。与A组比较,aP<0.05;与B组比较,bP<0.05;两两比较校正P=0.017。 表 2 3组水冲洗前后口腔牙椅水路细菌总数比较(x±s,cfu/mL)
组别 样本数 高速手机水 三用枪水 实施前 实施后 t值 P值 实施前 实施后 t值 P值 A组 52 15 850.25±2 321.55 45.25±8.25 49.093 <0.001 20 845.36±1 034.12 31.38±5.08 145.138 <0.001 B组 34 59 670.44±2 631.13a 79.51±9.04a 132.061 <0.001 38 446.97±2 087.19a 58.86±3.99a 107.244 <0.001 C组 26 74 472.83±4 966.06ab 82.45±7.94ab 76.382 <0.001 65 965.07±4 277.91ab 69.16±8.11ab 78.544 <0.001 F值 3 578.254 248.439 2 945.369 468.857 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 注:与A组比较,aP<0.05;与B组比较,bP<0.05。 -
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