Application of the 6Sigma-DMAIC Concept Management in the prevention of falls of elderly inpatients
目的 研究6Sigma-DMAIC理念管理法在老年住院患者跌倒风险防控管理中的应用,为降低老年住院患者跌倒发生率提供参考依据。 方法 选择2019年3月—2020年9月于温州医科大学附属第二医院住院治疗的216例老年患者作为观察对象,按随机数字表法分为对照组和研究组,每组各108例。对照组患者在住院治疗期间接受常规跌倒预防干预措施;研究组患者在常规干预基础上实施基于6Sigma-DMAIC理念管理法的防范措施,统计老年住院患者的跌倒原因,比较2组患者对跌倒防范知识的掌握程度、跌倒发生率及患者对临床干预管理措施的满意度。 结果 研究组患者对预防跌倒知识、跌倒处理知识、防跌倒设施、防跌倒技巧的掌握程度均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);研究组患者住院期间跌倒总发生率为0.93%(1/108),低于对照组的7.41%(8/108),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组患者对跌倒预防管理总满意度为97.22%(105/108), 明显高于对照组的87.04%(94/108),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 6Sigma-DMAIC理念管理法在老年住院患者跌倒风险预防中的应用价值高,能显著强化老年住院患者及其家属对跌倒预防相关知识的掌握,降低患者跌倒发生风险,进而提高干预管理满意度。 -
- 6Sigma-DMAIC理念管理法 /
- 老年 /
- 住院患者 /
- 跌倒风险 /
- 满意度
Abstract:Objective To study the application of the 6Sigma-DMAIC Concept Management in the prevention and control of falls in elderly inpatients, and to provide a reference for reducing the incidence of falls in elderly inpatients. Methods A total of 216 cases of elderly patients who were hospitalised in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from March 2019 to September 2020 were selected as the subjects of this study. All patients were divided into control group and study group according to the random number table method, with 108 cases in each group. The patients in the control group received routine fall prevention interventions during hospitalisation, whereas those in the study group implemented preventive measures based on the 6Sigma-DMAIC Concept Management on the basis of routine intervention. The causes of falls in elderly hospitalised patients was counted. Patients' mastery of fall prevention knowledge, the incidence of falls and patients' satisfaction with clinical intervention management measures were compared between the two groups. Results The patients in the study group had a higher level of mastery of fall prevention knowledge, fall handling knowledge, fall prevention facilities and fall prevention techniques than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (all P < 0.05). The total incidence of falls during hospitalisation in the study group (0.93%, 1/108) was lower than that of the control group (7.41%, 8/108), the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Approximately 97.22% (105/108) of the patients in the study group were satisfied with fall prevention management, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (87.04%, 94/108), the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The 6Sigma-DMAIC Concept Management has high application value in the fall prevention of elderly inpatients. It can significantly strengthen the knowledge of fall prevention for elderly inpatients and their families, reduce the risk of falls and improve the satisfaction of intervention management. -
Key words:
- 6Sigma-DMAIC Concept Management /
- Elderly /
- Hospitalised patients /
- Fall risk /
- Satisfaction
表 1 2组老年住院患者跌倒防范相关知识掌握程度比较(x±s,分)
Table 1. Comparison of knowledge about fall prevention among elderly hospitalized patients in two groups
组别 例数 预防跌倒知识 跌倒处理 防跌倒设施 防跌倒技巧 对照组 108 4.91±0.28 3.46±0.13 4.37±0.80 4.05±0.22 研究组 108 7.39±0.25 4.94±0.20 6.52±0.26 6.80±0.46 t值 68.661 64.479 26.562 56.048 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 2 2组老年住院患者跌倒发生率比较[例(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of the incidence of falls in elderly hospitalized patients in two groups [cases (%)]
组别 例数 1级 2级 3级 总发生 对照组 108 5(4.63) 2(1.85) 1(0.93) 8(7.41) 研究组 108 1(0.93) 0 0 1(0.93) 注:2组跌倒总发生率比较,χ2=4.174,P=0.041。 表 3 2组老年住院患者对跌倒预防管理满意情况的比较[例(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of satisfaction with fall prevention management among elderly hospitalized patients in two groups [cases (%)]
组别 例数 十分满意 满意 不满意 总满意度 对照组 108 41(37.96) 53(49.07) 14(12.96) 94(87.04) 研究组 108 63(58.33) 42(38.89) 3(2.78) 105(97.22) 注:2组总满意度比较,χ2=7.726,P=0.005。 -
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