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卢沙 陈广烈

卢沙, 陈广烈. 网络静观认知团体治疗改善首发抑郁症患者的情绪、心理弹性和睡眠质量的研究[J]. 中华全科医学, 2022, 20(9): 1506-1508. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002635
引用本文: 卢沙, 陈广烈. 网络静观认知团体治疗改善首发抑郁症患者的情绪、心理弹性和睡眠质量的研究[J]. 中华全科医学, 2022, 20(9): 1506-1508. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002635
LU Sha, CHEN Guang-lie. Improvement of mood, psychological resilience and sleep quality in patients with first-episode depression by networked mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2022, 20(9): 1506-1508. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002635
Citation: LU Sha, CHEN Guang-lie. Improvement of mood, psychological resilience and sleep quality in patients with first-episode depression by networked mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2022, 20(9): 1506-1508. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002635


doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002635

浙江省中医药科技计划项目 2021ZB232


    卢沙, E-mail: zjjskx12@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R749.41 R749.055

Improvement of mood, psychological resilience and sleep quality in patients with first-episode depression by networked mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy

  • 摘要:   目的  探索网络静观认知团体治疗对首发抑郁症患者抑郁、焦虑、心理弹性和睡眠质量的影响。  方法  选择2020年1月—2021年9月于杭州市第七人民医院就诊的84例首发抑郁症患者,根据随机数字表法分为对照组(药物治疗,40例)和干预组(药物+网络静观团体治疗,44例)。观察2组8周治疗后抑郁评分、焦虑评分、心理弹性评分和睡眠质量评分变化。  结果  经过8周治疗后,2组抑郁评分、焦虑评分、心理弹性评分、睡眠质量评分均较治疗前改善(均P<0.001),治疗后组间比较发现干预组抑郁评分[(5.84±3.50)分]、焦虑评分[(8.07±2.65)分]、心理弹性评分[(80.68±6.66)分]和睡眠质量评分[(5.93±1.87)分]均优于对照组[(9.38±4.54)分、(11.23±4.88)分、(72.28±5.29)分、(7.73±2.03)分,均P<0.001]。患者基线抑郁评分与心理弹性评分呈负相关(r=-0.747, P<0.001),与睡眠质量评分呈正相关(r=0.892, P<0.001)。  结论  网络静观认知团体治疗可缓解首发抑郁症患者抑郁、焦虑情绪,提高心理弹性,改善睡眠质量。


  • 表  1  2组首发抑郁症患者一般资料比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of general data of two groups of patients with first episode depressionn

    组别 例数 年龄(x±s,岁) 性别(例) 受教育年限(x±s,年)
    女性 男性
    对照组 40 29.83±4.12 25 15 14.55±1.32
    干预组 44 28.95±3.95 29 15 13.89±1.70
    统计量 0.989a 0.106b 1.983a
    P 0.326 0.821 0.051
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    表  2  2组首发抑郁症患者治疗前后HAMD、HAMA、CD-RISC及PSQI评分比较(x±s,分)

    Table  2.   Comparison of HAMD, HAMA, CD-RISC and PSQI scores before and after treatment in two groups of patients with first episode depression (x±s, points)

    治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后
    对照组 40 22.08±3.23 9.38±4.54a 24.45±3.21 11.23±4.88a 43.28±5.96 72.28±5.29a 12.15±2.64 7.73±2.03a
    干预组 44 21.48±3.43 5.84±3.50a 23.61±4.61 8.07±2.65a 44.82±6.83 80.68±6.66a 12.50±3.48 5.93±1.87a
    t 0.82 3.966 0.972 3.634 1.098 6.367 0.515 4.216
    P 0.415 < 0.001 0.334 0.001 0.275 < 0.001 0.608 < 0.001
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    表  3  首发抑郁症患者基线HAMD评分、CD-RISC评分及PSOI评分间的相关性(r值)

    Table  3.   Correlation between baseline HAMD score, CD-RISC score and PSOI score in patients with first episode depression (r values)

    HAMD 1.000
    PSQI 0.892 1.000
    CD-RISC -0.747 -0.652 1.000
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-01-12
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