Application of multimodal fusion technique in clinical practice teaching of neurosurgery
目的 在神经外科临床实践中,利用多模态融合技术对医学本科生进行临床教学,并探索分析其教学效果。 方法 选取2018年1月—2021年10月在安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经外科进行临床实践的医学本科生126人。按照随机数字表法将入组学员分为多模态融合技术教学组(63人)和传统教学组(63人)。采用随堂测验、临床实践技能操作考试、出科理论考试以及学生满意度问卷调查等方式进行教学检测,并对结果进行统计学分析,评价其教学效果。 结果 学生教学满意度问卷结果显示,多模态融合技术教学组学生对教学形式、教学内容、知识结构、培训过程以及学习效率满意度分别为95.2%、96.8%、93.7%、95.2%、96.8%,均高于传统教学组的55.6%、88.9%、90.5%、42.9%、49.2%,其中教学形式、培训过程以及学习效率满意度差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),教学内容、知识结构的满意度差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。学生成绩显示,多模态融合技术教学组学生随堂测验成绩[(92.8±4.9)分]、出科理论考试成绩[(90.6±5.8)分]、临床实践技能操作成绩[(88.8±5.2)分]、综合平均考试成绩[(90.7±5.3)分]均显著优于传统教学组[(83.6±5.2)分、(81.8±4.6)分、(81.2±4.8)分、(82.2±4.9)分,均P<0.05]。 结论 在医学本科生临床实践教学中,多模态融合技术可显著提高神经外科临床实践教学效率和学生培训效果,这为神经外科本科临床实践教学提供了新的策略。 Abstract:Objective In the clinical practice of neurosurgery, multi-modal fusion technology is used to conduct clinical teaching for medical undergraduates. Its teaching application effect was explored and analysed in this study. Methods A total of 126 medical undergraduates were selected for clinical practice in the Neurosurgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from January 2018 to October 2021. The students were randomly divided into the multimodal fusion technology teaching group (63 students) and the traditional teaching group (63 students) via the random number table method. The teaching test was conducted by in-class test, clinical practice operation and theoretical examination. The results of the student satisfaction questionnaire were statistically analysed to evaluate the teaching effect. Results The results of the questionnaire on students'teaching satisfaction showed that students in the multi-modal fusion technology group gave scores of 95.2%, 96.8%, 93.7%, 95.2% and 96.8%, respectively, for the teaching form, teaching content, knowledge structure, training process and learning efficiency; these scores were higher than those in the traditional teaching group (55.6%, 88.9%, 90.5%, 42.9% and 49.2%). Statistically significant differences were found in teaching form, training process and learning efficiency satisfaction (all P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in teaching content and knowledge structure satisfaction (all P>0.05). The results showed that the average score of the students in the multi-modal fusion technology group was (92.8±4.9) points in the in-class test, (90.6±5.8) points in the theory test, (88.8±5.2) points in the clinical practice skill operation and (90.7±5.3) points in the comprehensive test; these scores were significantly better than those in the traditional teaching group [(83.6±5.2) points, (81.8±4.6) points, (81.2±4.8) points, (82.2±4.9) points, all P < 0.05]. Conclusion In neurosurgery clinical practice teaching of medical undergraduates, multi-modal fusion technology can significantly improve the efficiency of clinical practice teaching and student training effect, providing a new strategy for teaching the clinical practice of neurosurgery. -
表 1 2组临床实习的医学本科生对教学方式的满意度评价结果比较[例(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of the satisfaction evaluation results of medical undergraduates in clinical practice on teaching methods [cases (%)]
组别 例数 总体 教学形式 教学内容 知识结构 培训过程 学习效率 多模态融合技术教学组 63 60(95.2) 60(95.2) 61(96.8) 59(93.7) 60(95.2) 61(96.8) 传统教学组 63 41(65.1) 35(55.6) 56(88.9) 57(90.5) 27(42.9) 31(49.2) χ2值 18.010 26.740 2.991 2.206 39.460 31.580 P值 <0.001 <0.001 0.092 0.134 <0.001 <0.001 表 2 2组临床实习的医学本科生考试成绩比较(x±s, 分)
Table 2. Comparison of examination results between two groups of medical undergraduates in clinical practice (x±s, points)
组别 例数 随堂测验 出科理论考试 临床实践技能操作 综合平均考试成绩 多模态融合技术教学组 63 92.8±4.9 90.6±5.8 88.8±5.2 90.7±5.3 传统教学组 63 83.6±5.2 81.8±4.6 81.2±4.8 82.2±4.9 t值 4.422 4.572 4.044 3.738 P值 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.006 -
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