Effect evaluation on health knowledge three-dimensional comprehensive intervention of migrant workers in Shanghai
目的 了解本市外来务工人员的健康知识水平,评价采取干预措施后外来务工人员健康知识水平的变化情况,评估干预效果,探索有效开展外来务工人员的健康教育方法。 方法 选择上海市外来务工人员为研究对象,采用分层整群抽样的方法,在上海市城区、郊区、城郊结合区共抽取1 226名各行业的外来务工人员,通过立体式综合干预对研究对象进行健康干预,在干预前后通过问卷调查的形式对研究对象的健康知识、行为和能力进行测试,评估干预效果。 结果 通过系列健康知识培训的干预,研究对象在“人体生理知识”“疾病和安全用药常识”“饮食营养知识和良好的生活习惯”“事故救援知识和急救办法”及总体得分均有明显提升(均P<0.05),总体均分由干预前的45.0(35.0,57.5)分提高到干预6个月后的70.0(55.0,87.5)分,达到“合格”标准的研究对象由23.9%(293/1 226)提高到69.1%(755/1 092),差异有统计学意义。 结论 上海外来务工人员普遍存在健康知识相对缺乏的问题,需要引起相关部门足够重视;立体式综合干预对短期内提高外来务工人员的健康知识水平有显著作用;有计划有步骤地持续开展外来务工人员健康教育,有利于外来务工人员整体健康水平的全面提升。 Abstract:Objective To understand the current status of health knowledge, evaluate the effect on health knowledge intervention of migrant workers in Shanghai, and explore effective methods for carrying out health education for them. Methods The migrant workers in Shanghai were selected as the research object. The stratified cluster sampling method was adopted. A total of 1 226 migrant workers in various industries were selected in the urban and suburban areas of Shanghai, and health intervention was conducted through a three-dimensional (3D) comprehensive intervention way. Before and after the intervention, the health knowledge, behaviour and ability of the subjects were tested by a questionnaire survey to evaluate the effect of the intervention. Results Through a series of interventions of health knowledge training, the research object in the "human physiological knowledge", "disease and safe medication knowledge", "diet and nutrition knowledge and good living habits", "knowledge of accident rescue and first aid measures" and the overall score had the effect of the intervention (all P < 0.05). The overall mean score increased from 45.0(35.0, 57.5) points before intervention to 70.0(55.0, 87.5) points 6 months after the intervention, and the "qualified" subjects increased from 23.9% (293/1 226) to 69.1% (755/1 092). The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion It is very necessary to pay more attention to migrant workers in Shanghai by relevant departments, who lacking in health knowledge. The 3D comprehensive intervention has a significant effect on improving the health knowledge level of migrant workers in the short term. Therefore, carrying out health education for migrant workers in a planned and methodical way is conducive to the overall improvement of migrant workers' health. -
表 1 调查对象的人口社会学特征分布
Table 1. Distribution of demographic sociological characteristics of survey subjects
人口学特征 调查人数 构成比(%) 人口学特征 调查人数 构成比(%) 性别 户籍 男性 829 67.6 农业户口 921 75.1 女性 397 32.4 非农业户口 305 24.9 年龄(岁) 文化程度 ≤24 299 24.4 小学以下 108 8.8 25~ 501 40.9 初中 459 37.4 35~ 266 21.7 高中中专 492 40.1 45~ 139 11.3 大专 127 10.4 55~ 21 1.7 本科 40 3.3 定居本地时间 职业类型 <1年 130 10.7 制造业 324 26.4 1~5年 692 56.4 仓储物流 508 41.4 6~9年 129 10.5 餐饮服务 275 22.4 10年及以上 275 22.4 生活服务 119 9.7 表 2 调查对象干预前后健康知识、行为和能力水平现状[M(P25, P75),分]
Table 2. Status quo of health knowledge, behavior and ability of respondents before and after intervention [M(P25, P75), points]
时间 人数 人体生理知识 疾病和安全用药常识 饮食营养知识和良好生活习惯 事故救援知识和急救办法 总得分 干预前 1 226 15.0(10.0,20.0) 15.0(10.0,17.5) 10.0(7.5,12.5) 7.5(5.0,10.0) 45.0(35.0,57.5) 干预6个月后 1 092 22.5(17.5,27.5) 22.5(15.0,27.5) 15.0(10.0,20.0) 12.5(8.1,15.0) 70.0(55.0,87.5) Z值 22.184 21.671 23.498 22.891 25.476 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 -
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