Effect of surgical smoke intervention strategy based on Green model on medical staff in operating room
目的 以格林模式为理论基础,调查评估手术室医护人员对手术烟雾的防护现状,针对评估结果制定、实施干预策略,并探讨其应用效果,为手术烟雾干预策略在手术室医护人员中的应用提供指导依据。 方法 依据纳入、排除标准,选取78名温州医科大学附属第二医院手术室医护人员为研究对象,将2021年2—5月采用常规模式管理阶段作为干预前;将2021年6—9月以格林模式为理论基础,制定并实施干预策略管理的阶段作为干预后,比较干预前后手术室医护人员手术烟雾防护知识、态度、行为及手术烟雾影响自评得分情况。 结果 干预后,手术室医护人员手术烟雾防护知识[(14.17±4.36)分]、态度[(72.89±6.11)分]及行为[(68.34±7.35)分]得分均明显优于干预前[(9.16±3.62)分、(64.78±7.24)分及(52.73±6.48)分];手术烟雾影响自评得分[(4.89±1.76)分]明显低于干预前[(6.47±2.53)分],差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 以格林模式为理论基础的干预策略应用于手术室医护人员,能够提高手术室医护人员手术烟雾防护知识的认知程度,有效改善其防护态度,规范防护行为,降低手术烟雾影响自评得分。 Abstract:Objective To investigate and evaluate the protection status of operating room medical staff against surgical smoke using Green mode as theoretical basis, develop and implement intervention strategy according to assessment result, discuss application effect of the strategy, and provide guidance gist to the application of surgical smoke intervention strategy in operating room staff. Methods A total of 78 operating room medical staff from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University were selected as research object according to including and excluding standard. The conventional mode management stage will be adopted from February to May 2021 as the before intervention stage, and the stage of formulating and implementing intervention strategy management based on Greens model from June to September 2021 will be taken as the after intervention stage. The knowledge, attitude and behavior of operating smoke prevention, and self-assessment scores impacted by operating smoke among operating room medical staff before and after intervention were compared. Results After intervention, the scores of surgical smoke prevention knowledge [(14.17±4.36) points], attitude [(72.89±6.11) points] and behavior [(68.34±7.35) points] of medical staff in the operating room were significantly higher than those before intervention [(9.16±3.62) points, (64.78±7.24) points and (52.73±6.48) points]. The self- assessment score of surgical smoke influence [(4.89±1.76) points] was significantly lower than that before intervention [(6.47±2.53) points], the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The application of intervention strategy using Green mode as theoretical basis in operating room medical staff can enhance the cognition degree to surgical smoke prevention knowledge, effectively improve their protective attitude, regulate their protective behavior, and decrease their self-assessment score of surgical smoke influence. -
Key words:
- Green mode /
- Operating room medical staff /
- Surgical smoke /
- Intervention strategy
表 1 手术室医护人员一般特征
Table 1. General characteristics of medical staff in operating room
项目 类别 人数 构成比(%) 性别 男性 11 14.10 女性 67 85.90 年龄(岁) 20~30 28 35.90 31~40 29 37.18 41~50 18 23.08 >50 3 3.84 工作年限(年) ≤5 18 23.08 6~10 25 32.05 >10 35 44.87 学历 大专 2 2.57 本科 70 89.74 研究生 6 7.69 职称 初级 32 41.03 中级 39 50.00 高级 7 8.97 表 2 手术室医护人员手术烟雾防护培训及继续教育需求情况
Table 2. Operation smoke protection training and continuing education needs of medical staff in operating room
项目 类别 人数 构成比(%) 参加正规培训(次) 0 7 8.97 1 13 16.67 2 45 57.69 ≥3 13 16.67 继续教育需求 有 76 97.44 没有 2 2.56 表 3 干预前后手术室医护人员手术烟雾防护知识、态度及行为评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 3. Comparison of scores of knowledge, attitude and behavior of operation smoke protection of medical staff in operating room before and after intervention (x±s, points)
时间 人数 知识 态度 行为 干预前 78 9.16±3.62 64.78±7.24 52.73±6.48 干预后 78 14.17±4.36 72.89±6.11 68.34±7.35 t值 59.793 63.385 158.464 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 -
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