Big data mining analysis of the clinical characteristics and direction in seeking medical service of cough patients in regional medical centres
目的 分析区域医疗中心门诊有咳嗽症状患者的临床特征及就诊流向,了解其临床特点,为相关研究提供流行病学依据,同时为区域医疗中心优化咳嗽患者分诊提供参考。 方法 收集2017年1月1日—2019年12月31日上海市某区域医疗中心3年的门诊数据,分析其中有咳嗽症状患者的症状、主要诊断及就诊流向。 结果 该医疗中心3年共接诊有咳嗽症状的门诊患者110 240人次,占总门诊量的5.85%,2017—2019年门诊有咳嗽症状的患者数量和占比均呈增长趋势。患者年龄为51.0(21.5, 64.0)岁,女性57 868人次(52.49%),男性52 372人次(47.51%),女性占比高于男性(χ2=274.002, P<0.001)。按咳嗽病程分类,急性咳嗽(时间<3周)103 702人次(94.07%),亚急性咳嗽(时间3~8周)3 343人次(3.03%),慢性咳嗽(时间>8周)3 195人次(2.90%),不同咳嗽类型在不同年龄组、性别组中分布差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。咳嗽患者伴随症状前3位分别为咳痰、发热和流涕,主要诊断前3位分别为呼吸道感染、急性咽炎和急性上呼吸道感染,此外,咳嗽伴随症状和主要诊断在不同咳嗽类型分组和不同年龄分组中的分布不同。咳嗽患者就诊流向较集中,主要为急诊内科、儿科和呼吸内科。 结论 门诊就诊患者中有咳嗽症状的数量呈增长趋势,各类型咳嗽在不同人群分组中分布存在差异。 Abstract:Objective To analyse the clinical characteristics and direction in seeking medical service of patients with cough symptoms in regional medical centres, understand the clinical characteristics of cough patients, provide epidemiological basis for related clinical research, and offer a reference for regional medical centres to optimise the triage of cough patients. Methods This study collected three-year outpatient data of a regional medical centre in Shanghai from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019 and analysed the symptoms, main diagnosis and direction in seeking medical service of patients with cough symptoms. Results A total of 110 240 outpatients with cough symptoms were received from 2017 to 2019, accounting for 5.85% of the total outpatients. The number and proportion of outpatients with cough symptoms showed an increasing trend. The average age of patients was 51.0 (21.5, 64.0) years old, with 57 868 female (52.49%) and 52 372 male (47.51%) patients. The proportion of female patients was higher than that of male (χ2=274.002, P < 0.001). According to the classification of cough duration, 94.07% (103 702) had acute cough (cough time < 3 weeks), 3.03%(3 343) had subacute cough (cough time 3-8 weeks), and 2.90% (3 195) had chronic cough (cough time > 8 weeks). The distributions of different types of coughs in age and gender groups differed (all P < 0.05). The top three associated symptoms of cough patients were expectoration, fever and runny nose. The top three main diagnoses were respiratory tract infection, acute pharyngitis and acute upper respiratory tract infection. The distributions of cough associated symptoms and main diagnosis in different cough types and different age groups were different. In addition, the main departments receiving patients with cough were Emergency Department, Paediatrics and Respiratory Medicine. Conclusion The number of outpatients with cough symptoms shows an increasing trend, and the distributions of different types of coughs in the population group is different. -
Key words:
- Outpatient /
- Cough /
- Clinical characteristics /
- Direction in seeking medical service /
- Big data
表 1 2017—2019年上海市某区域医疗中心门诊就诊患者咳嗽情况[人次(%)]
Table 1. Outpatients with or without cough in a regional medical center in Shanghai, 2017—2019 [n(%)]
年份 咳嗽 非咳嗽 总就诊 2017 17 508(3.91) 430 389(96.09) 447 897(23.77) 2018 33 982(4.89) 661 562(95.11) 695 544(36.91) 2019 58 750(7.93) 682 320(92.07) 741 070(39.32) 合计 110 240(5.85) 1 774 271(94.15) 1 884 511(100.00) 表 2 2017—2019年上海市某区域医疗中心咳嗽患者基本情况[人次(%)]
Table 2. Characteristics of cough patients in a regional medical center in Shanghai, 2017—2019 [n(%)]
项目 咳嗽类型 χ2值 P值 急性 亚急性 慢性 性别 31.767 <0.001 男性 49 202(93.95) 1 512(2.89) 1 658(3.16) 女性 54 500(94.18) 1 831(3.16) 1 537(2.66) 年龄(岁) 5 474.977 <0.001 1~19 38 334(99.24) 241(0.62) 54(0.14) 20~39 26 413(94.45) 1 053(3.77) 498(1.78) 40~59 18 883(91.93) 931(4.54) 726(3.53) 60~79 16 835(87.77) 976(5.09) 1 370(7.14) 80岁及以上 3 237(82.45) 142(3.62) 547(13.93) 就诊年份 98.320 <0.001 2017 16 226(92.68) 624(3.56) 658(3.76) 2018 31 902(93.88) 1 099(3.23) 981(2.89) 2019 55 574(94.59) 1 620(2.76) 1 556(2.65) 合计 103 702(94.07) 3 343(3.03) 3 195(2.90) 表 3 不同类型咳嗽的前10位诊断疾病分析(ICD-10)
Table 3. Distribution of the top 10 diagnoses (ICD-10) with different types of cough
序位 急性咳嗽诊断 慢性咳嗽诊断 亚急性咳嗽诊断 1 J98.900 J98.900 J98.900 2 J02.900 J42.X00 J40.X00 3 J06.900 R05.X00 J18.900 4 J20.900 J44.000 R05.X00 5 J18.900 J45.900 J20.900 6 J03.900 J44.900 J06.900 7 J40.X00 J40.X00 J02.900 8 R50.900 J18.900 R05.X51 9 J18.000 J47.X03 R91.X00 10 J21.901 R91.X00 J45.005 表 4 不同年龄组咳嗽患者前10位诊断疾病分布情况(ICD-10)
Table 4. Distribution of the top 10 diagnoses (ICD-10) in cough patients by age group
序位 1~19岁 20~39岁 40~59岁 60~79岁 80岁及以上 1 J02.900 J98.900 J98.900 J98.900 J98.900 2 J20.900 J06.900 J06.900 J18.900 J18.900 3 J03.900 J40.X00 J18.900 J06.900 J42.X00 4 J06.900 J18.900 J40.X00 J40.X00 J44.000 5 J18.000 J02.900 J20.900 J20.900 J40.X00 6 J21.901 R50.900 J02.900 J42.X00 J06.900 7 J98.900 J20.900 R50.900 J02.900 J98.414 8 K29.100 R05.X00 R05.X00 R50.900 I25.103 9 K92.901 J03.900 J45.900 J44.000 J20.900 10 J11.101 J39.900 J39.900 J45.900 R50.900 表 5 咳嗽患者就诊科室流向分析(人次)
Table 5. Distribution of departments visited by cough patients (n)
序位 科室 咳嗽患者 咳嗽类型 咳嗽患者占科室就诊比例(%) 急性咳嗽 慢性咳嗽 亚急性咳嗽 1 急诊内科 44 159 43 106 482 571 10.86 2 儿科 35 261 35 060 32 169 37.48 3 呼吸内科 24 389 19 650 2 399 2 340 55.48 4 耳鼻喉科 2 294 2 120 59 115 3.35 5 普外科 855 793 48 14 0.56 6 中医内科 835 735 33 67 2.06 7 内分泌内科 461 437 20 4 0.27 8 老年科 455 449 5 1 1.08 9 心血管内科 397 346 35 16 0.27 10 消化内科 358 342 8 8 0.30 -
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