Effect of different proportions of enteral parenteral nutrition on patients with early-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease complicated with respiratory failure type Ⅱ
目的 通过对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者施行不同热量比例的早期肠内肠外联合营养,探讨早期肠内肠外联合营养的不同比例对患者临床治疗效果及预后影响。 方法 选取上海市第十人民医院2019年2月—2021年2月收治的COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者108例为研究对象,根据随机数字表法随机分为低、中、高比例组各36例。3组在常规治疗基础上分别给予肠内与肠外热量比为1∶ 3、1∶ 1、3∶ 1的联合营养支持。比较3组治疗前后呼吸功能、营养状况、胃肠道黏膜屏障功能和临床预后情况。 结果 治疗10 d后,3组患者呼吸功能、营养状况、胃肠道黏膜屏障功能相关指标均较治疗前明显改善(均P<0.05);高比例组PaO2、用力肺活量、一秒率、ALB、前白蛋白(PA)、转铁蛋白(TRF)显著高于中、低比例组(均P<0.05);D-乳酸、二胺氧化酶、前降钙素显著低于中、低比例组(均P<0.05);高比例组PaCO2显著低于低比例组(P<0.05),中比例组ALB、PA、TRF显著高于低比例组(均P<0.05);高比例组机械通气时间、ICU住院时间、总住院时间显著低于低比例组(均P<0.05);3组28 d病死率(13.8%、8.33%、3.56%)比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.543;P=0.462)。 结论 早期肠内肠外联合营养能有效提高COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者的呼吸功能、营养状况和肠道黏膜屏障功能,改善预后,其中肠内肠外营养热量比例为3∶ 1的联合营养方案效果最优。 Abstract:Objective To perform early enteral and parenteral nutrition with different calorie ratios in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type Ⅱ respiratory failure, and explore the impact of different proportions of early enteral and parenteral nutrition on the clinical treatment effect and prognosis of patients. Methods A total of 108 patients with COPD combined with type Ⅱ respiratory failure admitted to the 10th People ' s Hospital of Tongji University from February 2019 to February 2021 were selected and randomly divided into low, medium and high proportion groups, with 36 cases in each group according to random number table method. On the basis of conventional treatment, the three groups were given combined nutritional support with enteral and parenteral calorie ratios of 1∶ 3, 1∶ 1 and 3∶ 1. Respiratory function, nutritional status, gastrointestinal mucosal barrier function and clinical prognosis of the three groups were compared before and after treatment. Results After 10 days of treatment, respiratory function, nutritional status and gastrointestinal mucosal barrier function-related indices in the three groups were significantly improved compared with before treatment (all P < 0.05). PaO2, FVC, FEV1/FVC, ALB, PA and TRF in high-proportion groups were significantly higher than those in the medium-and low-proportion groups (all P < 0.05). D-lactic acid, DAO and procalcitonin were significantly lower than those in the medium-and low-proportion groups (all P < 0.05). PaCO2 in the high-proportion group was significantly lower than that in the low-proportion group (P < 0.05), and ALB, PA and TRF in the medium-proportion group were significantly higher than those in the low-proportion group (all P < 0.05). The mechanical ventilation duration, length of ICU stay and total length of hospital stay in the high-proportion group were significantly lower than those in the low-proportion group (all P < 0.05). The 28-day mortality was not significantly different among the three groups (13.8%, 8.33%, 3.56%, χ2=1.543; P=0.462). Conclusion Early enteral parenteral combined nutrition can effectively improve the respiratory function, nutritional status and intestinal mucosal barrier dysfunction in patients with COPD and respiratory failure type Ⅱ, as well as the prognosis. The combined nutrition program with enteral parenteral nutrition calorie ratio of 3∶ 1 has the best effect. -
表 1 3组COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者一般临床资料比较
Table 1. Comparison of general clinical data of COPD combined with respiratory failure type Ⅱ in 3 groups
组别 例数 性别(例) 年龄
(x±s,分)男性 女性 低比例组 36 19 17 62.57±5.73 7.52±1.35 33.85±2.76 中比例组 36 22 14 63.16±5.63 7.32±1.75 32.63±2.82 高比例组 36 23 13 62.43±5.62 7.69±1.67 33.16±2.78 统计量 0.997a 0.169b 0.483b 1.735b P值 0.607 0.845 0.618 0.181 注:a为χ2值,b为F值。 表 2 3组COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者治疗前后呼吸指标比较(x±s)
Table 2. Comparison of respiratory indexes before and after treatment in patients with COPD combined with respiratory failure type Ⅱ in 3 groups (x±s)
组别 例数 PaO2(mm Hg) PaCO2(mm Hg) FEV1(L) FEV1/FVC(%) 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 低比例组 36 52.75±3.72 62.87±3.68ab 73.46±5.62 58.62±3.46ab 0.58±0.12 0.68±0.16ab 48.53±2.46 58.69±3.73ab 中比例组 36 52.85±3.68 63.69±3.73ab 72.85±4.79 57.92±3.77a 0.57±0.15 0.69±0.15ab 48.79±2.53 59.22±3.69ab 高比例组 36 52.58±2.86 65.83±4.89a 73.78±5.73 56.49±3.85a 0.58±0.13 0.76±0.13a 47.97±2.83 61.57±3.98a F值 0.057 4.911 0.276 3.104 0.067 3.157 0.927 5.851 P值 0.945 0.009 0.759 0.049 0.935 0.047 0.399 0.004 注:与同组治疗前比较,aP<0.05;与高比例组治疗10 d后比较,bP<0.05。 表 3 3组COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者治疗前后营养指标比较(x±s)
Table 3. Comparison of nutritional indexes of patients with COPD combined with respiratory failure type Ⅱ before and after treatment in 3 groups (x±s)
组别 例数 ALB(g/L) PA(mg/L) TRF(mg/dL) 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 低比例组 36 31.82±2.58 33.97±2.39abc 258.37±13.53 301.36±18.42abc 159.57±12.46 168.78±17.76abc 中比例组 36 32.12±2.57 35.15±2.73ab 259.31±15.64 323.47±16.83ab 160.25±15.73 175.69±16.96ab 高比例组 36 32.26±2.52 37.82±2.58a 258.48±12.63 365.36±15.25a 159.65±16.63 182.98±17.68a F值 0.278 21.199 0.049 133.449 0.022 5.947 P值 0.758 <0.001 0.952 <0.001 0.978 0.004 注:与同组治疗前比较,aP<0.05;与高比例组治疗10 d后比较,bP<0.05;与中比例组治疗10 d后比较,cP<0.05。 表 4 3组COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者治疗前后肠黏膜屏障功能比较(x±s)
Table 4. Comparison of intestinal mucosal barrier function in patients with COPD combined with respiratory failure type II before and after treatment in 3 groups (x±s)
组别 例数 D-乳酸(mg/L) DAO(mg/L) 前降钙素(mg/dL) 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 治疗前 治疗后 低比例组 36 9.30±1.46 8.02±0.43ab 5.86±0.75 4.56±0.26ab 9.68±1.67 6.88±0.87ab 中比例组 36 9.38±1.52 8.15±0.42ab 5.73±0.31 4.38±0.21ab 9.37±1.56 6.52±0.86ab 高比例组 36 9.73±1.63 7.08±0.67a 5.75±0.45 3.15±0.25a 9.83±1.81 4.57±0.69a F值 0.796 45.442 0.615 365.104 0.699 84.572 P值 0.454 <0.001 0.543 <0.001 0.499 <0.001 注:与同组治疗前比较,aP<0.05;与高比例组治疗10 d后比较,bP<0.05。 表 5 3组COPD合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者临床预后指标比较
Table 5. Comparison of clinical prognostic indexes in patients with COPD combined with respiratory failure type Ⅱ among 3 groups
组别 例数 机械通气时
受[例(%)]28 d病死率
[例(%)]低比例组 36 6.53±0.77a 7.85±1.53a 11.49±2.75a 2(5.56) 5(13.89) 中比例组 36 6.15±0.93 7.42±1.65 10.78±2.82 2(5.56) 3(8.33) 高比例组 36 5.93±0.52 6.89±1.72 9.56±2.78 4(11.11) 2(5.56) 统计量 5.758b 3.113b 4.428b 1.080c 1.543c P值 0.004 0.049 0.014 0.583 0.462 注:与高比例组比较,aP<0.05。b为F值,c为χ2值。 -
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