Chain mediating effect between health literacy and frailty in maintenance hemodialysis patients
目的 探讨维持性血液透析患者社会支持和心理弹性在健康素养与衰弱间的多重中介作用,以期为衰弱管理策略的制定提供一定参考和依据。 方法 采用便利抽样法选取2021年11月—2022年4月四川省3所医院的382例维持性血液透析患者作为研究对象。使用一般资料调查问卷、慢性病患者健康素养量表、社会支持评定量表、心理弹性量表和Tilburg量表进行调查。使用Amos 23.0软件构建结构方程模型图,并检验链式中介模型。 结果 维持性血液透析患者健康素养、社会支持、心理弹性和衰弱得分分别为(94.23±11.49)分、(34.89±7.87)分、(63.20±14.26)分和3.00(2.00, 7.00)分。维持性血液透析患者社会支持、心理弹性在健康素养与衰弱间的特定中介效应和链式中介效应均成立,社会支持的特定中介效应占总效应的31.19%,心理弹性的特定中介效应占总效应的8.09%,链式中介效应占总效应的7.86%。 结论 维持性血液透析患者社会支持和心理弹性在健康素养与衰弱间的多重中介效应成立。医护人员应重视并采取针对性措施帮助患者树立健康信念,提高健康素养水平,拓展社会支持网络,开发心理弹性,进而改善衰弱症状。 Abstract:Objective To explore the multiple mediating roles of social support and psychological resilience between health literacy and frailty in patients with maintenance hemodialysis and to provide some reference and basis for the development of frailty management strategies. Methods A convenience sampling method was used to select 382 maintenance hemodialysis patients in three hospitals in Sichuan Province from November 2021 to April 2022 as the study population. The survey was conducted by using the general information questionnaire, health literacy management scale, social support rating scale, connor-davidson resilience scale and Tilburg scale. Amos 23.0 software was used to construct the structural equation-model diagram and perform the intermediary effect test. Results The scores of health literacy, social support, psychological resilience and frailty were (94.23±11.49) points, (34.89±7.87) points, (63.20±14.26) points and 3.00 (2.00, 7.00) points, respectively. The specific mediating effect and chain-mediating effect of social support and psychological resilience between health literacy and frailty were all established. The specific mediating effect of social support accounted for 31.19% of the total effect, and that of psychological resilience accounted for 8.09% of the total effect. The chain-mediating effect accounted for 7.86% of the total effect. Conclusion There are multiple mediating effects of social support and psychological resilience on maintenance hemodialysis patient ' s health literacy and frailty. Healthcare professionals should take targeted measures to help maintenance hemodialysis patients establish health beliefs, improve health literacy, expand social support networks, and develop psychological resilience, thereby improving frailty symptoms. -
Key words:
- Frailty /
- Health literacy /
- Social support /
- Psychological resilience /
- Hemodialysis
表 1 382例MHD患者健康素养、社会支持、心理弹性和衰弱现状
Table 1. Health literacy, social support, resilience, and frailty status of 382 MHD patients
项目 条目 得分范围 得分 健康素养总分(x±s,分) 24 62~118 94.23±11.49 信息获取能力 9 24~45 34.08±5.32 交流互动能力 9 17~40 36.82±4.44 改善健康意愿 4 4~20 15.95±2.52 经济支持意愿 2 2~10 7.37±1.43 社会支持总分(x±s,分) 10 21~57 34.89±7.87 主观支持 4 10~32 18.98±4.54 客观支持 3 3~16 8.80±3.06 支持利用度 3 3~12 7.11±1.99 心理弹性总分(x±s,分) 25 22~97 63.20±14.26 坚韧性 13 7~52 32.37±8.85 力量性 8 6~32 20.57±5.08 乐观性 4 2~16 10.26±2.62 衰弱总分[M(P25, P75),分] 15 0~14 3.00(2.00, 7.00) 身体衰弱 8 0~8 1.00(1.00, 3.00) 心理衰弱 4 0~4 1.00(0.00, 3.00) 社会衰弱 3 0~3 1.00(0.00, 2.00) 表 2 中介效应检验及Bootstrap分析的效应量
Table 2. Effect sizes of mediation effect tests and Bootstrap analyses
效应类型 路径 效应值 效应量
(%)95% CI 直接效应 健康素养-衰弱 -0.222 52.86 -0.369~-0.068 间接效应1 健康素养-心理弹性-衰弱 -0.034 8.09 -0.089~-0.004 间接效应2 健康素养-社会支持-衰弱 -0.131 31.19 -0.229~-0.051 间接效应3 健康素养-社会支持-心理弹性-衰弱 -0.033 7.86 -0.073~-0.006 总间接效应 -0.198 47.14 -0.283~-0.123 总效应 -0.420 100.00 -0.544~-0.292 -
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