Effect of 0.01% atropine eye drops on myopia control and its influencing factors in myopic teenagers
目的 青少年近视的发病率逐渐增加且M受体参与近视的整体发展过程,阿托品属于典型的M受体阻断剂,故探讨0.01%阿托品滴眼液对青少年近视的控制效果及其影响因素。 方法 选取2021年3—8月海宁市人民医院收治的98例近视青少年为研究对象,均接受0.01%阿托品治疗。随访观察1年,将完成随访的82例近视青少年根据治疗效果分为有效组(近视年增长量 < 0.25 D或近视年增长量下降≥50%)50例和无效组(近视年增长量≥0.25 D)32例。应用多因素logistic回归模型分析影响0.01%阿托品治疗效果的相关因素并绘制ROC曲线评估预测价值。 结果 2组年龄、基线等效球镜度SE、裸眼视力比较差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);多因素logistic回归分析显示年龄(OR=1.395,95% CI:1.023~1.901)、裸眼视力(OR=2.134,95% CI:1.087~4.187)、等效球镜度SE(OR=0.349,95% CI:0.183~0.666)为近视0.01%阿托品治疗效果的影响因素(均P < 0.05);ROC曲线显示,年龄、基线等效球镜度SE、裸眼视力预测0.01%阿托品治疗效果的AUC分别为0.708(95% CI: 0.597~0.803)、0.799(95% CI: 0.696~0.879)、0.714(95% CI: 0.603~0.808)。 结论 0.01%阿托品治疗近视青少年效果显著,年龄小、基线等效球镜度SE高、裸眼视力低更能从0.01%阿托品治疗中获益。 Abstract:Objective The incidence of myopia in teenagers is gradually increasing, and the M receptor is involved in the whole process of myopia development. Atropine is a typical M receptor blocker. Therefore, the effect of 0.01% atropine eye drops on myopia control in adolescents with myopia and its influencing factors are discussed. Methods A total of 98 myopic adolescents admitted to Haining People's Hospital from March to August 2021 were selected as the research objects, and all received 0.01% atropine treatment. The 82 patients were followed up for 1 year. According to the treatment effect, they were divided into an effective group (50 cases, annual increase of myopia < 0.25 D or decrease of myopia ≥50%) and an ineffective group (32 cases, annual increase of myopia ≥0.25 D). A multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the related factors affecting the treatment effect of 0.01% atropine, and a ROC curve was drawn to evaluate the predictive value. Results There were significant differences in age, baseline equivalent spherical mirror SE and naked eye visual acuity between the two groups (all P < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age (OR=1.395, 95% CI: 1.023-1.901), naked eye visual acuity (OR=2.134, 95% CI: 1.087-4.187), equivalent spheroscope SE (OR=0.349, 95% CI: 0.183-0.666) were the factors influencing the therapeutic effect of 0.01% atropine (all P < 0.05). The ROC curve showed that the AUCs of age, baseline equivalent spheroscope SE and naked eye visual acuity in predicting the effect of 0.01% atropine were 0.708 (95% CI: 0.597-0.803), 0.799(95% CI: 0.696-0.879) and 0.714 (95% CI: 0.603-0.808), respectively. Conclusion The effect of 0.01% atropine in the treatment of myopic adolescents is significant. Younger age, higher baseline spherical equivalent SE and lower naked eye visual acuity are more likely to benefit from 0.01% atropine. -
Key words:
- Myopia /
- Teenagers /
- Atropine /
- Treatment effect
表 1 近视青少年0.01%阿托品治疗效果单因素分析
Table 1. Univariate analysis of the therapeutic effect of 0.01% atropine in myopic adolescents
项目 有效组(n=50) 无效组(n=32) 统计量 P值 性别(例) 0.065a 0.799 男性 28 17 女性 22 15 年龄(x±s,岁) 12.20±1.97 13.65±1.69 3.550b 0.001 家族史[例(%)] 3(6.00) 3(9.38) 0.019a 0.890 户外活动时间[例(%)] 0.178a 0.674 <2 h/d 18(36.00) 13(40.63) ≥2 h/d 32(64.00) 19(59.37) 睡眠时间[例(%)] 0.019a 0.891 <9 h/d 18(36.00) 12(37.50) ≥9 h/d 32(64.00) 20(62.50) 完成作业及看书时长[例(%)] 1.149a 0.284 ≥3 h/d 19(38.00) 16(50.00) <3 h/d 31(62.00) 16(50.00) 使用移动设备时间(x±s,h/d) 1.88±0.35 2.01±0.37 1.585b 0.118 基线等效球镜度SE(x±s,D) -2.15±0.90 -3.21±0.90 5.203b < 0.001 AL(x±s,mm) 24.26±1.21 24.31±1.24 0.180b 0.858 IOP(x±s,mmHg) 16.98±2.30 17.02±2.19 0.079b 0.937 瞳孔直径(x±s,mm) 3.85±0.58 3.87±0.61 0.148b 0.883 AMP(x±s,D) 14.28±4.11 14.21±4.22 0.074b 0.941 最平坦角膜曲率(x±s,D) 42.26±1.25 42.22±1.27 0.140b 0.889 最陡峭角膜曲率(x±s,D) 44.25±1.63 44.31±1.59 0.165b 0.869 裸眼视力(x±s,LogMAR) 0.36±0.12 0.46±0.11 3.875b < 0.001 注:a为χ2值,b为t值。 表 2 近视青少年0.01%阿托品治疗效果多因素logistic回归分析
Table 2. Multivariable logistic regression analysis of the therapeutic effect of 0.01% atropine in myopic adolescents
变量 B SE Wald χ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 年龄 0.333 0.158 4.428 0.035 1.395 1.023~1.901 等效球镜度SE -1.053 0.330 10.201 0.001 0.349 0.183~0.666 裸眼视力 0.758 0.344 4.854 0.028 2.134 1.087~4.187 -
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