Study on effect of PRECEDE-PROCEED model on improving diabetes management ability of internship nursing students
目的 探索基于格林模式的糖尿病管理教育项目对提高实习护生糖尿病管理能力的效果。 方法 采用便利抽样法抽取2020年8月—2021年12月在某医院实习的180名护生,采用随机数字表法将实习护生分为格林组和对照组,每组各90人,格林组采用以格林模式为框架构建的培训方案,对照组采用常规的路径式培训方案,对2组实习护生进行糖尿病相关知识以及技能的培训。比较培训前和培训1个月后2组实习护生的糖尿病理论知识、一般自我效能、血糖监测技能、胰岛素注射技能的得分情况。 结果 培训1个月后2组实习护生的糖尿病理论知识、一般自我效能、血糖监测技能、胰岛素注射技能得分均较培训前提高(均P < 0.01),格林组实习护生得分高于对照组[糖尿病理论知识得分:(86.91±4.45)分vs. (75.24±7.09)分;一般自我效能得分:(3.14±0.41)分vs. (2.81±0.47)分;血糖监测技能得分:(95.81±1.87)分vs. (92.62±2.95)分;胰岛素注射技能得分:(93.69±4.11)分vs. (90.23±3.90)分],差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.01)。 结论 以格林模式为理论框架的糖尿病管理教育项目提高了实习护生的糖尿病理论知识和自我效能水平,规范了血糖监测和胰岛素注射行为,提高了糖尿病管理能力。 Abstract:Objective To explore the effects of diabetes management education project based on PRECEDE-PROCEED model on improving the diabetes management ability of internship nursing students. Methods Convenience sampling was used to select 180 internship nursing students who practiced in a hospital as the research object from August 2020 to December 2021. All students were divided into experimental group and control group according to the random number table, with 90 students in each group. The experimental group adopted PRECEDE-PROCEED mode as the framework of the training program, and the control group adopted the conventional path training program. The scores of theoretical knowledges of diabetes, general self-efficacy, blood glucose monitoring skills and insulin injection skills were compared between the two groups before and 1 month after training. Results After 1 month of training, the scores of theoretical knowledge of diabetes, general self-efficacy, blood glucose monitoring skills and insulin injection skills of internship nursing students in both groups were improved compared with those before training (all P < 0.01), and the scores of nursing students in PRECEDE-PROCEED group were higher than those in control group [theoretical knowledge of diabetes: (86.91±4.45) points vs. (75.24±7.09) points; self-efficacy: (3.14±0.41) points vs. (2.81±0.47) points; blood glucose monitoring skills: (95.81±1.87) points vs. (92.62±2.95) points; insulin injection skills: (93.69±4.11) points vs. (90.23±3.90) points], the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.01). Conclusion The diabetes management education program based on PRECEDE-PROCEED model improves the diabetes theoretical knowledge and self-efficacy of internship nursing students, standardizes their blood glucose monitoring and insulin injection behaviors, and improves their abilities to manage diabetes. -
Key words:
- Internship nursing students /
- Diabetes /
- Self-efficacy
表 1 格林模式组实习护生健康教育方案
Table 1. PRECEDE-PROCEED group health education program for internship nursing students
课次 内容 方法 第1次 糖尿病基本知识、糖尿病护理态度和价值观 PPT讲授、视频、案例分析 第2次 糖尿病饮食、运动、药物疗法 PPT讲授、视频、案例分析 第3次 血糖监测及低血糖识别与处理 PPT讲授、示教、分组练习、回示、视频 第4次 胰岛素相关知识及注射技能 PPT讲授、示教、分组练习、回示、视频 表 2 2组实习护生培训前后理论得分情况(x±s,分)
Table 2. Comparison of theoretical scores between two groups before and after intervention (x±s, points)
组别 人数 总分 基本知识 饮食疗法 运动疗法 药物疗法 低血糖识别及处理 培训前 培训后 培训前 培训后 培训前 培训后 培训前 培训后 培训前 培训后 培训前 培训后 格林组 90 54.93±7.07 86.91±4.45a 20.11±3.82 31.96±2.24a 5.67±1.28 9.24±1.06a 5.69±1.37 9.71±0.70a 17.27±3.32 26.16±1.65a 6.20±1.38 9.71±0.71a 对照组 90 55.68±7.54 75.24±7.09a 20.78±3.99 26.71±3.55a 5.80±1.34 8.02±1.21a 5.76±1.40 8.49±1.32a 17.18±3.39 23.07±2.04a 6.18±1.33 8.96±1.21a t值 0.793 13.384 1.144 11.845 0.680 7.173 0.323 7.775 0.178 11.180 0.110 5.122 P值 0.489 < 0.001 0.254 < 0.001 0.496 < 0.001 0.747 < 0.001 0.859 < 0.001 0.932 < 0.001 注:与同组培训前比较,a P < 0.05。 表 3 2组实习护生培训前后自我效能得分情况(x±s,分)
Table 3. Comparison of self-efficacy scores between two groups before and after intervention (x±s, points)
组别 人数 培训前 培训后 格林组 90 2.43±0.48 3.14±0.41a 对照组 90 2.46±0.58 2.81±0.47a t值 0.376 5.206 P值 0.708 < 0.001 注:与同组培训前比较,aP < 0.05。 表 4 2组实习护生培训前后技能考核得分情况(x±s,分)
Table 4. Comparison of skill examination scores between two groups before and after intervention (x±s, points)
组别 人数 血糖监测 胰岛素注射 培训前 培训后 培训前 培训后 格林组 90 84.86±4.30 95.81±1.87a 77.87±5.62 93.69±4.11a 对照组 90 85.04±4.34 92.62±2.95a 76.89±6.91 90.23±3.90a t值 0.263 8.657 1.041 4.631 P值 0.770 <0.001 0.299 <0.001 注:与同组培训前比较,aP < 0.05。 -
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