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周文静 李华杰 孙欢 闵有宝 刘磊 周平辉

周文静, 李华杰, 孙欢, 闵有宝, 刘磊, 周平辉. 单侧经皮椎体后凸成形术联合针刀治疗单节段骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折的临床观察[J]. 中华全科医学, 2023, 21(11): 1823-1826. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.0033233
引用本文: 周文静, 李华杰, 孙欢, 闵有宝, 刘磊, 周平辉. 单侧经皮椎体后凸成形术联合针刀治疗单节段骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折的临床观察[J]. 中华全科医学, 2023, 21(11): 1823-1826. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.0033233
ZHOU Wenjing, LI Huajie, SUN Huan, MIN Youbao, LIU Lei, ZHOU Pinghui. Efficacy of percutaneous unilateral balloon kyphoplasty combined with small-needle knife in the treatment of postoperative pain from single-level osteoporotic thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2023, 21(11): 1823-1826. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.0033233
Citation: ZHOU Wenjing, LI Huajie, SUN Huan, MIN Youbao, LIU Lei, ZHOU Pinghui. Efficacy of percutaneous unilateral balloon kyphoplasty combined with small-needle knife in the treatment of postoperative pain from single-level osteoporotic thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2023, 21(11): 1823-1826. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.0033233


doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.0033233

国家自然科学基金项目 31700854



  • 中图分类号: R683.2  R687.42

Efficacy of percutaneous unilateral balloon kyphoplasty combined with small-needle knife in the treatment of postoperative pain from single-level osteoporotic thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨单节段骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折采用单侧经皮穿刺球囊扩张椎体后凸成形术联合小针刀治疗的临床疗效。  方法  选择滁州市中西医结合医院2017年7月—2019年3月骨伤二科收治的符合纳入与排除标准的单节段骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者共46例,统计患者年龄、性别、病变椎体节段等一般资料,统计术前、术后24 h、针刀治疗后、术后6个月VAS评分,术前、术后、术后6个月Cobb角以及6个月内神经症状及再发压缩骨折情况。  结果  46例患者术后疼痛较术前均明显改善,手术前后VAS评分、Cobb角比较差异有统计学意义[(2.63±0.74)分vs. (7.30±0.66)分、(8.78±0.16)° vs. (15.52±0.27)°,均P<0.05]。其中1例患者发生骨水泥渗漏,无心肺系统及下肢血栓并发症发生,无死亡患者。  结论  单侧经皮穿刺球囊扩张椎体后凸成形术联合小针刀治疗单节段骨质疏松性压缩性骨折能够快速缓解患者疼痛,可有效提高老年患者的生活质量,安全性较好。


  • 图  1  L1椎体骨折患者PKP手术前后MRI

    注:A为术前MRI示L1椎体骨折; B、C为术后复查腰椎正侧位片示L1椎体骨水泥填充; D为术后半年随访MRI示L1椎体高度无明显丢失。

    Figure  1.  MRI before and after PKP surgery in patients with L1 vertebral fracture

    图  2  T12椎体骨折患者PKP手术前后MRI

    A为术前MRI示T12椎体骨折; B、C为术后复查腰椎正侧位片示T12椎体骨水泥填充; D为术后半年随访MRI示T12椎体高度无明显丢失。

    Figure  2.  MRI before and after PKP surgery in patients with T12 vertebral fractures

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