Current status and influencing factors of sedentary behavior in patients with stable chronic heart failure
目的 了解稳定期慢性心力衰竭患者久坐行为的现状, 并分析其影响因素, 为后期制定针对性的干预措施提供理论依据。 方法 采取方便抽样法,选取2023年4—10月在安徽医科大学第一附属医院心血管内科门诊就诊的196例慢性心力衰竭患者,采用一般资料问卷、国际体力活动短问卷(IPAQ-SF)、Barthel指数(BI)、心脏康复锻炼自我效能量表(CESEI)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行调查,运用logistic回归分析探讨其影响因素。 结果 稳定期慢性心力衰竭患者日均久坐行为时间为(8.19±2.71)h,131例(66.84%)患者的久坐行为总时间>6 h。单因素结果显示,不同性别、年龄、BMI、受教育程度、近一年内加重次数、依赖程度、心功能分级、抑郁状况、心脏康复锻炼自我效能评分及社会支持评分的稳定期慢性心力衰竭患者久坐行为比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示, 年龄(OR=1.964,P=0.001)、BMI(OR=0.474,P=0.007)、心功能分级(OR=3.854,P=0.001)、心脏康复锻炼自我效能(OR=0.940,P=0.027)、抑郁(OR=2.863,P=0.009)是稳定期慢性心力衰竭患者久坐行为的影响因素。 结论 稳定期慢性心力衰竭患者久坐时间较长,久坐行为较为普遍。未来医护人员可采取有效干预措施,以降低患者的久坐行为时间,改善其预后。 -
- 慢性心力衰竭 /
- 久坐行为 /
- 心脏康复锻炼自我效能 /
- 影响因素
Abstract:Objective To understand the current status of sedentary behavior in patients with stable chronic heart failure (CHF) and analyze its influencing factors, to provide a theoretical basis for formulating targeted intervention measures in the later stage. Methods A total of 196 patients with chronic heart failure who visited the outpatient department of Cardiovascular Medicine in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from April 2023 to October 2023 were selected by the convenient sampling method. The general information questionnaire, international physical activity questionnaire short form (IPAQ-SF), Barthel index (BI), cardiac exercise self-efficacy instrument (CESEI), social support rating scale (SSRS), and self-rating depression scale (SDS) were used to investigate, logistic regression was used to explore the influencing factors. Results The average daily sedentary time of the stable chronic heart failure patients was (8.19±2.71) h, and the total sedentary behavior time of 131 patients (66.84%) was more than 6 hours. Univariate results showed that there were statistically significant differences in sedentary behavior among chronic heart failure patients with different genders, age, BMI, education level, number of exacerbations in the past year, degree of dependence, cardiac function classification, depression degree, self-efficacy score of cardiac rehabilitation exercise and social support score (P < 0.05), logistic regression analysis showed that age (OR=1.964, P=0.001), BMI (OR=0.474, P=0.007), heart function grade of NYHA (OR=3.854, P=0.001), self-efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation exercise (OR=0.940, P=0.027) and depression (OR=2.863, P=0.009) were the influencing factors of sedentary behavior in patients with stable chronic heart failure. Conclusion The sedentary time of patients with stable chronic heart failure is longer, and sedentary behavior is common. In the future, medical staff can take effective interventions to reduce the sedentary behavior of patients and improve their prognosis. -
表 1 稳定期CHF患者久坐行为的单因素分析
Table 1. Univariate analysis of sedentary behavior in patients with stable chronic heart failure
项目 例数 非久坐(n=65) 久坐(n=131) 统计量 P值 性别[例(%)] 3.942a 0.047 男性 107 42(39.3) 65(60.7) 女性 89 23(25.8) 66(74.2) 年龄[例(%)] -5.792b <0.001 ≤59岁 29 17(58.6) 12(41.4) 60~岁 43 29(67.4) 14(32.6) 70~岁 69 10(14.5) 59(85.5) ≥80岁 55 9(16.4) 46(83.6) BMI[例(%)] -4.139b <0.001 <18.5 77 18(23.4) 59(76.6) 18.5~23.9 78 19(24.4) 59(75.6) ≥24.0 41 28(68.3) 13(31.7) 婚姻[例(%)] 3.168a 0.075 已婚 165 59(35.8) 106(64.2) 未婚/离异/丧偶 31 6(19.4) 25(80.6) 居住方式[例(%)] 2.444a 0.118 非独居 143 52(36.4) 91(63.6) 独居 53 13(24.5) 40(75.5) 家庭人均月收入[例(%)] -1.500b 0.134 <3 000元 115 34(29.6) 81(70.4) 3 000~5 000元 68 24(35.3) 44(64.7) >5 000元 13 7(53.8) 6(46.2) 医保方式[例(%)] 3.823a 0.149 自费 29 11(37.9) 18(62.1) 职工 49 21(42.9) 28(57.1) 居民 118 33(28.0) 85(72.0) 受教育程度[例(%)] -2.083b 0.037 小学及以下 140 41(29.3) 99(70.7) 中学/中专 42 15(35.7) 27(64.3) 大专及以上 14 9(64.3) 5(35.7) 病程[例(%)] 3.307a 0.069 <5年 118 45(38.1) 73(61.9) ≥5年 78 20(25.6) 58(74.4) 非心血管合并症[例(%)] 3.138a 0.076 <3个 100 39(39.0) 61(61.0) ≥3个 96 26(27.1) 70(72.9) 近一年内加重次数[例(%)] -2.517b 0.012 ≤1次 51 20(39.2) 31(60.8) 2次 94 37(39.4) 57(60.6) ≥3次 51 8(15.7) 43(84.3) 心功能分级[例(%)] 23.275a <0.001 Ⅱ级 88 45(51.1) 43(48.9) Ⅲ级 108 20(18.5) 88(81.5) 健康自评[例(%)] -1.407b 0.159 好 34 11(32.4) 23(67.6) 中 83 34(41.0) 49(59.0) 差 79 20(25.3) 59(74.7) 依赖程度[例(%)] -2.242b 0.025 轻度依赖/独立 153 57(37.3) 96(62.7) 中度依赖 29 5(17.2) 24(82.8) 重度依赖 14 3(21.4) 11(78.6) 抑郁状况[例(%)] -4.293b <0.001 正常 137 59(43.1) 78(56.9) 轻度 42 3(7.1) 39(92.9) 中重度 17 3(17.6) 14(82.4) CESEI得分(x±s,分) 54.58±6.87 50.47±7.97 3.562c <0.001 SSRS得分M(P25, P75),分] 30.00(27.00,33.00) 28.00(26.00,31.00) -3.137b 0.002 注:a为χ2值,b为Z值,c为t值。 表 2 稳定期CHF患者久坐行为的logistic回归分析
Table 2. Logistic regression analysis of sedentary behavior in patients with stable chronic heart failure
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 年龄 0.675 0.209 10.400 0.001 1.964 1.303~2.960 BMI -0.746 0.275 7.352 0.007 0.474 0.276~0.813 心功能分级 1.349 0.408 10.960 0.001 3.854 1.734~8.566 抑郁状况 1.052 0.405 6.744 0.009 2.863 1.294~6.333 CESEI得分 -0.062 0.028 4.873 0.027 0.940 0.889~0.993 -
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