Learning curve of the distal radial access for coronary intervention
目的 探讨经远端桡动脉(DRA)行冠状动脉介入诊疗中操作数量与穿刺置管成功率的关系,并分析穿刺置管失败的危险因素。 方法 回顾性分析2021年1月—2022年12月北京潞河医院心内科单一术者经DRA入路行冠状动脉介入诊疗的患者1 000例,根据操作时间和先后顺序分为10组,每100例为一个阶段,主要研究终点为每100例患者的穿刺置管成功率,次要研究终点为每100例患者的一次性穿刺成功率和穿刺置管时间。采用logistic回归分析研究DRA穿刺置管失败的相关因素。 结果 1 000例患者中,DRA穿刺置管成功率为92.3%。200例操作后,DRA的穿刺置管成功率可达93.0%以上(P=0.075),一次性穿刺成功率从最初的74.0%增加至96.0%(P < 0.001),穿刺置管中位时间从3.00 min减少到2.00 min(P < 0.001)。Logistic回归分析显示,DRA直径(P=0.020)与左侧入路(P=0.046)均为DRA穿刺置管失败的影响因素。 结论 DRA路径需200例操作经验后穿刺置管成功率可达93.0%以上并维持稳定状态,小DRA直径和左侧入路是DRA穿刺置管失败的主要因素。 -
- 远端桡动脉 /
- 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 /
- 学习曲线 /
- 穿刺置管成功率
Abstract:Objective To determine the correlation between operator experience in distal transradial coronary intervention (dTRI) and the successful cannulation rate of the distal radial artery (DRA), as well as to identify risk factors for puncture and cannulation failures. Methods From January 2021 to December 2022, 1 000 patients who underwent dTRI via DRA by a single interventionist in Beijing Luhe Hospital were retrospectively enrolled. These patients were chronologically ranked and divided into ten groups (100 cases each) according to operation time and order. The primary endpoint was the successful cannulation rate of DRA for every 100 cases, while the secondary endpoints were the success rate of one-time puncture catheterization and puncture catheterization time. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to identify predictors of unsuccessful DRA. Results A total of 1 000 patients were enrolled, with a successful DRA cannulation rate of 92.3%. After 200 cases, this rate stabilized at 93.0% (P=0.075). The first attempt DRA puncture success rate improved from 74.0% to 96.0%, while the median sheath cannulation time decreased from 3.00 min to 2.00 min (P < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that a negative association between DRA diameter (P=0.020) and cannulation failure, and a positive association with left artery access (P=0.046). Conclusion Achieving over 93.0% success in DRA puncture and cannulation becomes consistent after 200 cases. Small DRA diameter and left-sided access are key predictors of failure. -
表 1 ACS患者dTRI穿刺置管成功组和失败组基线资料比较
Table 1. Comparison of baseline data between successful and failed dTRI puncture catheterization groups in patients with ACS
项目 总数(n=1 000) 成功组(n=923) 失败组(n=77) 统计量 P值 年龄(x±s,岁) 61.2±12.9 61.1±12.9 63.1±13.8 -1.318a 0.188 性别[例(%)] 11.869b 0.001 男性 790(79.0) 741(80.3) 49(63.6) 女性 210(21.0) 182(19.7) 28(36.4) 身高(x±s,cm) 167.1±9.5 167.3±9.6 165.3±8.1 1.704a 0.089 体重[M(P25, P75),kg] 73.0(65.0, 80.0) 73.0(65.0, 80.0) 75.0(65.0, 82.5) -0.642c 0.526 BMI[M(P25, P75)] 25.9(23.7, 28.4) 25.8(23.5, 28.4) 26.8(24.5, 29.4) -2.377c 0.017 危险因素[例(%)] 高血压 628(62.8) 580(62.8) 48(62.3) 0.008b 0.930 糖尿病 322(32.2) 296(32.1) 26(33.8) 0.094b 0.759 高脂血症 387(38.7) 357(38.7) 30(39.0) 0.002b 0.961 当前吸烟 460(46.0) 437(47.3) 23(29.9) 8.738b 0.003 慢性肾功能不全 29(2.9) 24(2.6) 5(6.5) 3.826b 0.065 心房颤动 60(6.0) 52(5.6) 8(10.4) 2.069b 0.126 脑卒中 111(11.1) 101(10.9) 10(13.0) 0.301b 0.583 既往PRA[例(%)] 231(23.1) 210(22.8) 21(27.3) 0.818b 0.366 既往DRA[例(%)] 58(5.8) 57(6.2) 1(1.3) 2.266b 0.121 既往PCI[例(%)] 259(25.9) 241(26.1) 18(23.4) 0.277b 0.599 射血分数(x±s,%) 64.1±9.8 64.1±9.9 64.3±8.8 -0.193a 0.847 右侧入路[例(%)] 985(98.5) 912(98.8) 73(94.8) 5.237b 0.023 诊断[例(%)] UAP/NSTEMI 506(50.6) 464(50.3) 42(54.5) 0.520b 0.471 STEMI 456(45.6) 424(45.9) 32(41.6) 0.549b 0.459 其他 38(3.8) 35(3.8) 3(3.9) < 0.001b 0.999 操作[例(%)] CAG 142(14.2) 131(14.2) 11(14.3) 0.001b 0.982 PCI 858(85.8) 792(85.8) 66(85.7) 0.001b 0.982 DRA直径(x±s,mm) 2.3±0.4 2.3±0.4 2.0±0.4 5.409a < 0.001 PRA直径(x±s,mm) 3.0±0.5 3.0±0.5 2.7±0.4 5.280a < 0.001 注:a为t值,b为χ2值,c为Z值。CAG为冠状动脉造影(coronary angiography);PCI为经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention);UAP为不稳定型心绞痛(unstable angina pectoris);NSTEMI为非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction);STEMI为ST段抬高型心肌梗死(ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction)。 表 2 变量赋值情况
Table 2. Variable assignment
变量 赋值方法 性别 男性=0,女性=1 身高 以实际值赋值 BMI 以实际值赋值 当前吸烟 无=0,有=1 慢性肾功能不全 无=0,有=1 入路方式 右侧=0,左侧=1 DRA直径 以实际值赋值 PRA直径 以实际值赋值 表 3 ACS患者远端桡动脉穿刺置管失败的多因素logistic回归分析
Table 3. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of failed distal radial artery puncture catheterization in ACS patients
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR值 95% CI 女性 0.310 0.367 0.717 0.397 1.364 0.665~2.797 身高 0.006 0.019 0.088 0.767 1.006 0.968~1.044 BMI < 0.001 0.003 0.010 0.921 1.000 0.994~1.005 当前吸烟 -0.404 0.285 2.006 0.157 0.667 0.381~1.168 慢性肾功能不全 0.667 0.541 1.523 0.217 1.948 0.675~5.621 左侧入路 1.262 0.633 3.972 0.046 3.533 1.021~12.224 DRA直径 -1.053 0.451 5.451 0.020 0.349 0.144~0.844 PRA直径 -0.475 0.415 1.306 0.253 0.622 0.276~1.404 表 4 ACS患者DRA和PRA入路术后并发症发生情况比较
Table 4. Comparison of postoperative complications between DRA and PRA approaches in ACS patients
项目 例数 止血时间
[M(P25, P75), h]PRAO
[例(%)]DRA 923 3.27(3.00, 3.72) 19(2.1)b 37(4.0) 73(7.9) 16(1.8) 2(0.2) 1(0.1) 10(1.1) PRA 66 6.19(5.65, 6.64) 6(9.1)c 3(4.6) 6(9.1) 1(1.5) 0 0 1(1.5) 统计量 -10.445a 12.363d 0.046d 0.117d 0.017d 0.143d 0.072d 0.104d P值 < 0.001 0.005 0.745 0.734 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.534 注: a为Z值, d为χ2值。b为与同组DRAO发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(2.1% vs. 4.0%, χ2=5.967,P=0.015);c为与同组DRAO发生率比较差异无统计学意义(9.1% vs. 4.6%, χ2=1.093,P=0.296)。 -
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