Longitudinal study on adherence to dietary treatment and its influencing factors in patients with primary hepatic cancer
目的 随访观察原发性肝癌患者饮食治疗依从性的变化轨迹,并分析其影响因素。 方法 采用方便抽样法于2021年3月—2022年4月选取在温州医科大学附属第二医院住院首次治疗的243例肝癌患者为研究对象。出院前(T0)完成第1次问卷调查,首次治疗后1个月(T1)、3个月(T2)及6个月(T3)随访完成依从性量表调查。 结果 肝癌患者在T0、T1、T2和T3时点的饮食治疗依从性得分分别为(37.62±6.53)分、(37.82±6.34)分、(37.12±6.10)分和(34.43±5.76)分,T0-T1、T0-T2和T1-T2间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而T0-T3、T1-T3、T2-T3间的差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。使用潜类别增长模型可识别3个潜在轨迹类别:“紧紧跟随组”占比30.87%(75例),“放松警惕组”占比33.33%(81例),“重视不足组”占比35.80%(87例)。宗教信仰、营养不良风险、独居和健康信念是肝癌患者饮食治疗依从性潜在轨迹类别的影响因素。 结论 医护人员应尊重患者的宗教信仰,帮助重度营养不良风险的患者形成正确的疾病认知,配合社区开展独居患者精准关爱服务,准确评估患者的健康信念状况,提高饮食治疗的依从性。 Abstract:Objective To explore the change track of dietary treatment adherence of primary hepatic cancer patients and its influencing factors. Methods A convenience sample of 243 hepatic cancer patients undergoing their first treatment in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University between March 2021 and April 2022 was selected. The initial data collection was completed before discharge (T0), followed by collecting data on dietary treatment adherence scale at 1 month (T1), 3 months (T2) and 6 months (T3) after the first treatment. Results The dietary treatment adherence scores at points T0, T1, T2 and T3 were (37.62±6.53) points, (37.82±6.34) points, (37.12±6.10) points and (34.43±5.76) points. The differences between T0-T1, T0-T2 and T1-T2 were not statistically significant (P>0.05), while the differences between T0-T3, T1-T3 and T2-T3 were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Three potential trajectory categories could be identified by the potential category growth model: "closely follow group" accounted for 30.87% (75 cases), "relaxed group" accounted for 33.33% (81 cases) and "underappreciated group" accounted for 35.80% (87 cases). Religious beliefs, risk of malnutrition, living alone and health beliefs were the influencing factors in determining the potential trajectory category of dietary treatment adherence. Conclusion Medical staff should respect patients ' religious beliefs, assist patients at risk of severe malnutrition in developing a correct understanding of the disease, cooperate with the community to provide accurate care services for patients living alone, accurately assess their health beliefs, and improve the diet treatment adherence. -
Key words:
- Primary hepatic cancer /
- Dietary treatment adherence /
- Longitudinal study
表 1 PHC患者各时点的饮食治疗依从性(x ±s,分)
Table 1. Dietary treatment adherence of PHC patients at different time points (x ±s, points)
项目 T0 T1 T2 T3 日常饮食管理行为 3.29±0.51 3.38±0.53 3.43±0.56 2.98±0.44 饮食依从性态度 3.21±0.51 3.31±0.51 3.09±0.55 3.17±0.51 遵医饮食行为 3.46±0.54 3.40±0.52 3.21±0.49 3.02±0.47 家属支持度 3.66±0.58 3.53±0.61 3.54±0.58 3.25±0.55 限酒行为 3.89±0.62 3.82±0.58 3.72±0.59 3.63±0.54 总分 3.42±0.61 3.44±0.59 3.39±0.57 3.13±0.52 表 2 PHC患者饮食治疗依从性的潜在轨迹类别拟合结果
Table 2. The fitness of potential trajectory categories of dietary treatment adherence in PHC patients
类别数 AIC BIC aBIC 信息熵 LMRT(P值) BLRT(P值) 类别概率(%) 1 9 386.258 9 430.983 9 391.192 100 2 9 108.562 9 165.290 9 114.381 0.865 < 0.001 < 0.001 55.97/44.03 3 8 976.577 9 045.337 8 983.062 0.910 0.034 < 0.001 30.87/33.33/35.80 4 8 922.246 9 003.706 8 929.975 0.916 0.215 0.188 30.86/29.22/34.16/5.76 5 8 900.148 8 994.132 8 911.848 0.922 0.523 0.389 25.51/29.22/25.93/15.23/4.11 表 3 PHC患者饮食治疗依从性的潜在轨迹类别的单因素分析[例(%)]
Table 3. Univariate analysis of the potential trajectory categories of dietary treatment adherence in PHC patients [cases (%)]
项目 分类 例数 类别1(n=75) 类别2(n=81) 类别4(n=87) 统计量 P值 性别 男性 139 34(24.46) 51(36.69) 54(38.85) 6.255a 0.044 女性 104 41(39.42) 30(28.85) 33(31.73) 文化程度 小学及以下 44 9(20.45) 13(29.55) 22(50.00) 9.940b 0.007 中学 95 26(27.37) 31(32.63) 38(40.00) 大专及以上 104 40(38.46) 37(35.58) 27(25.96) 独居 是 48 7(14.58) 15(31.25) 26(54.17) 10.849a 0.004 否 195 68(34.87) 66(33.85) 61(31.28) 宗教信仰 有 45 24(53.33) 13(28.89) 8(17.78) 14.373a 0.001 无 198 51(25.76) 68(34.34) 79(39.90) 肿瘤最大径(cm) <5 132 33(25.00) 43(32.58) 56(42.42) 7.407a 0.025 ≥5 111 42(37.84) 38(34.23) 31(27.93) 营养不良风险 低营养不良风险 203 69(33.99) 70(34.48) 64(31.53) 13.112b < 0.001 中度营养不良风险 30 4(13.33) 9(30.00) 17(56.67) 重度营养不良风险 10 2(20.00) 2(20.00) 6(60.00) 注:a为χ2值,b为H值。类别1为紧紧跟随组;类别2为放松警惕组;类别3为重视不足组。本表仅列出差异有统计学意义的变量。 表 4 变量赋值情况
Table 4. Variable assignment
变量 赋值方法 饮食治疗依从性潜在轨迹类别 类别1=1,类别2=2,类别3=3 性别 男性=0,女性=1 文化程度 小学及以下=1, 中学=2, 大专及以上=3 独居 否=0,是=1 宗教信仰 无=0,有=1 肿瘤最大径 <5 cm=0,≥5 cm=1 营养风险筛查 重营养不良风险=1, 中度营养不良风险=2, 轻度营养不良风险=3 表 5 PHC患者饮食治疗依从性潜在轨迹类别的logistic回归分析
Table 5. Logistic regression of the potential trajectory categories of dietary treatment adherence in PHC patients
项目 自变量 B值 SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) 类别1与类别2a 宗教信仰 0.823 0.291 7.999 0.005 2.277(1.573~3.002) 营养风险筛查 0.683 0.269 6.447 0.011 1.980(1.234~2.551) 类别1与类别3b 是否独居 0.949 0.306 9.618 0.002 2.583(1.346~3.896) 健康信念 1.307 0.624 4.385 0.036 3.695(2.764~4.518) 宗教信仰 0.855 0.374 5.221 0.022 2.351(1.896~2.987) 类别2与类别3b 是否独居 0.883 0.331 7.110 0.008 0.414(0.186~0.621) 健康信念 0.587 0.245 5.746 0.017 1.799(1.257~2.342) 注:类别1为紧紧跟随组;类别2为放松警惕组;类别3为重视不足组。a类别2为参照组,b类别3为参照组。 -
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