Effect of fresh embryo transfer on clinical pregnancy outcomes in patients with GnRH antagonist
目的 比较GnRH拮抗剂方案新鲜周期和复苏周期胚胎移植的妊娠结局,为拮抗剂方案胚胎移植策略提供依据。 方法 回顾性分析2017—2022年于湖州市妇幼保健院生殖中心采用拮抗剂方案促排卵的患者,按是否新鲜周期移植分为2组,研究组为新鲜周期移植的患者(197例),对照组为新鲜周期全胚冷冻且完成首次复苏周期移植的患者(136例),比较2组妊娠结局的差异。 结果 单因素分析显示新鲜周期组和复苏周期组临床妊娠率(50.8% vs. 54.4%, P=0.512)、活产率(41.1% vs. 46.3%, P=0.346)比较差异均无统计学意义, 2组卵裂胚、囊胚着床率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。修正Poisson分析显示拮抗剂方案促排卵周期年龄是唯一能同时预测临床妊娠率(RR=0.989, 95% CI:0.981~0.997, P=0.007)和活产率(RR=0.992,95% CI:0.983~0.999,P=0.048)的因素,新鲜周期胚胎移植不是影响临床妊娠率(RR=1.016, 95% CI:0.924~1.118,P=0.742)和活产率(RR=1.020, 95% CI: 0.922~1.128, P=0.700)的因素。 结论 拮抗剂方案促排周期,年龄是唯一能同时预测临床妊娠率和活产率的重要因素,而新鲜周期移植不影响临床妊娠结局。 Abstract:Objective To compare of clinical outcomes between fresh cycle transfer and first frozen embryo transfer (FET) in patients during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) with GnRH antagonist protocol, to explore embryo transfer strategies for GnRH antagonist protocol. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for patients using GnRH antagonist protocol at the Reproductive Medicine Center of Huzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, from 2017 to 2022. The patients were divided into two groups based on whether fresh embryos were transferred. Patients in the study group were treated with fresh embryo transfer (n=197), while patients in the control group were those whose whole embryos freezing and completed the first FET (n=136). The differences in pregnancy outcomes between the two groups were compared. Results There were no significant differences in clinical pregnancy rate (CPR, 50.8% vs. 54.4%, P=0.512), and live birth rate (LBR, 41.1% vs. 46.3%, P=0.346)between the fresh embryo transfer group and the frozen embryo transfer group in patients using GnRH antagonist protocol through univariate analysis, and also in the implantation rate of cleavage embryo and blastocyst (P > 0.05). The age of patients undergoing COH with GnRH antagonist protocol was the only factor predicted both CPR (RR=0.989, 95% CI: 0.981-0.997, P=0.007) and LBR (RR=0.992, 95% CI: 0.983-0.999, P=0.048) through modified Poisson regression. The fresh embryo transfer was not a factor influencing CPR (RR=1.016, 95% CI: 0.924-1.118, P=0.742) and LPR (RR=1.020, 95% CI: 0.922-1.128, P=0.700). Conclusion The age of patients is the only significant predictor of both CPR and LBR using COH with GnRH antagonist protocol, whereas fresh embryo transplantation doses not affect clinical pregnancy outcome. -
表 1 拮抗剂方案卵巢刺激周期新鲜周期移植组和复苏周期组基线资料比较
Table 1. Baseline comparison of the GnRH antagonist regimen for ovarian stimulation cycle between the fresh cycle transplantation group and the whole embryo freezing group
项目 新鲜周期组(n=197) 复苏周期组(n=136) 统计量 P值 年龄[M(P25, P75),岁] 30.0(28.0,34.0) 30.0(27.0,34.0) 1.037a 0.300 不孕年限[M(P25, P75),年] 3.0(2.0,5.0) 3.0(1.0,5.0) 0.420a 0.674 不孕类型[例(%)] 0.401b 0.527 原发不孕 93(47.2) 69(50.7) 继发不育 104(52.8) 67(49.3) 不孕原因[例(%)] 3.107b 0.375 女方原因 158(80.2) 110(80.9) 男方原因 19(9.6) 13(9.5) 双方原因 11(5.6) 11(8.1) 不明原因 9(4.6) 2(1.5) AFC[M(P25, P75),个] 8.0(7.0,10.0) 10.0(7.0,15.0) 3.016a 0.003 AMH[M(P25, P75),ng/nL] 2.50(1.65,4.11) 3.66(2.12,6.50) 4.301a <0.001 bFSH[M(P25, P75),IU/L] 6.50(5.40,7.60) 6.30(5.40,7.30) 1.427a 0.154 BMI[M(P25, P75)] 22.3(20.4,24.3) 22.7(20.0,25.0) 0.051a 0.959 Gn天数[M(P25, P75),d] 10.0(9.0,11.0) 10.0(9.0,12.0) 3.023a 0.003 Gn总量[M(P25, P75),IU] 2 025.0(1 500.0,2 325.0) 2 025.0(1 500.0,2 643.0) 0.994a 0.320 HCG日LH水平[M(P25, P75),IU/L] 2.1(1.4,3.3) 2.2(1.3,3.2) 0.676a 0.499 HCG日E2水平[M(P25, P75),pmol/L] 8 222.0(5 616.5,12 983.0) 13 000.0(8 872.8,20 835.5) 5.916a <0.001 HCG日P水平[M(P25, P75),nmol/L] 2.2(1.5,3.1) 3.5(2.1,5.2) 6.268a <0.001 卵巢刺激周期HCG日子宫内膜厚度[M(P25, P75)] 10.0(8.0,11.0) 10.0(9.0,11.0) 2.276a 0.023 获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 8.0(5.0,11.0) 11.0(7.0,16.0) 4.438a <0.001 2PN数[M(P25, P75),个] 5.0(3.0,7.0) 7.0(4.0,9.3) 3.640a <0.001 D3可利用胚胎数[M(P25, P75),个] 3.0(2.0,5.0) 4.0(2.0,6.0) 2.936a 0.003 冷冻胚胎数[M(P25, P75),个] 1.0(0.0,2.0) 3.0(2.0,5.0) 10.071a <0.001 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 2 拮抗剂方案新鲜周期组与复苏周期组妊娠结局比较
Table 2. Comparison of pregnancy outcomes between the fresh cycle group and the resuscitation cycle group with GnRH antagonist regimen
项目 新鲜周期组(n=197) 复苏周期组(n=136) 统计量 P值 移植周期子宫内膜厚度[M(P25, P75),mm] 10.0(8.0,11.0) 10.0(9.0,11.0) 1.474a 0.140 移植胚胎个数[例(%)] 6.497b 0.011 1 85(43.1) 78(57.4) 2 112(56.9) 58(42.6) 胚胎类型[例(%)] 59.684b <0.001 卵裂胚 164(83.2) 58(42.6) 囊胚 33(16.8) 78(57.4) 卵裂胚着床[例(%)] 0.757b 0.685 0.0% 83(50.6) 33(56.9) 50.0% 48(29.3) 14(24.1) 100.0% 33(20.1) 11(19.0) 囊胚着床率[例(%)] 0.867b 0.648 0.0% 14(42.4) 29(37.2) 50.0% 2(6.1) 9(11.5) 100.0% 17(51.5) 40(51.3) 生化妊娠[例(%)] 100(50.8) 79(58.1) 1.737b 0.187 临床妊娠[例(%)] 100(50.8) 74(54.4) 0.430b 0.512 异位妊娠[例(%)] 4(4.0) 0 1.510b 0.219 双胎妊娠[例(%)] 15(15.0) 6(8.1) 1.903b 0.168 流产[例(%)] 15(15.0) 11(14.9) 0.001b 0.980 活产[例(%)] 81(41.1) 63(46.3) 0.889b 0.346 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 3 拮抗剂方案临床妊娠率影响因素的修正Poisson分析
Table 3. Modified Poisson analysis of factors influencing clinical pregnancy rate with antagonist regimen
变量 RR(95% CI) P值 年龄 0.989(0.981~0.997) 0.007 周期类型 新鲜周期 Reference 复苏周期 1.016(0.924~1.118) 0.742 AMH 0.992(0.976~1.010) 0.385 AFC 1.009(0.996~1.023) 0.166 新鲜周期Gn天数 0.982(0.968~0.997) 0.020 新鲜周期HCG日E2水平 1.000(1.000~1.000) 0.632 新鲜周期HCG日P水平 0.981(0.961~1.001) 0.064 获卵数 0.993(0.978~1.009) 0.385 2PN数 1.013(0.992~1.034) 0.220 D3可移植胚胎数 0.992(0.968~1.016) 0.509 冷冻胚胎数 0.996(0.965~1.028) 0.806 移植周期子宫内膜厚度 1.000(0.982~1.019) 0.995 移植胚胎个数 移植1个胚胎 Reference 移植2个胚胎 1.073(0.987~1.167) 0.099 移植胚胎类型 卵裂胚 Reference 囊胚 1.139(1.035~1.254) 0.008 表 4 拮抗剂方案活产率影响因素的修正Poisson分析
Table 4. Poisson analysis of the modified live birth rate associated with the GnRH antagonist regimen
变量 RR(95% CI) P值 年龄 0.992(0.983~0.999) 0.048 周期类型 新鲜周期 Reference 复苏周期 1.020(0.922~1.128) 0.700 AMH 0.987(0.969~1.006) 0.170 AFC 1.007(0.993~1.022) 0.303 新鲜周期Gn天数 0.987(0.971~1.004) 0.133 新鲜周期HCG日E2水平 1.000(1.000~1.000) 0.261 新鲜周期P水平 0.982(0.962~1.003) 0.092 获卵数 0.996(0.980~1.030) 0.564 2PN数 1.007(0.984~1.030) 0.564 D3可利用胚胎数 0.991(0.965~1.018) 0.507 冷冻胚胎数 1.007(0.973~1.042) 0.703 子宫内膜厚度 1.009(0.989~1.029) 0.388 移植胚胎个数 移植1个胚胎 Reference 移植2个胚胎 1.073(0.982~1.174) 0.119 移植胚胎类型 卵裂胚 Reference 囊胚 1.077(0.970~1.195) 0.164 -
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