The mediating effect of hope level between posttraumatic growth and quality of life in patients with lung cancer after thoracoscopic surgery
目的 分析肺癌患者胸腔镜手术创伤后成长和生活质量的影响因素及希望水平在其中的中介效应。 方法 选择2021年1月—2022年12月间宜兴市人民医院收治的350例接受胸腔镜手术治疗的肺癌患者作为研究对象。采用世界卫生组织生存质量评估简表对患者的生活质量进行评估;采用创伤后成长量表对患者的创伤后成长情况进行评估;采用Herth希望量表(HHI)对患者的希望水平进行评估,根据HHI评分将患者分为希望低水平组(89例)、中水平组(132例)和高水平组(129例)。通过Spearman相关性检验分析肺癌胸腔镜术后患者希望水平与创伤后成长和生活质量之间的关系,并分析希望水平在肺癌患者胸腔镜手术创伤后成长和生活质量之间的中介效应。 结果 希望水平低、中、高3组患者的生活质量总分分别为(80.32±6.54)分、(86.87±7.59)分、(94.88±8.94)分,差异有统计学意义(F=4.872, P=0.008)。希望水平低、中、高3组患者的创伤后成长总分分别为(66.51±8.43)分、(75.64±7.28)分、(87.45±7.15)分,差异有统计学意义(F=4.814, P=0.009)。希望水平在创伤后成长和生活质量间起部分中介效应,其中介效应占比为46.39%(0.374×0.351/0.283×100%)。 结论 希望水平在肺癌患者胸腔镜术后创伤后成长和生活质量间起到重要的中介效应,临床上可通过改善患者希望水平提高患者生活质量和术后创伤后成长。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the influencing factors of posttraumatic growth and quality of life of lung cancer patients after thoracoscopic surgery, and the mediating effect of hope level in the traumatic process. Methods A total of 350 lung cancer patients who underwent thoracoscopic surgery at Yixing People's Hospital between January 2021 and December 2022 were selected as the study subjects. The World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF was used to assess the patients' quality of life. The posttraumatic growth inventory was employed to evaluate the patients' posttraumatic growth. The Herth hope index was used to measure the patients' level of hope. The patients were divided into hope low level group (89 cases), hope medium level group (132 cases) and hope high level group (129 cases) according to the HHI score. Spearman's correlation test was performed to analyze the relationship between hope levels and posttraumatic growth and quality of life in lung cancer patients after thoracoscopic surgery. Furthermore, the mediating effect of hope levels on the relationship between posttraumatic growth and quality of life in these patients was examined. Results The overall quality of life scores for patients with low, medium, and high levels of hope were 80.32±6.54, 86.87±7.59, and 94.88±8.94, respectively, with statistically significant differences (F=4.872, P=0.008). The total posttraumatic growth scores for patients with low, medium, and high levels of hope were 66.51±8.43, 75.64±7.28, and 87.45±7.15, respectively, showing significant differences (F=4.814, P=0.009). Hope levels partially mediated the relationship between posttraumatic growth and quality of life, with a mediation effect ratio of 46.39% (0.374×0.351/0.283×100%). Conclusion Hope level plays an important mediating effect between posttraumatic growth and quality of life in patients with lung cancer after thoracoscopic surgery. Improving hope level can improve patients' quality of life and posttraumatic growth in clinical practice. -
表 1 不同希望水平肺癌患者一般资料比较
Table 1. Comparison of general data of lung cancer patients with different levels of hope
组别 例数 性别(例) 年龄(x±s,岁) 受教育年限(x±s,年) 男性 女性 低水平组 89 46 43 57.48±6.12 6.86±4.38 中水平组 132 74 58 57.57±7.23 7.01±3.29 高水平组 129 72 57 57.42±8.01 6.93±3.74 统计量 0.486a 0.174b 0.172b P值 0.784 0.840 0.865 注:a为χ2值,b为F值。 表 2 不同希望水平肺癌患者生活质量评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 2. Comparison of quality of life scores among lung cancer patients with varying levels of hope(x±s, points)
组别 例数 心理 生理 环境 社会关系 总分 低水平组 89 19.83±1.02 21.02±0.98 20.84±1.04 18.63±1.21 80.32±6.54 中水平组 132 21.93±1.11 22.74±1.21 21.79±1.15 20.41±1.16 86.87±7.59 高水平组 129 23.57±1.23 24.01±1.15 23.85±1.07 23.45±1.08 94.88±8.94 F值 4.854 4.192 5.012 4.493 4.872 P值 0.008 0.016 0.007 0.012 0.008 表 3 不同希望水平肺癌患者创伤后成长评估比较(x±s,分)
Table 3. Assessment results of post-traumatic growth in lung cancer patients with different levels of hope(x±s, points)
组别 例数 个人力量 新的可能性 与他人关系 欣赏生活 精神改变 总分 低水平组 89 12.32±1.83 10.93±1.83 20.03±1.21 12.21±1.74 11.02±1.08 66.51±8.43 中水平组 132 14.12±1.21 12.07±1.26 22.19±1.19 13.98±1.63 13.28±1.16 75.64±7.28 高水平组 129 16.94±1.39 15.02±1.47 24.38±1.07 15.34±1.63 15.77±1.21 87.45±7.15 F值 4.395 3.994 4.183 4.374 4.732 4.814 P值 0.014 0.019 0.016 0.013 0.009 0.009 表 4 希望水平与术后创伤后成长和生活质量间的关系
Table 4. Relationship between levels of hope, post-traumatic growth, and quality of life
指标 r值 P值 生活质量 心理 0.754 <0.001 生理 0.699 <0.001 环境 0.739 <0.001 社会关系 0.684 <0.001 术后创伤后成长 个人力量 0.722 <0.001 新的可能性 0.719 <0.001 与他人关系 0.765 <0.001 欣赏生活 0.804 <0.001 精神改变 0.811 <0.001 -
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