Current status and influencing factors of emotional and behavioral problems of preschool children in southern Hebei Province
目的 调查冀南地区学龄前儿童的情绪行为问题现状,探讨其发生的影响因素。 方法 2023年7—8月以多阶段分层整群随机选取冀南地区4所普通幼儿园1 145名学龄前儿童,采用基本信息问卷、家长版长处和困难问卷、感觉统合能力发展评定量表调查学龄前儿童的情绪行为问题及其影响因素。 结果 本次调查共获得有效问卷995份,学龄前儿童发生情绪行为问题共237名,发生率为23.82%,其中女童中26.23%(123/469)存在情绪行为问题,男童中21.67%(114/526)存在情绪行为问题。有情绪行为问题的学龄前儿童出生时体重、是否为第一胎、家庭类型、母亲职业、父亲职业、儿童感觉统合失调情况及前庭平衡、触觉防御、本体感得分与无情绪行为问题的学龄前儿童比较,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,儿童性别、儿童年龄、母亲职业、父亲职业、前庭平衡得分、触觉防御得分及感觉统合失调均为学龄前儿童发生情绪行为问题的影响因素。 结论 冀南地区学龄前儿童情绪行为问题较重,且存在多种影响因素,需要重视并有针对性地进行早期干预。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the current situation of emotional and behavioral problems in preschool children in southern Hebei Province, and explore the factors related to the occurrence. Methods From July to August 2023, 1 145 preschool children from 4 general kindergartens in southern Hebei were randomly selected as a multi-stage stratified cluster. The Basic information questionnaire, parental version strengths and difficulties questionnaire, and sensory integration ability development rating scale were used to investigate the emotional and behavioral problems of preschool children and their influencing factors. Results A total of 995 valid questionnaires were obtained in this survey, and 237 preschool children had emotional behavioral problems, with 26.23% (123/469) of the girls having emotional and behavioral problems and 21.67% (114/526) of the boys having emotional and behavioral problems. There were significant differences in birth weight, whether they were the first child, family type, mother ' s occupation, father ' s occupation, children ' s sensory integration disorder and vestibular balance, tactile defensiveness, and proprioception scores between the preschool children with and without emotional and behavioral problems (P < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that child gender, child age, mother ' s occupation, father ' s occupation, vestibular balance score, tactile defensiveness score, and sensory integration disorder were the influencing factors for the occurrence of emotional and behavioral problems in preschool children. Conclusion The emotional and behavioral problems of preschool children in southern Hebei Province are increasingly serious with multiple influencing factors, which need more attention and targeted early intervention. -
Key words:
- Preschool children /
- Emotion /
- Behavior /
- Sensory integration /
- Influencing factors /
- Cross-sectional survey
表 1 有无情绪行为问题学龄前儿童人口学因素、感觉统合能力比较
Table 1. Comparison of demographic factors and sensory integration skills in preschool children with and without emotional behavior problems
项目 总计 无情绪行为问题(n=758) 有情绪行为问题(n=237) 统计量 P值 儿童性别[例(%)] 2.832b 0.092 男 526(52.86) 412(78.33) 114(21.67) 女 469(47.14) 346(73.77) 123(26.23) 儿童年龄[例(%)] -1.757c 0.079 3岁 196(19.70) 156(79.59) 40(20.41) 4岁 285(28.64) 219(76.84) 66(23.16) 5岁 243(24.42) 187(76.95) 56(23.05) 6岁 271(27.24) 196(72.32) 75(27.68) 儿童出生方式[例(%)] 0.015b 0.904 剖宫产 440(44.22) 336(76.36) 104(23.64) 自然分娩 555(55.78) 422(76.04) 133(23.96) 出生时是否足月(孕周≥37周)[例(%)] 1.698b 0.193 否 62(6.23) 43(69.35) 19(30.65) 是 933(93.77) 715(76.63) 218(23.37) 出生时体重[例(%)] -2.565c 0.010 <2 500 g 77(7.74) 49(63.64) 28(36.36) 2 500 g~<4 000 g 832(83.62) 646(77.64) 186(22.36) ≥4 000 g 86(8.64) 63(73.26) 23(26.74) 是否为第一胎[例(%)] 7.467b 0.006 否 429(43.12) 345(80.42) 84(19.58) 是 566(56.88) 413(72.97) 153(27.03) 家庭类型[例(%)] 18.316b <0.001 核心家庭a 581(58.39) 463(79.69) 118(20.31) 三代同堂 397(39.90) 288(72.54) 109(27.46) 单亲家庭 17(1.71) 7(41.18) 10(58.82) 家庭平均月收入[例(%)] -0.987c 0.324 2 000~5 000元 322(32.36) 243(75.47) 79(24.53) >5 000~8 000元 371(37.29) 276(74.39) 95(25.61) 8 000元以上 302(30.35) 239(79.14) 63(20.86) 母亲年龄[M(P25, P75),岁] 33.0(31.0,36.0) 33.0(31.0,36.0) 33.0(31.0,35.0) -1.028c 0.304 父亲年龄[M(P25, P75),岁] 34.0(31.0,37.0) 34.0(31.0,37.0) 34.0(32.0,36.0) -0.672c 0.502 母亲文化程度[例(%)] -1.599c 0.110 初中及以下 49(4.92) 44(89.80) 5(10.20) 高中/中专 125(12.56) 85(68.00) 40(32.00) 大专 239(24.02) 176(73.64) 63(26.36) 本科 540(54.27) 423(78.33) 117(21.67) 研究生及以上 42(4.22) 30(71.43) 12(28.57) 父亲文化程度[例(%)] -0.736c 0.462 初中及以下 55(5.53) 46(83.64) 9(16.36) 高中/中专 141(14.17) 101(71.63) 40(28.37) 大专 268(26.93) 202(75.37) 66(24.63) 本科 502(50.45) 383(76.29) 119(23.71) 研究生及以上 29(2.91) 26(89.66) 3(10.34) 母亲职业[例(%)] 21.073b <0.001 脑力劳动 757(76.08) 603(79.66) 154(20.34) 体力劳动 74(7.44) 48(64.86) 26(35.14) 全职在家 164(16.48) 107(65.24) 57(34.76) 父亲职业[例(%)] 22.220b <0.001 脑力劳动 814(81.81) 644(79.12) 170(20.88) 体力劳动 171(17.19) 109(63.74) 62(36.26) 全职在家 10(1.01) 5(50.00) 5(50.00) 感觉统合失调情况[例(%)] 177.862b <0.001 否 728(73.17) 634(87.09) 94(12.91) 是 267(26.83) 124(46.44) 143(53.56) 感觉统合能力发展评定量表[M(P25, P75),分] 前庭平衡得分 56.0(51.0,60.0) 57.0(53.0,60.0) 51.0(43.0,56.0) -10.172c <0.001 触觉防御得分 90.0(81.0,97.0) 92.0(85.0,98.0) 80.0(71.0,89.0) -12.804c <0.001 本体感得分 56.0(51.0,58.0) 57.0(52.0,59.0) 50.0(46.0,56.0) -11.299c <0.001 注:a核心家庭指只有父母和儿童;b为χ2值,c为Z值。 表 2 自变量赋值情况
Table 2. Names and assignments of independent variables
自变量 赋值方法 儿童性别 男=1,女=2 儿童年龄 3岁=1,4岁=2,5岁=3,6岁=4 出生时体重 <2 500 g=1,2 500 g~<4 000 g=2,≥4 000 g=3 是否为第一胎 否=0,是=1 家庭类型 单亲家庭=(1,0),核心家庭=(0,1),三代同堂=(0,0) 母亲职业 体力劳动=(1,0),全职在家=(0,1),脑力劳动=(0,0) 父亲职业 体力劳动=(1,0),全职在家=(0,1),脑力劳动=(0,0) 是否感觉统合失调 否=0,是=1 前庭平衡得分 以实际值赋值 触觉防御得分 以实际值赋值 本体感得分 以实际值赋值 表 3 学龄前儿童情绪行为问题影响因素的多因素logistic回归分析
Table 3. Multifactorial logistic regression analysis of emotional behavioral problems in preschool children
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) 男童 -0.466 0.191 5.958 0.015 0.628(0.432~0.912) 儿童年龄(以6岁为参照) 3岁 -0.872 0.277 9.891 0.002 0.418(0.243~0.720) 4岁 -0.664 0.255 6.765 0.009 0.515(0.312~0.849) 5岁 -0.529 0.262 4.055 0.044 0.589(0.352~0.986) 出生时体重(以≥4 000 g为参照) <2 500 g 0.391 0.427 0.836 0.361 1.478(0.640~3.417) 2 500~<4 000 g 0.180 0.327 0.303 0.582 1.197(0.631~2.270) 非第一胎 -0.358 0.193 3.449 0.063 0.699(0.479~1.020) 家庭类型(以三代同堂为参照) 单亲家庭 0.567 0.635 0.797 0.372 1.762(0.508~6.117) 核心家庭 -0.168 0.189 0.791 0.374 0.846(0.584~1.224) 母亲职业(以脑力劳动为参照) 体力劳动 0.298 0.380 0.615 0.433 1.347(0.640~20.835) 全职在家 0.789 0.313 6.366 0.012 2.202(1.193~4.066) 父亲职业(以脑力劳动为参照) 体力劳动 0.796 0.263 9.168 0.002 2.216(1.324~3.708) 全职在家 0.315 0.826 0.145 0.703 1.370(0.271~6.911) 前庭功能 -0.047 0.019 6.538 0.011 0.954(0.920~0.989) 触觉防御 -0.059 0.013 21.328 <0.001 0.943(0.919~0.967) 本体感 -0.019 0.019 0.919 0.338 0.982(0.945~1.020) 无感觉统合失调 -0.670 0.291 5.315 0.021 0.511(0.289~0.904) -
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