Latent profile analysis and influencing factors of clinical belongingness among nursing interns
目的 探索实习护生临床归属感的潜在类别及其特征差异,分析不同类别的影响因素,为制订精准干预策略提供参考。 方法 2023年3月22日—12月7日,便利选取浙江、江西、安徽、河南11所医院实习的836名护生作为调查对象,应用一般资料调查问卷、临床归属感量表(护生版)、杰弗逊共情量表(护生版)、感知压力量表调查,以潜在剖面分析识别实习护生临床归属感的类别及其特征,并通过无序多分类logistic回归模型分析不同类别的影响因素。 结果 实习护生临床归属感分为3个类别,分别为低(46.89%)、中(44.74%)、高归属型(8.37%)。相较于低归属型,男护生归入高归属型的概率更高(OR=2.504, P=0.011);父亲职业为创业人员的实习护生归到中归属型的概率更高(OR=1.923, P=0.037);共情能力越强归到中归属型、高归属型的概率越高(OR=1.054, P < 0.001;OR=1.052, P < 0.001);而感知压力越小归入中归属型、高归属型的概率越高(OR=0.898, P < 0.001;OR=0.816, P < 0.001)。 结论 实习护生临床归属感普遍不高且存在异质性,可分为3个类别。院校护理教育管理者可根据不同类别特征差异进行精准干预,以提高实习护生的临床归属感。 Abstract:Objective To explore the latent categories and characteristics of clinical belongingness among nursing interns, and to analyze the influencing factors of various categories, so as to provide references for formulating precision intervention strategies. Methods From March 22 to December 7, 2023, a total of 836 nursing students from 11 hospitals in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Henan were conveniently selected as survey participants. General demographic information questionnaires, belongingness scale-clinical placement experience, Jefferson scale of physician empathy for nursing students, and perceived stress scale were utilized for investigation. Latent profile analysis was employed to identify categories and characteristics of clinical sense of belonging among internship nursing students. An unordered multinomial logistic regression model was utilized to analyze the factors associated with latent categories of clinical belongingness. Results The clinical sense of belonging among nursing interns can be classified into three categories: low (46.89%), moderate (44.74%), and high belonging (8.37%). Compared to those in the low belonging category, male nursing interns had a higher likelihood of belonging to the high belonging category (OR=2.504, P=0.011). Nursing interns whose fathers work as entrepreneurs are more likely to belong to the moderate belonging category (OR=1.923, P=0.037). The probability of belonging to the moderate and high belonging categories increases with stronger empathy (OR=1.054, P < 0.001; OR=1.052, P < 0.001), and the likelihood of belonging to the moderate and high belonging categories increases with lower perceived stress (OR=0.898, P < 0.001; OR=0.816, P < 0.001). Conclusion The clinical sense of belonging among nursing interns is generally moderate and exhibits heterogeneity, categorized into three distinct groups. Nursing education administrators can implement precise interventions based on the characteristic differences among these groups to enhance the clinical sense of belonging among nursing interns. -
Key words:
- Nursing interns /
- Clinical belongingness /
- Latent profile /
- Influencing factors
表 1 实习护生临床归属感的潜在剖面拟合信息
Table 1. Potential profile fitting information for clinical belonging of nursing students
模型 AIC BIC aBIC Entropy LMR BLRT 类别概率 1 71 645.781 71 967.328 71 751.383 2 64 054.444 64 541.492 64 541.492 0.957 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.569 4/0.430 6 3 61 864.156 62 516.707 62 078.465 0.967 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.468 9/0.447 4/0.083 7 4 60 720.383 61 538.436 60 989.046 0.973 0.550 < 0.001 0.014 4/0.470 1/0.431 8/0.083 7 5 59 874.642 60 858.196 60 197.658 0.944 0.782 < 0.001 0.010 8/0.340 9/0.253 6/0.318 2/0.076 5 表 2 不同临床归属感潜在剖面类别实习护生一般资料比较
Table 2. Comparison of general data of nursing students in different potential profile categories of clinical belonging
项目 总体(n=836) 低归属型(n=392) 中归属型(n=374) 高归属型(n=70) 统计量 P值 性别[例(%)] 14.702a < 0.001 男性 104(12.4) 51(13.0) 35(9.4) 18(25.7) 女性 732(87.6) 341(87.0) 339(90.6) 52(74.3) 年龄(x±s, 岁) 20.73±1.54 20.79±1.54 20.68±1.48 20.67±1.78 0.540b 0.583 家庭居住地址[例(%)] 2.908a 0.234 农村 490(58.6) 238(60.7) 217(58.0) 35(50.0) 城镇 346(41.4) 154(39.3) 157(42.0) 35(50.0) 宗教信仰[例(%)] 3.747a 0.156 有 48(5.7) 28(7.1) 15(4.0) 5(7.1) 无 788(94.3) 364(92.9) 359(96.0) 65(92.9) 独生子女[例(%)] 0.858a 0.660 是 206(24.6) 98(25.0) 88(23.5) 20(28.6) 否 630(75.4) 294(75.0) 286(76.5) 50(71.4) 父亲文化程度[例(%)] 5.019c 0.543 小学及以下 131(15.7) 65(16.6) 54(14.1) 12(17.1) 初中 409(48.9) 192(49.0) 190(50.8) 27(38.6) 高中/中专 198(23.7) 94(24.0) 84(22.5) 20(28.6) 大专及以上 98(11.7) 41(10.5) 46(12.3) 11(15.7) 母亲文化程度[例(%)] 3.764c 0.711 小学及以下 222(26.6) 106(27.0) 101(27.0) 15(21.4) 初中 383(45.8) 179(45.7) 173(46.3) 31(44.3) 高中/中专 163(19.5) 80(20.4) 67(17.9) 16(22.9) 大专及以上 68(8.1) 27(6.9) 33(8.8) 8(11.4) 父亲职业[例(%)] 27.852a < 0.001 工人/农民 300(35.9) 140(35.7) 146(39.0) 14(20.0) 创业人员 185(22.1) 62(15.8) 99(26.5) 24(34.3) 企业职员 87(10.4) 45(11.5) 34(9.1) 8(11.4) 体制员工 64(7.7) 37(9.4) 23(6.1) 4(5.7) 其他 200(23.9) 108(27.6) 82(19.3) 20(28.6) 母亲职业[例(%)] 18.651a 0.017 工人/农民 246(29.4) 115(29.3) 119(31.8) 12(17.1) 创业人员 157(18.8) 56(14.3) 83(22.2) 18(25.7) 企业职员 129(15.4) 70(17.9) 50(13.4) 9(12.9) 体制员工 42(5.0) 21(5.4) 17(4.5) 4(5.7) 其他 262(31.3) 130(33.2) 105(28.1) 27(38.6) 月均生活费用[例(%)] 10.151c 0.116 ≤1 500元 405(48.4) 192(49.0) 185(49.5) 28(40.0) >1 500~3 000元 363(43.4) 160(40.8) 168(44.9) 35(50.0) >3 000~6 000元 51(6.1) 32(8.2) 15(4.0) 4(5.7) >6 000元 17(2.0) 8(2.0) 6(1.6) 3(4.3) 专业选择原因[例(%)] 10.779a 0.095 自愿 315(37.7) 133(33.9) 146(39.0) 36(51.4) 父母或他人建议 413(49.4) 200(51.0) 187(50.0) 26(37.1) 调剂 54(6.5) 30(7.7) 19(5.1) 5(7.1) 其他 54(6.5) 29(7.4) 22(5.9) 3(4.3) 实习时间[例(%)] 7.617c 0.106 3~6个月 359(43.0) 168(42.9) 162(43.3) 29(41.4) 6~9个月 358(42.8) 157(40.0) 172(46.0) 29(41.4) ≥9个月 119(14.2) 67(17.1) 40(10.7) 12(17.2) 共情能力(x±s, 分) 100.59±12.77 94.47±13.67 105.88±14.51 106.66±19.49 66.629b < 0.001 感知压力(x±s, 分) 40.96±5.83 42.81±4.76 39.86±5.78 36.47±7.42 45.746b < 0.001 注:a为χ2值,b为F值, c为Z值。 表 3 实习护生临床归属感潜在剖面类别影响因素的多因素分析
Table 3. Multi-factor analysis of influencing factors of potential profile categories of clinical belonging among nursing interns
变量 中归属型vs. 低归属型 高归属型vs. 低归属型 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) 男性 -0.320 0.264 1.470 0.225 0.726 (0.433~1.218) 0.918 0.360 6.496 0.011 2.504 (1.236~5.071) 父亲职业 工人/农民 0.355 0.284 1.563 0.211 -0.375 0.524 0.513 0.474 创业人员 0.654 0.313 4.362 0.037 1.923 (1.041~3.551) 0.567 0.488 1.350 0.245 1.764 (0.677~4.593) 企业职员 0.240 0.343 0.490 0.484 0.406 0.572 0.503 0.478 体制员工 -0.106 0.404 0.068 0.794 -1.036 0.756 1.876 0.171 母亲职业 工人/农民 0.011 0.279 0.002 0.968 -0.560 0.530 1.118 0.290 创业人员 0.015 0.306 0.002 0.962 -0.387 0.487 0.631 0.427 企业职员 -0.250 0.295 0.719 0.397 -0.647 0.521 1.540 0.215 体制员工 0.544 0.463 1.383 0.240 0.524 0.763 0.471 0.493 共情能力 0.052 0.006 82.580 < 0.001 1.054 (1.042~1.066) 0.051 0.009 29.092 < 0.001 1.052 (1.033~1.072) 感知压力 -0.108 0.017 40.961 < 0.001 0.898 (0.869~0.928) -0.204 0.026 61.741 < 0.001 0.816 (0.775~0.858) 注:性别以女性为参照,父亲/母亲职业以其他为参照。 -
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