Influence of perioperative nursing education based on mind map on the anxiety of family members of patients with malignant tumor during operation
目的 探讨以思维导图为主的麻醉护理宣教对恶性肿瘤患者家属术中等候期焦虑情绪以及患者家属对护理满意情况的评价,旨在减轻术中等待家属的不良情绪,提高其对护理工作的满意度。 方法 选择2022年1—10月于汕头大学医学院附属肿瘤医院接受手术治疗的180例恶性肿瘤患者家属为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,各90例。对照组在术中等候期予以恶性肿瘤患者家属常规麻醉护理宣教,观察组在对照组的基础上给予思维导图为主的麻醉护理宣教。比较2组术前(术前访视时)、术中(患者进手术室后1 h)以及术后(术后回访时)焦虑、抑郁以及护理满意率。 结果 术中以及术后观察组焦虑[(39.33±6.41)分、(36.05±8.43)分]以及抑郁评分[(35.34±10.54)分、(31.31±4.69)分]均低于对照组[焦虑,(41.65±8.27)分、(32.19±10.37)分;抑郁,(40.38±8.36)分、(33.97±7.35)分,P<0.05];观察组家属护理满意情况优于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 对接受手术治疗的恶性肿瘤患者家属给予思维导图为主的麻醉护理宣教,可以减轻焦虑抑郁等负性情绪的影响,同时还可提高对护理的满意度。 Abstract:Objective To explore the evaluation of anesthesia nursing education based on mind map on the anxiety and nursing satisfaction of family members of patients with malignant tumor during operation, so as to alleviate the bad mood of family members waiting during operation and improve their satisfaction with nursing work. Methods From January 2022 to October 2022, 180 family members of patients with malignant tumor who received surgical treatment in the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Shantou University School of Medicine were selected as the research objects, and were randomly divided into observation group and control group, with 90 cases in each group. The control group was given routine anesthesia nursing education to the families of patients with malignant tumor during the waiting period, while the observation group was given anesthesia nursing education based on mind map on the basis of the control group. The anxiety, depression, and nursing satisfaction rates of the two groups were compared before operation (preoperative visit), during operation (1 hour after the patient entered the operating room) and after operation (postoperative return visit). Results The scores of anxiety (39.33±6.41, 36.05±8.43) and depression (35.34±10.54, 31.31±4.69) of intraoperative and postoperative in the observation groups were lower than those in the control group (41.65± 8.27, 32.19±10.37, 40.38±8.36, 33.97±7.35, P < 0.05). The nursing satisfaction of family members in the observation group was better than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Giving anesthesia nursing education mainly based on mind map to the family members of malignant tumor patients undergoing surgery can reduce the influence of negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, and at the same time improve the influence on nursing satisfaction. -
Key words:
- Malignant tumor /
- Mind map /
- Anxiety and depression /
- Family members of patients
表 1 2组恶性肿瘤患者家属一般资料比较[例(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of general data of family members in the two groups of malignant tumor patients[cases (%)]
项目 观察组(n=90) 对照组(n=90) 统计量 P值 年龄 0.300a 0.767 18~<30岁 5(5.56) 1(1.11) 30~<45岁 7(7.78) 14(15.56) 45~65岁 78(86.66) 75(83.33) 性别 1.469b 0.226 男性 49(54.44) 57(63.33) 女性 41(45.56) 33(36.67) 婚姻状况 0.580b 0.446 已婚 71(78.89) 75(83.33) 未婚 19(21.11) 15(16.67) 教育程度 -0.542a 0.588 初中 37(41.11) 31(34.44) 高中 26(28.89) 32(35.56) 大专及以上 27(30.00) 27(30.00) 家庭月收入 0.501a 0.617 <1 000元 7(7.78) 5(5.56) 1 000~<3 000元 15(16.67) 18(20.00) 3 000~<5 000元 38(42.22) 42(46.67) ≥5 000元 30(33.33) 25(27.77) 医疗费用支付方式 0.993b 0.609 自费 14(15.56) 11(12.22) 新农合 31(34.44) 37(41.11) 医保 45(50.00) 42(46.67) 同患者的关系 0.839b 0.658 配偶 48(53.33) 53(58.89) 父母 16(17.78) 12(13.33) 子女 26(28.89) 25(27.78) 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 2 2组恶性肿瘤患者家属心理状况比较(x±s,分)
Table 2. Comparison of psychological status of family members of patients with malignant tumor between the two groups(x±s, points)
组别 例数 焦虑 抑郁 术前 术中 术后 术前 术中 术后 观察组 90 47.64±9.37 39.33±6.41a 36.05±8.43a 45.64±5.34 35.34±10.54a 31.31±4.69a 对照组 90 48.25±10.02 41.65±8.27a 32.19±10.37a 44.98±4.86 40.38±8.36a 33.97±7.35a F值 -0.422 -2.103 2.740 0.867 -3.554 -2.894 P值 0.674 0.037 0.007 0.387 <0.001 0.004 注:2组焦虑评分比较,F组间=3.671, P=0.027;F时间=8.545, P=0.004;F交互=5.171, P=0.007。2组抑郁评分比较,F组间=5.623, P=0.004;F时间=12.181, P<0.001;F交互=4.852, P=0.002。与术前同组比较,aP<0.05。 表 3 2组恶性肿瘤患者家属护理满意情况比较[例(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of nursing satisfaction of family members of patients with malignant tumor between the two groups[cases (%)]
组别 例数 非常满意 满意 一般满意 不满意 观察组 90 45(50.00) 28(31.11) 12(13.33) 5(5.56) 对照组 90 34(37.78) 27(30.00) 20(22.22) 9(10.00) 注:2组患者家属护理满意情况比较,Z=-2.059,P=0.039。 -
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