Embryonic development and clinical outcomes in patients with 0PN zygote derived embryos
目的 未见原核(0PN) 受精卵的受精及胚胎发育异常的病因尚不清楚,其移植的适宜性仍存在争议,本研究旨在探究0PN受精卵是否具有应用价值。 方法 分析2019年9月—2022年5月行体外受精(IVF)/卵胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)的9 167个周期。(1)比较6 915个周期[每个周期中存在≥1个0PN受精卵,以下简称两原核(2PN)+0PN组]与2 252个周期(每个周期均由2PN受精卵发育而来,以下简称2PN组)的胚胎发育与临床结局。(2)根据0PN衍生胚胎的比例将IVF周期中患者进一步分类为:L组(0~30%,2 579例)、M组(31%~60%,782例)和H组(61%~100%,221例),比较3组的胚胎发育与临床结局。(3)单独比较72个由0PN受精卵发育周期(0PN100%组)与100个由2PN发育周期(2PN100%组)的胚胎发育与临床结局。 结果 (1) 2PN组的囊胚形成率显著高于2PN+0PN组(62.44% vs. 55.01%,P<0.001),2PN组的累计活产率(CLR)显著低于2PN+0PN组(54.97% vs. 64.99%,P<0.001)。2PN+0PN组与2PN组新生儿体重、Apgar评分比较差异均无统计学意义。(2)L、M和H组的获卵数、受精率、累计临床妊娠率(CCR)、CLR呈递减趋势。M组的卵裂率显著高于其余2组;优质胚胎率、囊胚形成率、优质囊胚率显著高于L组。(3)0PN衍生胚胎(0PN100%组)的活产率显著低于2PN衍生胚胎(2PN100%组,30.56% vs. 60.00%,P<0.001),但2组囊胚移植后的临床结局差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 0PN衍生胚胎临床妊娠后,并未观察到流产可能性明显增加或对新生儿健康产生明显负面影响。因此,当无法获得正常囊胚时,0PN衍生胚胎的移植应被视为可行的选择。 Abstract:Objective The cause of abnormal fertilization and embryo development in non-pronucleus (0PN) zygotes remains unclear, and the viability of transferring 0PN zygotes is still controversial. The study aims to explore the clinical utility of 0PN zygote-derived embryos. Methods A total of 9 167 IVF/ICSI cycles conducted between September 2019 and May 2022 were analyzed. (1) Embryo development and clinical outcomes were compared between 6 915 cycles with at least one OPN fertilization (2PN/0PN) and 2 252 cycles with all embryos from 2PN fertilization (2PN group). (2) Patients were further categorized based on the proportion of 0PN-derived embryos in IVF cycles: L group (0-30%, n=2 579), M group (31%-60%, n=782), and H group (61%-100%, n=221), with embryo development and clinical outcomes compared across groups. (3) Embryo development and clinical outcomes were also compared with complete 0PN (0PN 100% group) and complete 2PN (2PN 100% group). Results (1) The blastocyst formation rate of 2PN group was significantly higher than that of the 2PN/0PN group (62.44% vs. 55.01%, P < 0.001), whereas the cumulative live birth rate (CLR) of 2PN group was significantly lower than the 2PN/0PN group (54.97% vs. 64.99%, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in neonatal weight or Apgar score between the two groups. (2) The number of oocytes retrieved, fertilization rate, cumulative clinical pregnancy rate (CCR), and CLR decreased progressively across L, M, and H. The cleavage rate of group M was significantly higher than that in the other two groups. H group had significantly higher rates of high-quality embryos, blastocyst formation, and top-grade cysts compared to the group L. (3) The live birth rate for 0PN-derived embryos (0PN 100% group) was significantly lower than for 2PN-derived embryos (2PN 100% group, 30.56% vs. 60.00%, P < 0.001), though there was no significant difference in clinical outcomes after blastocyst transfer between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion Clinical pregnancy outcomes after transferring 0PN-derived embryos did not show increased risk of miscarriage or adverse neonatal. Therefore, transferring 0PN-derived embryos may be a feasible option when normal blastocysts are unavailable. -
表 1 2PN+0PN组和2PN组接受ART治疗患者的基本临床资料比较
Table 1. Comparison of basic clinical data of patients treated with ART between 2PN+0PN group and 2PN group
项目 2PN+0PN组 2PN组 统计量 P值 总周期数(个) 6 915 2 252 BMI(x±s) 22.33±8.50 22.15±3.23 1.233a 0.327 FSH[M(P25, P75), IU/L] 7.24 (6.00, 8.73) 7.76 (6.46, 9.66) -10.080b <0.001 LH[M(P25, P75), IU/L] 4.670(3.310,6.590) 4.390(3.173,5.960) 5.391b <0.001 Gn时间(x±s,d) 10.64±2.07 10.25±2.47 7.037a <0.001 Gn剂量[M(P25, P75), IU/L] 2 075.00 (1 650.00,2 700.00) 2 250.00(1 737.500,2 875.00) -4.989b <0.001 女方年龄[M(P25, P75), 岁] 31 (28, 34) 32 (29, 37) -9.243b <0.001 原发不孕比例(%) 52.10(3 603/6 915) 49.33(1 111/2 252) 5.219c 0.022 PCOS比例(%) 17.05(1 179/6 915) 7.37(166/2 252) 127.100c <0.001 子宫内膜异位症比例(%) 2.86(198/6 915) 4.09(92/2 252) 8.280c 0.004 注:a为t值,b为Z值, c为χ2值。 表 2 0PN衍生胚胎发生相关因素的多因素logistic回归分析
Table 2. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with 0PN embryogenesis
变量 B SE Waldχ2 P值 OR(95% CI) FSH -0.149 0.010 237.428 <0.001 0.861(0.845~0.878) LH 0.036 0.009 16.765 <0.001 1.036(1.019~1.054) Gn时间 0.068 0.016 18.931 <0.001 1.070(1.038~1.103) Gn剂量 0.000 0.000 16.881 <0.001 1.000(1.000~1.000) 女方年龄 -0.036 0.009 15.803 <0.001 0.964(0.947~0.982) 合并原发不孕 -0.335 0.089 14.193 0.002 0.715(0.601~0.851) 合并PCOS 1.884 0.142 175.570 <0.001 6.580(4.979~8.694) 合并子宫内膜异位症 0.538 0.205 6.912 0.009 1.713(1.147~2.559) 注:变量赋值如下,FSH、LH、Gn时间、Gn剂量、女方年龄均以实际值赋值;合并原发不孕,是=1,否=0;合并PCOS,是=1,否=0;合并子宫内膜异位症,是=1,否=0。 表 3 2PN+0PN组和2PN组接受ART治疗患者胚胎发育和临床结局比较
Table 3. Comparison of embryonic development and clinical outcomes in patients receiving ART between the 2PN+0PN group and the 2PN group
项目 2PN+0PN组 2PN组 统计量 P值 总周期数(个) 6 915 2 252 获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 12.0(7.0,18.0) 8.5 (5.0, 14.0) -8.761a <0.001 2PN受精数(个) 55 960 12 140 0PN受精数(个) 23 023 0 总受精率(2PN+0PN,%) 72.32(78 983/109 212) 63.52(12 140/19 111) 611.500b <0.001 总卵裂率(2PN+0PN,%) 97.86(77 289/78 983) 98.01(11 899/12 140) 1.289b 0.256 2PN卵裂率(%) 96.97(54 266/55 960) 100.00(11 899/11 899) 369.400b <0.001 0PN卵裂率(%) 100.00(23 023/23 023) 优质胚胎率(%) 43.57(33 676/77 289) 47.98(5 709/11 899) 81.230b <0.001 囊胚形成率(%) 55.01(42 518/77 289) 62.44(7 430/11 899) 231.100b <0.001 优质囊胚率(%) 44.51(34 400/77 289) 48.15(5 729/11 899) 55.160b <0.001 累计临床妊娠率(%) 79.68(5 510/6 915) 64.08(1 443/2 252) 225.800b <0.001 累计活产率(%) 64.99(4 494/6 915) 54.97(1 238/2 252) 72.730b <0.001 流产率(%) 9.38(517/5 510) 9.36(135/1 443) 0.001b 0.975 新生儿体重(x±s,g) 3 231.0±651.1 3 196.0±658.4 1.642c 0.101 Apgar评分(x±s,分) 9.95±0.33 9.93±0.37 1.858c 0.063 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值,c为t值。2PN受精数、0PN受精数反应总受精数的一部分,未进行比较。 表 4 IVF周期中不同0PN衍生胚胎比例的胚胎发育及临床结果比较
Table 4. Comparison of embryo development and clinical outcomes of different 0PN embryo proportions in IVF cycles
项目 L组 M组 H组 统计量 P值 总周期数(个) 2 579 782 221 获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 15(10, 21) 10(5,16)a 4(2, 9)ab 327.800c <0.001 受精率(%) 79.25(34 715/43 806) 77.72(7 957/10 238)a 76.16(1 444/1 896)a 20.206d <0.001 卵裂率(%) 97.79(33 947/34 715) 98.74(7 857/7 957)a 97.09(1 402/1 444)b 34.544d <0.001 优质胚胎率(%) 43.46(14 754/33 947) 46.47(3 651/7 857)a 43.94(616/1 402) 23.404d <0.001 囊胚形成率(%) 53.70(18 231/33 947) 57.46(4 515/7 857)a 56.56(793/1 402)a 38.911d <0.001 优质囊胚率(%) 44.33(15 049/33 947) 47.36(3 721/7 857)a 45.01(631/1 402) 23.654d <0.001 累计临床妊娠率(%) 85.07(2 194/2 579) 78.26(612/782)a 66.06(146/221)ab 62.636d <0.001 累计活产率(%) 70.61(1 821/2 579) 66.75(522/782)a 55.20(122/221)ab 24.498d <0.001 流产率(%) 8.34(183/2 194) 5.39(33/612)a 8.22(12/146) 6.373d 0.041 新生儿体重(x±s,g) 3 223.0±625.0 3 190.0±654.4 3 365.0±680.5ab 4.872e 0.088 Apgar评分(x±s,分) 9.95±0.35 9.95±0.36 9.92±0.51 0.839e 0.432 注:与L组比较,aP<0.05;与M组比较,bP<0.05。c为Z值,d为χ2值,e为F值。 表 5 0PN100%组与2PN100%组周期基本临床资料、胚胎发育及临床结局比较
Table 5. Comparison of basic clinical data, embryo development, and clinical outcome between the 0PN100% group and the 2PN100% group
项目 0PN100%组 2PN100%组 统计量 P值 总周期数(个) 72 100 FSH[M(P25, P75),个] 8.950(6.640, 11.230) 9.065(7.158, 11.762) -0.711a 0.477 LH[M(P25, P75),个] 4.400(2.990, 6.920) 4.710(3.380, 7.100) -0.843a 0.399 Gn时间(x±s,d) 9.77±3.09 10.16±2.12 0.806b 0.422 Gn剂量[M(P25, P75),IU] 2 287.50(1 743.75, 3 337.50) 2 250.00(1 725.00, 3 225.00) 0.142a 0.887 女方年龄(x±s,岁) 33.56±6.48 33.21±6.27 0.329b 0.743 原发不孕比例(%) 43.06(31/72) 45.00(45/100) 0.064c 0.800 PCOS比例(%) 6.94(5/72) 8.00(8/100) 0.067c 0.796 子宫内膜异位症比例(%) 1.39(1/72) 5.00(5/100) 1.621c 0.203 获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 2(1,5) 11(8,13) -8.891a <0.001 受精率(%) 64.23(167/260) 64.62(579/896) 0.013c 0.908 卵裂率(%) 100.00(167/167) 98.96(573/579) 1.745c 0.187 优质胚胎率(%) 30.54(51/167) 53.40(306/573) 27.070c <0.001 囊胚形成率(%) 55.09(92/167) 62.83(360/573) 3.257c 0.196 优质囊胚率(%) 32.34(54/167) 53.05(304/573) 22.230c <0.001 累计临床妊娠率(%) 40.28(29/72) 67.00(67/100) 12.120c 0.001 累计活产率(%) 30.56(22/72) 60.00(60/100) 14.550c <0.001 流产率(%) 3.45(1/29) 11.94(8/67) 1.718c 0.424 新生儿体重(x±s,g) 3 137.0±643.5 3 101.0±538.0 0.993b 0.321 Apgar评分(x±s,分) 10.00±0.00 10.00±0.06 1.416b 0.157 注:a为Z值,b为t值,c为χ2值。 -
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