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范咏琪 杨丹丹 张琦琦 严博 章志国

范咏琪, 杨丹丹, 张琦琦, 严博, 章志国. 未见原核受精卵衍生胚胎患者的胚胎发育和临床结局[J]. 中华全科医学, 2024, 22(11): 1837-1841. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003745
引用本文: 范咏琪, 杨丹丹, 张琦琦, 严博, 章志国. 未见原核受精卵衍生胚胎患者的胚胎发育和临床结局[J]. 中华全科医学, 2024, 22(11): 1837-1841. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003745
FAN Yongqi, YANG Dandan, ZHANG Qiqi, YAN Bo, ZHANG Zhiguo. Embryonic development and clinical outcomes in patients with 0PN zygote derived embryos[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(11): 1837-1841. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003745
Citation: FAN Yongqi, YANG Dandan, ZHANG Qiqi, YAN Bo, ZHANG Zhiguo. Embryonic development and clinical outcomes in patients with 0PN zygote derived embryos[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(11): 1837-1841. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003745


doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003745

国家重点研发计划项目 2022YFC2703000

国家自然科学基金项目 82071724


    章志国, E-mail: zzg_100@163.com

  • 中图分类号: R321.1  R711.6

Embryonic development and clinical outcomes in patients with 0PN zygote derived embryos

  • 摘要:   目的  未见原核(0PN) 受精卵的受精及胚胎发育异常的病因尚不清楚,其移植的适宜性仍存在争议,本研究旨在探究0PN受精卵是否具有应用价值。  方法  分析2019年9月—2022年5月行体外受精(IVF)/卵胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)的9 167个周期。(1)比较6 915个周期[每个周期中存在≥1个0PN受精卵,以下简称两原核(2PN)+0PN组]与2 252个周期(每个周期均由2PN受精卵发育而来,以下简称2PN组)的胚胎发育与临床结局。(2)根据0PN衍生胚胎的比例将IVF周期中患者进一步分类为:L组(0~30%,2 579例)、M组(31%~60%,782例)和H组(61%~100%,221例),比较3组的胚胎发育与临床结局。(3)单独比较72个由0PN受精卵发育周期(0PN100%组)与100个由2PN发育周期(2PN100%组)的胚胎发育与临床结局。  结果  (1) 2PN组的囊胚形成率显著高于2PN+0PN组(62.44% vs. 55.01%,P<0.001),2PN组的累计活产率(CLR)显著低于2PN+0PN组(54.97% vs. 64.99%,P<0.001)。2PN+0PN组与2PN组新生儿体重、Apgar评分比较差异均无统计学意义。(2)L、M和H组的获卵数、受精率、累计临床妊娠率(CCR)、CLR呈递减趋势。M组的卵裂率显著高于其余2组;优质胚胎率、囊胚形成率、优质囊胚率显著高于L组。(3)0PN衍生胚胎(0PN100%组)的活产率显著低于2PN衍生胚胎(2PN100%组,30.56% vs. 60.00%,P<0.001),但2组囊胚移植后的临床结局差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。  结论  0PN衍生胚胎临床妊娠后,并未观察到流产可能性明显增加或对新生儿健康产生明显负面影响。因此,当无法获得正常囊胚时,0PN衍生胚胎的移植应被视为可行的选择。


  • 表  1  2PN+0PN组和2PN组接受ART治疗患者的基本临床资料比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of basic clinical data of patients treated with ART between 2PN+0PN group and 2PN group

    项目 2PN+0PN组 2PN组 统计量 P
    总周期数(个) 6 915 2 252
    BMI(x±s) 22.33±8.50 22.15±3.23 1.233a 0.327
    FSH[M(P25, P75), IU/L] 7.24 (6.00, 8.73) 7.76 (6.46, 9.66) -10.080b <0.001
    LH[M(P25, P75), IU/L] 4.670(3.310,6.590) 4.390(3.173,5.960) 5.391b <0.001
    Gn时间(x±s,d) 10.64±2.07 10.25±2.47 7.037a <0.001
    Gn剂量[M(P25, P75), IU/L] 2 075.00 (1 650.00,2 700.00) 2 250.00(1 737.500,2 875.00) -4.989b <0.001
    女方年龄[M(P25, P75), 岁] 31 (28, 34) 32 (29, 37) -9.243b <0.001
    原发不孕比例(%) 52.10(3 603/6 915) 49.33(1 111/2 252) 5.219c 0.022
    PCOS比例(%) 17.05(1 179/6 915) 7.37(166/2 252) 127.100c <0.001
    子宫内膜异位症比例(%) 2.86(198/6 915) 4.09(92/2 252) 8.280c 0.004
    注:at值,bZ值, c为χ2值。
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    表  2  0PN衍生胚胎发生相关因素的多因素logistic回归分析

    Table  2.   Multivariate Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with 0PN embryogenesis

    变量 B SE Waldχ2 P OR(95% CI)
    FSH -0.149 0.010 237.428 <0.001 0.861(0.845~0.878)
    LH 0.036 0.009 16.765 <0.001 1.036(1.019~1.054)
    Gn时间 0.068 0.016 18.931 <0.001 1.070(1.038~1.103)
    Gn剂量 0.000 0.000 16.881 <0.001 1.000(1.000~1.000)
    女方年龄 -0.036 0.009 15.803 <0.001 0.964(0.947~0.982)
    合并原发不孕 -0.335 0.089 14.193 0.002 0.715(0.601~0.851)
    合并PCOS 1.884 0.142 175.570 <0.001 6.580(4.979~8.694)
    合并子宫内膜异位症 0.538 0.205 6.912 0.009 1.713(1.147~2.559)
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    表  3  2PN+0PN组和2PN组接受ART治疗患者胚胎发育和临床结局比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of embryonic development and clinical outcomes in patients receiving ART between the 2PN+0PN group and the 2PN group

    项目 2PN+0PN组 2PN组 统计量 P
    总周期数(个) 6 915 2 252
    获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 12.0(7.0,18.0) 8.5 (5.0, 14.0) -8.761a <0.001
    2PN受精数(个) 55 960 12 140
    0PN受精数(个) 23 023 0
    总受精率(2PN+0PN,%) 72.32(78 983/109 212) 63.52(12 140/19 111) 611.500b <0.001
    总卵裂率(2PN+0PN,%) 97.86(77 289/78 983) 98.01(11 899/12 140) 1.289b 0.256
    2PN卵裂率(%) 96.97(54 266/55 960) 100.00(11 899/11 899) 369.400b <0.001
    0PN卵裂率(%) 100.00(23 023/23 023)
    优质胚胎率(%) 43.57(33 676/77 289) 47.98(5 709/11 899) 81.230b <0.001
    囊胚形成率(%) 55.01(42 518/77 289) 62.44(7 430/11 899) 231.100b <0.001
    优质囊胚率(%) 44.51(34 400/77 289) 48.15(5 729/11 899) 55.160b <0.001
    累计临床妊娠率(%) 79.68(5 510/6 915) 64.08(1 443/2 252) 225.800b <0.001
    累计活产率(%) 64.99(4 494/6 915) 54.97(1 238/2 252) 72.730b <0.001
    流产率(%) 9.38(517/5 510) 9.36(135/1 443) 0.001b 0.975
    新生儿体重(x±s,g) 3 231.0±651.1 3 196.0±658.4 1.642c 0.101
    Apgar评分(x±s,分) 9.95±0.33 9.93±0.37 1.858c 0.063
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    表  4  IVF周期中不同0PN衍生胚胎比例的胚胎发育及临床结果比较

    Table  4.   Comparison of embryo development and clinical outcomes of different 0PN embryo proportions in IVF cycles

    项目 L组 M组 H组 统计量 P
    总周期数(个) 2 579 782 221
    获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 15(10, 21) 10(5,16)a 4(2, 9)ab 327.800c <0.001
    受精率(%) 79.25(34 715/43 806) 77.72(7 957/10 238)a 76.16(1 444/1 896)a 20.206d <0.001
    卵裂率(%) 97.79(33 947/34 715) 98.74(7 857/7 957)a 97.09(1 402/1 444)b 34.544d <0.001
    优质胚胎率(%) 43.46(14 754/33 947) 46.47(3 651/7 857)a 43.94(616/1 402) 23.404d <0.001
    囊胚形成率(%) 53.70(18 231/33 947) 57.46(4 515/7 857)a 56.56(793/1 402)a 38.911d <0.001
    优质囊胚率(%) 44.33(15 049/33 947) 47.36(3 721/7 857)a 45.01(631/1 402) 23.654d <0.001
    累计临床妊娠率(%) 85.07(2 194/2 579) 78.26(612/782)a 66.06(146/221)ab 62.636d <0.001
    累计活产率(%) 70.61(1 821/2 579) 66.75(522/782)a 55.20(122/221)ab 24.498d <0.001
    流产率(%) 8.34(183/2 194) 5.39(33/612)a 8.22(12/146) 6.373d 0.041
    新生儿体重(x±s,g) 3 223.0±625.0 3 190.0±654.4 3 365.0±680.5ab 4.872e 0.088
    Apgar评分(x±s,分) 9.95±0.35 9.95±0.36 9.92±0.51 0.839e 0.432
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    表  5  0PN100%组与2PN100%组周期基本临床资料、胚胎发育及临床结局比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of basic clinical data, embryo development, and clinical outcome between the 0PN100% group and the 2PN100% group

    项目 0PN100%组 2PN100%组 统计量 P
    总周期数(个) 72 100
    FSH[M(P25, P75),个] 8.950(6.640, 11.230) 9.065(7.158, 11.762) -0.711a 0.477
    LH[M(P25, P75),个] 4.400(2.990, 6.920) 4.710(3.380, 7.100) -0.843a 0.399
    Gn时间(x±s,d) 9.77±3.09 10.16±2.12 0.806b 0.422
    Gn剂量[M(P25, P75),IU] 2 287.50(1 743.75, 3 337.50) 2 250.00(1 725.00, 3 225.00) 0.142a 0.887
    女方年龄(x±s,岁) 33.56±6.48 33.21±6.27 0.329b 0.743
    原发不孕比例(%) 43.06(31/72) 45.00(45/100) 0.064c 0.800
    PCOS比例(%) 6.94(5/72) 8.00(8/100) 0.067c 0.796
    子宫内膜异位症比例(%) 1.39(1/72) 5.00(5/100) 1.621c 0.203
    获卵数[M(P25, P75),个] 2(1,5) 11(8,13) -8.891a <0.001
    受精率(%) 64.23(167/260) 64.62(579/896) 0.013c 0.908
    卵裂率(%) 100.00(167/167) 98.96(573/579) 1.745c 0.187
    优质胚胎率(%) 30.54(51/167) 53.40(306/573) 27.070c <0.001
    囊胚形成率(%) 55.09(92/167) 62.83(360/573) 3.257c 0.196
    优质囊胚率(%) 32.34(54/167) 53.05(304/573) 22.230c <0.001
    累计临床妊娠率(%) 40.28(29/72) 67.00(67/100) 12.120c 0.001
    累计活产率(%) 30.56(22/72) 60.00(60/100) 14.550c <0.001
    流产率(%) 3.45(1/29) 11.94(8/67) 1.718c 0.424
    新生儿体重(x±s,g) 3 137.0±643.5 3 101.0±538.0 0.993b 0.321
    Apgar评分(x±s,分) 10.00±0.00 10.00±0.06 1.416b 0.157
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