A study on the relationship between intracardiac hyperechogenic focus and chromosomal abnormality and prognosis
目的 探讨胎儿心内强回声光点(intracardiac hyperechogenic focus,ICEF)与遗传性染色体异常间的关联程度,并分析ICEF对胎儿预后评估的影响。 方法 采用回顾性研究方法, 分析2019年1月—2022年12月于安徽省立医院进行产前超声诊断的ICEF单胎妊娠病例450例,采集胎儿羊水或脐带血标本,利用核型分析及拷贝数变异测序(copy number variation sequencing,CNV-seq)技术对标本进行遗传学检测,记录相关检测结果及妊娠结局。 结果 本研究检出核型异常14例,检出CNV致病性变异15例。核型分析联合CNV-seq检测后,孤立性胎儿心内强回声光点组染色体异常检出例数(2例,9.5%)较非孤立性组染色体异常检出例数(19例,90.5%)低,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.282,P=0.007)。以孤立性心内强回声光点为对照组,当ICEF合并颈项透明层(nuchal translucency,NT)增厚时,其染色体异常检出3例(χ2=28.362,P<0.001),当ICEF合并胎儿心内结构异常时,其染色体异常检出7例(χ2=7.492,P=0.005)。当ICEF合并NT增厚或胎儿心内结构异常时,其染色体异常的概率显著增加(P<0.05)。 结论 核型分析与CNV-seq检测的联合应用在提高ICEF胎儿染色体异常检出率方面具有重要价值,非孤立性胎儿心内强回声光点病例中染色体异常的检出率更高,提示在临床实践中需给予更多关注。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the degree of association between intracardiac hyperechogenic focus (ICEF) and genetic chromosomal abnormalities, and to discuss the implications of assessing fetal prognosis. Methods A retrospective study design was used to analyze 450 cases of intracardiac hyperechogenic focus singleton pregnancy diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound in Anhui Provincial Hospital from January 2019 to December 2022. By collecting fetal amniotic fluid or umbilical cord blood samples, karyotype analysis and copy number variation sequencing (CNV-seq) techniques were used to perform genetic testing of the specimens, and associated test results and pregnancy outcomes were recorded. Results In this study, 14 cases of abnormal karyotype and 15 cases of pathogenic variation of CNV were detected. After karyotype analysis combined with CNV-seq detection, the number of chromosome abnormalities detected in the isolated intracardiac hyperechogenic focus group (2 cases, 9.5%) was lower than that in the non-isolated intracardiac hyperechogenic focus group (19 cases, 90.5%), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=7.282, P=0.007). Isolated intracardiac hyperechogenic focus was used as control group, the number of chromosomal abnormalities was detected when ICEF was combined with Nuchal Translucency (NT) thickening (3 cases, χ2=28.362, P < 0.001), the number of chromosomal abnormalities was detected when ICEF was combined with fetal cardiac structural abnormalities (7 cases, χ2=7.492, P=0.005). The probability of chromosomal abnormality was significantly increased when ICEF was combined with NT thickening or fetal cardiac structural abnormalities (P < 0.05). Conclusion The combined application of karyotype analysis and CNV-seq detection has an important value in improving the detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities in intracardiac hyperechogenic focus. The detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities in non-isolated intracardiac hyperechogenic focus is higher, suggesting that it should be given more attention in clinical practice. -
表 1 15例异常CNV测序结果的临床意义及妊娠结局
Table 1. Clinical significance and pregnancy outcomes in 15 cases with abnormal CNV-seq results
年龄(岁) 孕周(周) 染色体核型分析 CNV测序结果 临床意义 结局 33 28 46,XN 46,XN,dup(22q11.21)(18, 765, 311-21, 630, 621)×3 致病 引产 26 29 47,XN+21 47,XN+21.seq[GRCh37/hg19](21)×3 致病 引产 39 26 47,XN+21 T21 致病 引产 28 24 46,X?del(x)del(Xq24q26.2) 46, XN, del(Xq24q26.2).(q24q26)seq[GRCh37/hg19](117, 582, 516-131, 175, 640)×1 致病 存活 29 23 46,XN 46, XN, dup(Xp22.12).seq[GRCh37/hg19](19, 937, 983-20, 376, 497)×2 致病 存活 33 19 45,X, t(1;10) (q12;p11, 1) 45, XO.seq[GRCh37/hg19](1-22)×2, (X)×1 致病 存活 22 23 46,XN seq[GRCh37]dup(15q11.2q13.1) 15q11-q13(22.58M-28.5M)chr15:g.21885000-29030451dup 致病 引产 24 22 46,XN seq[GRCh37]dup(16p11.2p11.2)chr16:g.29436431-30306324dup 致病 引产 33 25 46,XN seq[GRCh37]del(2q13q13)chr2:g.111174154-113172512del 致病 存活 37 25 48,XXNN seq[GRCh37]dup(Xp22.33q28)chrX: g.1-155270560dup seq[GRCh37]dup(Yp11.32q12)chrY: g.1-59373566dup 致病 引产 28 22 46,XN seq[GRCh37]dup(17q12q12)chr17:g.34555614-36299170dup 致病 引产 44 22 47,XN+21 T21 致病 引产 34 19 47,XN+21 T21 致病 引产 41 25 46,XN seq[GRCh37]del(8q24.3q24.3)chr8:g.144755907-145615849del 致病 引产 37 18 47,XN+21 T21 致病 引产 表 2 染色体核型分析联合CNV-Seq检测胎儿染色体异常的检出率[例(%)]
Table 2. Detection rate of fetal chromosomal abnormalities via combined chromosome karyotype analysis and CNV-Seq[cases (%)]
组别 例数 染色体异常(n=21) χ2值 P值 核型异常(n=14) χ2值 P值 CNV异常(n=15) χ2值 P值 ICEF 7.282 0.007 4.120 0. 042 3.820 0.009 孤立性 168 2(9.5) 1(7.1) 2(13.3) 非孤立性 282 19(90.5) 13(92.9) 13(86.7) 孕周 4.532 0.033 11.572 0. 001 1.255 0.263 ≥28周 39 5(23.8) 5(35.7) 3(20.0) <28周 411 16(76.2) 9(64.3) 12(80.0) 孕母年龄 20.478 <0.001 32.336 0. 001 9.251 0.002 <35岁 397 12(57.1) 5(35.7) 9(60.0) ≥35岁 53 9(42.9) 9(64.3) 6(40.0) 强光点 0.058 0.810 2.056 0.152 <0.001 0.999 单心室 366 18(85.7) 14(100.0) 12(80.0) 双心室 84 3(14.3) 0 3(20.0) 表 3 孤立性ICEF与非孤立性ICEF染色体及心超异常概况(例)
Table 3. Overview of chromosome and cardiac abnormality in isolated ICEF and non-isolated ICEF (cases)
组别 例数 染色体异常 χ2值 P值 核型异常 χ2值 P值 CNV异常 χ2值 P值 胎儿心超异常 χ2值 P值 孤立性ICEF 168 2 1 2 20 ICEF合并心外结构异常 180 3 <0.001 0.999a 3 0.188 0.664a 2 <0.001 0.999a 24 0.161 0.689a ICEF合并心内结构异常 75 7 7.492 0.005a 5 5.616 0.018a 6 5.564 0.018a 34 33.524 <0.001a ICEF合并多个软指标异常 138 6 1.856 0.173a 4 1.273 0.259a 6 1.856 0.173a 26 2.853 0.091a 注:a为与孤立性ICEF进行比较。 表 4 孤立性ICEF与非孤立性ICEF染色体异常情况比较(例)
Table 4. Chromosome abnormalities in isolated ICEF and non-isolated ICEF (cases)
组别 例数 染色体异常 χ2值 P值 核型异常 χ2值 P值 CNV异常 χ2值 P值 孤立性ICEF 168 2 1 2 ICEF合并NT≥2.5 mm 7 3 28.362 <0.001a 3 36.482 <0.001a 3 28.362 <0.001a ICEF合并鼻骨发育不良 23 1 0.062 0.321a 1 0.320 0.277a 1 0.062 0.321a ICEF合并肠回声增强 37 0 0 0 ICEF合并三尖瓣反流 30 2 4.927 0.026a 1 0.281a 1 0.005 0.391a 注:a为与孤立性ICEF进行比较。 -
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