Application of acupoint application after moxibustion and anal lifting exercise in urinary incontinence in elderly stroke patients
目的 脑卒中后尿失禁严重影响患者日常生活,本研究探讨艾灸后穴位贴敷协同提肛运动在缓解老年脑卒中后尿失禁中的应用价值。 方法 选取2022年8月—2023年6月六安市中医院神经内一科收治的脑卒中后尿失禁患者共68例,采用随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组各34例。对照组予常规护理加穴位贴敷,观察组予常规护理及艾灸后穴位贴敷协同提肛运动治疗。比较2组患者治疗前、治疗2周后的尿失禁问卷简表(ICI-Q-SF)评分、尿失禁程度及治疗总有效率、满意度。 结果 观察组治疗后ICI-Q-SF评分[5.00(4.00, 9.25)分]较对照组[7.00(7.00, 11.00)分]更低,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组评分差值[4.00(4.00, 5.00)分]较对照组[2.00(1.00, 3.00)分]更大,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后2组患者尿失禁程度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组治疗总有效率[34例(100.00%)]高于对照组[30例(88.24%)],2组疗效总体比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组护理总满意度[34例(100.00%)]高于对照组[31例(91.18%)],2组满意度总体比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 艾灸后穴位贴敷协同提肛运动可以有效缓解老年脑卒中患者尿失禁症状,提高患者临床疗效和满意度。 Abstract:Objective The occurrence of urinary incontinence following a stroke has a significant impact on the daily lives of patients. This paper considers the potential benefits of acupuncture point application following moxibustion and anal lifting exercise in the management of urinary incontinence following a stroke in elderly patients. Methods A total of 68 patients with post-stroke urinary incontinence admitted to the First Department of Neurology in Lu' an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from August 2022 to June 2023 were selected, and divided into a control group and an observation group according to the random number table method. The control group was treated with routine nursing and acupoint application, while the observation group was treated with routine nursing and acupoint application, followed by moxibustion and anal lifting exercises. The ICIQ-SF scores, urinary incontinence levels, overall efficacy rates, and treatment satisfaction of the two groups were compared before treatment and two weeks after treatment. Results Following treatment, the ICI-Q-SF score for the observation group [5.00 (4.00, 9.25) points] was found to be lower than that for the control group [7.00 (7.00, 11.00) points], with a statistically significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). The score of the observation group decreased by [4.00 (4.00, 5.00) points], which was a lower reduction than that of the control group by [2.00 (1.00, 3.00) points]. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). A significant difference was observed in urinary incontinence between the two groups following treatment (P < 0.05). The total effective rate of treatment in the observation group (34 cases, 100.00%) was higher than that in the control group (30 cases, 88.24%), and the distribution of treatment efficacy grades was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The total satisfaction with nursing care in the observation group [34 cases (100.00%)] was higher than in the control group [31 cases (91.18%)], and the distribution of satisfaction grades was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The combination of acupuncture point application following moxibustion and anal lifting has been demonstrated to provide effective relief from the symptoms of urinary incontinence in elderly patients who have suffered a stroke. Moreover, this approach has been demonstrated to enhance the clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction of the treatment. -
Key words:
- Geriatric stroke /
- Urinary incontinence /
- Moxibustion /
- Acupoint application /
- Anal lifting exercise
表 1 2组老年脑卒中尿失禁患者治疗前后ICI-Q-SF评分比较[M(P25, P75), 分]
Table 1. Comparison of ICI-Q-SF scores before and after treatment in the two groups of elderly stroke patients with urinary incontinence [M(P25, P75), points]
组别 例数 治疗前 治疗2周后 治疗前后差值 对照组 34 9.00(8.00, 14.00) 7.00(7.00, 11.00)a 2(1.00, 3.00) 观察组 34 9.00(8.00, 14.00) 5.00(4.00, 9.25)a 4(4.00, 5.00) Z值 -0.099 -3.015 -5.700 P值 0.921 0.003 < 0.001 注:与同组治疗前比较,aP<0.05。 表 2 2组老年脑卒中尿失禁患者治疗前后尿失禁程度比较[例(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of urinary incontinence degree before and after treatment between two groups of elderly stroke patients with urinary incontinence[cases (%)]
组别 例数 治疗前 治疗后 轻度 中度 重度 轻度 中度 重度 对照组 34 4(11.77) 21(61.76) 9(26.47) 7(20.59) 22(64.71) 5(14.70) 观察组 34 4(11.77) 21(61.76) 9(26.47) 22(64.71) 10(29.41) 2(5.88) Z值 < 0.001 3.500 P值 0.999 0.001 表 3 2组老年脑卒中尿失禁患者治疗后疗效比较[例(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of treatment efficacy in two groups of elderly stroke patients with urinary incontinence[cases (%)]
组别 例数 无效 有效 显效 痊愈 总有效 对照组 34 4(11.76) 29(85.30) 1(2.94) 0 30(88.24) 观察组 34 0 30(88.24) 4(11.76) 0 34(100.00) 统计量 2.314a 2.391b P值 0.021 0.122 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 4 2组老年脑卒中尿失禁患者治疗后满意度比较[例(%)]
Table 4. Comparison of satisfaction after treatment between two groups of elderly stroke patients with urinary incontinence [cases (%)]
组别 例数 不满意 基本满意 非常满意 总满意 对照组 34 3(8.82) 19(55.89) 12(35.29) 31(91.18) 观察组 34 0 9(26.47) 25(73.53) 34(100.00) 统计量 3.280a 1.395b P值 0.001 0.238 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 -
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