Medical technical skills competition promotes practice application of traditional Chinese medicine in surgical teaching
目的 结合医学技术技能比赛的内容及模式进行中医外科教学改革,探讨以赛促学、以赛促教的应用效果。 方法 选取温州医科大学仁济学院2018级中医本科五年制班为教学改革班,2017级中医本科五年制班为传统教学班,通过考核成绩比较、问卷调查等方法进行教学效果评估,同时对教学改革班开展满意度评价。 结果 (1) 教学改革班考核成绩[(80.24±4.87)分]优于传统教学班[(76.76±5.36)分],教学改革班优秀良好总占比高于传统教学班,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。(2)教学改革班在课前对授课内容熟悉度、课堂参与度、课后知识掌握程度及自主文献检索能力等方面均优于传统教学班,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。(3)以课前案例引导、情景模拟的教学方式、小组分工和讨论、情景导入或进入真实临床环境、技能竞赛和临床实践相融合提升中医临床思维及缓解技能操作紧张度、个人喜爱度为7个满意度调查条目,教学改革班的满意率达84.04%(79/94)。 结论 医学技术技能比赛能促进中医外科教学,学生满意度高,值得推广运用。 -
- 大学生医学技术技能大赛 /
- 中医外科学 /
- 教学改革 /
- 教学评估 /
- 满意度
Abstract:Objective This study aimed to reform the teaching of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) by integrating the content and mode of medical technical skills competition, and to explore the effectiveness of promoting learning and teaching by competitions. Methods The five-year undergraduate class of TCM at Renji College of Wenzhou Medical University in 2018 was selected as the teaching reform class, while the five-year undergraduate class of TCM in 2017 was selected as the traditional teaching class. The teaching effect was evaluated by comparison of assessment results and a questionnaire survey, which also measured the satisfaction of the teaching reform class. Results (1) The average assessment score of the teaching reform class (80.24±4.87) was higher than that of the traditional teaching class (76.76±5.36), with a higher proportion of students in the teaching reform class achieving excellent or good scores, a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). (2)The teaching reform class is better than the traditional teaching class in terms of familiarity with the teaching content, classroom participation, post-class knowledge mastery, and pre-class independent literature search ability, all showing statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). (3)In the satisfaction survey, the overall satisfaction rate of the teaching reform class reached 84.04% (79/94), covering two aspects: teaching implementation methods and overall evaluation. The teaching implementation methods included pre-class case guidance, scenario simulation, group division of labor and discussion, scenario introduction, skill competition, and integration of clinical practice. Conclusion Medical technical skills competition can promote the teaching of Traditional Chinese Medicine surgery, with high student satisfaction, making it a method worth promoting and applying. -
表 1 教学改革班与传统教学班学生期末考核成绩比较
Table 1. Comparison of final examination scores between the teaching reform class and the traditional teaching class
班级 人数 平均分
[ < 60分,人(%)]优秀+良好
[人(%)]传统教学班 95 76.76±5.36 2(2.11) 83(87.37) 9(9.47) 1(1.05) 85(89.47) 教学改革班 94 80.24±4.87 9(9.57) 82(87.23) 3(3.19) 0 91(96.81) 统计量 4.679a -2.058b -1.987b P值 < 0.001 0.040 0.047 注:a为t值,b为Z值。 表 2 教学改革班与传统教学班学生教学效果评价比较[人(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of teaching effect evaluation between the teaching reform class and the traditional teaching class[person (%)]
组别 例数 课前对下一堂课的授课内容已经熟悉 课堂参与度较高 课后对课程内容能较好掌握 课前及课后能自主通过文献检索方式查找资料 是 否 是 否 是 否 是 否 传统教学班 95 24(25.26) 71(74.74) 32(33.68) 63(66.32) 40(42.11) 55(57.89) 37(38.95) 58(61.05) 教学改革班 94 74(78.72) 20(21.28) 85(90.43) 9(9.57) 83(88.30) 11(11.70) 70(74.47) 24(25.53) χ2值 54.089 64.505 44.362 24.271 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 表 3 教学改革班学生对教学改革内容的满意度情况[人(%)]
Table 3. Student satisfaction with the content of the teaching reform class[person (%)]
条目 非常赞同 赞同 一般 不赞同 非常不赞同 课前的案例引导能够激发对下一堂课的学习兴趣 42(44.68) 41(43.62) 10(10.64) 0 1(1.06) 情景模拟的课堂教学能够提高课堂参与度 51(54.26) 38(40.43) 5(5.32) 0 0 小组分工和讨论有利于课程知识点的掌握 56(59.57) 32(34.04) 3(3.19) 3(3.19) 0 情景导入或进入真实临床环境,对临床技能的掌握有帮助 44(46.81) 46(48.94) 3(3.19) 0 1(1.06) 技能竞赛和临床实践相融合的教学模式,能够提高中医临床思维能力 62(65.96) 27(28.72) 5(5.32) 0 0 技能竞赛和临床实践相融合的教学培养,能够缓解技能操作的紧张度 48(51.06) 38(40.43) 6(6.38) 2(2.13) 0 喜欢新的教学方式 52(55.32) 36(38.30) 4(4.26) 1(1.06) 1(1.06) -
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