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王艾瑶 田洁 孙瑶环 丁星星 连书莹 江素婷 董银凤

王艾瑶, 田洁, 孙瑶环, 丁星星, 连书莹, 江素婷, 董银凤. 强制性运动联合疗法促进脑卒中患者康复的网状meta分析[J]. 中华全科医学, 2024, 22(11): 1963-1966. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003775
引用本文: 王艾瑶, 田洁, 孙瑶环, 丁星星, 连书莹, 江素婷, 董银凤. 强制性运动联合疗法促进脑卒中患者康复的网状meta分析[J]. 中华全科医学, 2024, 22(11): 1963-1966. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003775
WANG Aiyao, TIAN Jie, SUN Yaohuan, DING Xingxing, LIAN Shuying, JIANG Suting, DONG Yinfeng. Constraint-induced movement combined therapy to promote the recovery of stroke patients: a network meta-analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(11): 1963-1966. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003775
Citation: WANG Aiyao, TIAN Jie, SUN Yaohuan, DING Xingxing, LIAN Shuying, JIANG Suting, DONG Yinfeng. Constraint-induced movement combined therapy to promote the recovery of stroke patients: a network meta-analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(11): 1963-1966. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003775


doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003775

江苏省自然科学基金面上项目 BK20201402



  • 中图分类号: R743.34 R743.33 R493

Constraint-induced movement combined therapy to promote the recovery of stroke patients: a network meta-analysis

  • 摘要:   目的  系统评价强制性运动疗法联合其他康复技术对脑卒中患者运动能力及日常生活活动能力的干预效果。  方法  计算机检索Web of Science、PubMed等8个数据库,检索有关(改良)强制性运动疗法(CIMT)干预脑卒中患者的临床随机对照试验。由2名研究者独立筛选文献、提取资料并评价偏倚风险后,采用软件Stata与ADDIS进行分析。  结果  共纳入26项研究,涉及9种联合干预方案:CIMT+延续性护理(am)、CIMT+生物反馈(bm)、CIMT+推拿(dm)、CIMT+针刺(em)、CIMT+经颅磁刺激(fm)、CIMT+功能性电刺激(gm)、CIMT+音乐疗法(hm)、CIMT+双侧康复(im)、CIMT+运动想象(jm)。结果显示,在FMA评分方面Rank1为最优概率排序为dm>em>gm>am>c;在提高上肢运动功能上,仅bm优于c,其余相互比较差异均无统计学意义(MD=8.31, 95% CI: 1.73~14.24, P<0.05);各联合干预方案间比较,im和jm的最优概率排序位列前二;在改善ADL上,jm>em>am>c,BI评分在干预4、8个月时,em疗效均位列第一。  结论  bm在提高上肢运动功能上较常规方案有明显的改善。CIMT的不同联合疗法对改善脑卒中患者运动能力及日常生活活动能力有不同的优势,dm、em显著提高运动功能,bm、im、em有益于提高上肢运动功能,em提高日常生活自理能力最佳。


  • 图  1  文献偏倚评价结果图

    Figure  1.  Outcome of literature bias

    表  1  一致性模型下网状分析运动功能及日常生活活动能力评分的两两比较结果[MD(95% CI)]

    Table  1.   Pairwise comparison of motor function and activities of daily living analyzed through network analysis using the consistency model[MD(95% CI)]

    FMA 效应值MD(95% CI)
    am -4.93(-15.49~6.21) 8.89(-9.12~27.89) 8.83(-4.07~21.97) 0.31(-18.56~19.19)
    4.93(-6.21~15.49) c 13.74(-0.80~29.27) 13.69 (6.55~20.53) 5.14(-10.28~20.17)
    -8.89(-27.89~9.12) -13.74(-29.27~0.80) dm -0.05(-17.00~16.30) -8.67(-30.45~12.65)
    -8.83(-21.97~4.07) -13.69(-20.53~-6.55) 0.05(-16.30~17.00) em -8.58(-25.77~8.35)
    -0.31(-19.19~18.56) -5.14(-20.17~10.28) 8.67(-12.65~30.45) 8.58(-8.35~25.77) gm
    am 2.36(-11.23~15.69) -5.92(-17.90~5.92) 1.89(-13.10~16.62) 2.14(-12.84~16.93) 16.10(-1.43~33.58) 13.95(-3.37~31.84)
    -2.36(-15.69~11.23) bm -8.31(-14.24~-1.73) -0.47(-11.12~10.47) -0.23(-10.65~10.55) 13.70(-0.60~28.18) 11.55(-1.75~26.28)
    5.92(-5.92~17.90) 8.31 (1.73~14.24)a c 7.79(-0.71~16.27) 8.04(-0.75~16.54) 21.93 (9.36~34.81) 19.84(7.82~32.25)
    -1.89(-16.62~13.10) 0.47(-10.47~11.12) -7.79(-16.27~0.71) em 0.26(-12.04~12.10) 14.15(-1.44~29.48) 11.97(-2.63~27.24)
    -2.14(-16.93~12.84) 0.23(-10.55~10.65) -8.04(-16.54~0.75) -0.26(-12.10~12.04) hm 13.90(-1.08~28.79) 11.74(-2.81~27.28)
    -16.10(-33.58~1.43) -13.70 (-28.18~0.60) -21.93(-34.81~-9.36) -14.15 (-29.48~1.44) -13.90(-28.79~1.08) im -2.12(-19.47~16.14)
    -13.95(-31.84~3.37) -11.55 (-26.28~1.75) -19.84(-32.25~-7.82) -11.97(-27.24~2.63) -11.74(-27.28~2.81) 2.12(-16.14~19.47) jm
    bm -8.74(-35.84~19.64) 4.49(-34.38~44.42) 12.54(-24.36~52.29)
    8.74(-19.64~35.84) c 13.32(-15.09~40.56) 21.72(-5.93~48.86)
    -4.49(-44.42~34.38) -13.32(-40.56~15.09) em 8.31(-29.40~48.01)
    -12.54(-52.29~24.36) -21.72 (-48.86~5.93) -8.31(-48.01~29.40) jm
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    表  2  一致性模型下网状分析干预4、8个月日常生活能力BI评分概率排序

    Table  2.   Probability ranking based on daily living ability and BI scores at 4- and 8-month post-intervention was analyzed using network analysis under the consistency model

    时间 疗法 排序1 排序2 排序3 排序4
    c 0.25 0.69 0.06
    em 0.70 0.24 0.06
    hm 0.05 0.07 0.88
    c 0.00 0.06 0.30 0.63
    em 0.72 0.18 0.07 0.03
    hm 0.11 0.27 0.41 0.20
    jm 0.16 0.48 0.22 0.14
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