Effects of traditional Chinese medicine on cancer pain, fatigue, and mental resilience in lung cancer patients with bone metastasis
目的 在肺癌伴骨转移患者中应用中医情志和汤药治疗,深入了解中医治疗在缓解肺癌伴骨转移患者疼痛、改善其生活质量和心理状况方面的作用, 为临床提供依据, 为患者提供更有针对性的治疗方案。 方法 将2022年8月—2023年8月衡水市中医医院收治的128例晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者纳入研究,按照随机数表法分为观察组(中医情志干预结合身痛逐瘀汤)和对照组(盐酸羟考酮缓释片治疗)各64例。比较2组患者干预4周后止痛效果,干预前及干预4周后癌因性疲乏[癌症疲乏量表(CFS)]、心理弹性[10条目心理弹性量表(CD-RISC10)]、生存质量[美国肺癌生存质量量表(FACT-L4.0)]、疼痛相关因子[β内啡肽(β-EP)、P物质]。 结果 干预4周后,观察组总缓解率(92.19%,59例)明显高于对照组(78.12%,50例,χ2=5.006,P < 0.05);2组干预4周后CFS、P低于干预前,β-EP高于干预前,观察组干预4周后CD-RISC、FACT-L4.0高于干预前(P < 0.01);干预前CFS、CD-RISC、FACT-L4.0、β-EP、P对干预4周后均有影响(P < 0.001);干预4周后观察组CFS、P低于对照组,CD-RISC、FACT-L4.0、β-EP高于对照组,调整干预前CFS、CD-RISC、FACT-L4.0、β-EP、P水平后,2组比较差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。 结论 中医情志干预结合身痛逐瘀汤可改善晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者癌痛、癌因性疲乏,提升心理弹性和生存质量,其镇痛机制可能是改善β-EP、P水平。 Abstract:Objective The application of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) emotion and decoction in lung cancer patients with bone metastasis, and in-depth understanding of the role of TCM treatment in alleviating pain, improving quality of life and psychological status of lung cancer patients with bone metastasis, to provide clinical evidence for patients Provide more targeted treatment options. Methods A total of 128 advanced lung cancer patients with bone metastasis, admitted to Hengshui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from August 2022 to August 2023, were included in the study. They were divided into the observation group (n=64, receiving traditional Chinese medicine emotional intervention combined with Shentong Zhuyu Decoction) and the control group (n=64, receiving standard care) according to random number table method. The analgesic effect, cancer-related fatigue (cancer fatigue scale, CFS), mental resilience (10-item mental resilience scale, CD-RISC10), quality of life (American lung cancer quality of life scale, FACT-L4.0), and pain-related factors (β endorphin, β-EP, substance P) were measured before and 4 weeks after intervention. Results After 4 weeks of intervention, the total remission rate of the observation group was significantly higher [92.19% (59 cases) vs. 78.12% (50 cases), χ2=5.006, P < 0.05]. After 4 weeks of intervention, CFS and P in the observation group were significantly lower than before intervention, while β-EP were significantly higher (P < 0.05). After 4 weeks of intervention, CD-RISC and FACT-L4.0 in the observation group were higher than those before intervention (P < 0.01). Pre-intervention CFS, CD-RISC, FACT-L4.0, β-EP, and P had significant effects on the results after 4 weeks of intervention (P < 0.001). After 4 weeks of intervention, CFS and P in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, while CD-RISC, FACT-L4.0 and β-EP were higher. After adjusting the levels of CFS, CD-RISC, FACT-L4.0, β-EP, and P before intervention, the differences between the two groups were statistically significant (P < 0.01). Conclusion TCM emotional intervention combined with Shentong Zhuyu Decoction improves cancer pain, cancer-related fatigue, mental resilience, and quality of life in patients with advanced lung cancer and bone metastasis. The analgesic mechanism may be mediated through improvements β-EP and P levels. -
表 1 2组晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者止痛效果比较[例(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of analgesic effects between the two groups of advanced lung cancer patients with bone metastasis [cases (%)]
组别 例数 治疗效果 总缓解 完全缓解 部分缓解 轻度缓解 无缓解 观察组 64 12(18.75) 13(20.31) 34(53.13) 5(7.81) 59(92.19) 对照组 64 6(9.38) 12(18.75) 32(50.00) 14(21.88) 50(78.12) 统计量 2.143a 5.006b P值 0.032 0.025 注:a为Z值,b为χ2值。 表 2 2组晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者CFS评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 2. Comparison of CFS scores between the two groups of advanced lung cancer patients with bone metastasis (x±s, points)
组别 例数 躯体疲乏 t值 P值 情绪疲乏 t值 P值 认知疲乏 t值 P值 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 观察组 64 17.95±3.66 13.36±2.00 12.975 <0.001 9.25±2.22 6.80±1.21 11.429 <0.001 10.20±2.13 7.17±1.63 12.894 <0.001 对照组 64 18.07±3.50 15.55±2.63 6.577 <0.001 9.36±2.15 7.71±1.37 7.500 <0.001 10.32±2.19 8.52±1.79 7.236 <0.001 统计量 0.190a 4.284b 0.285a 3.058b 0.314a 3.751b P值 0.850 <0.001 0.776 0.003 0.754 <0.001 注:a为t值,b为F值。 表 3 2组晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者CD-RISC评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 3. Comparison of CD-RISC scores between the two groups of advanced lung cancer patients with bone metastasis (x±s, points)
组别 例数 坚韧性 t值 P值 自强 t值 P值 乐观 t值 P值 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 观察组 64 30.46±2.24 32.60±2.19 7.729 <0.001 19.11±2.55 21.07±2.59 6.101 <0.001 8.28±1.58 10.05±2.04 7.823 <0.001 对照组 64 30.33±2.17 30.86±2.41 1.852 0.069 19.37±2.40 19.61±2.38 0.803 0.425 8.33±1.50 8.60±1.42 1.479 0.145 统计量 0.333a 3.504b 0.594a 2.796b 0.184a 3.623b P值 0.739 <0.001 0.554 0.007 0.855 <0.001 注:a为t值,b为F值。 表 4 2组晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者FACT-L4.0评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 4. Comparison of FACT-L4.0 scores between the two groups of advanced lung cancer patients with bone metastasis (x±s, points)
组别 例数 生理状况 t值 P值 社会家庭 t值 P值 情感状况 t值 P值 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 观察组 64 19.93±2.92 22.21±3.02 6.141 <0.001 19.07±4.01 21.71±3.39 5.708 <0.001 17.09±2.46 18.95±2.43 6.086 <0.001 对照组 64 20.01±2.69 20.47±3.15 1.260 0.213 19.13±4.44 19.26±3.85 0.251 0.803 17.10±2.69 17.52±2.25 1.360 0.179 统计量 0.161a 2.533b 0.080a 3.821b 0.022a 2.887b P值 0.872 0.014 0.936 0.005 0.983 0.006 组别 例数 功能状况 t值 P值 附加关注 t值 P值 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 观察组 64 14.06±2.44 16.41±2.53 7.565 <0.001 21.53±2.03 22.91±2.74 4.629 0.002 对照组 64 14.01±2.59 14.24±2.12 0.781 0.438 21.41±1.96 21.59±2.67 0.622 0.536 统计量 0.112a 4.353b 0.340a 2.115b P值 0.911 <0.001 0.734 0.039 注:a为t值,b为F值。 表 5 2组晚期肺癌伴骨转移患者β-EP、P水平比较(x±s)
Table 5. Comparison of β-EP and P levels between the two groups of advanced lung cancer patients with bone metastasis (x±s)
组别 例数 β-EP(ng/L) t值 P值 P(ng/L) t值 P值 干预前 干预4周后 干预前 干预4周后 观察组 64 40.56±12.44 58.01±11.53 11.648 <0.001 77.53±15.23 47.51±11.04 18.284 <0.001 对照组 64 41.71±11.59 49.24±12.12 5.081 <0.001 78.41±16.06 56.19±10.97 13.153 <0.001 统计量 0.541a 3.286b 0.318a 3.559b P值 0.589 0.002 0.751 <0.001 注:a为t值,b为F值。 -
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