The relationship with Chinese traditional cultural beliefs and mental health of community people
目的 以广州和深圳地区民众为调查对象,分析社区民众传统文化信仰状况及其与心理健康的关系。 方法 2019年1月—2020年12月期间,采取便利抽样的方式对广州和深圳567名城市社区民众进行问卷调查,使用自编基本情况量表、中国传统文化信仰量表(CTCBS)、心盛量表(FS)、患者健康问卷-9(PHQ-9)测量其传统文化信仰状况和心理健康状况。 结果 民众的文化信仰总均分为(4.18±0.69)分。各维度得分为:文化敬仰(4.11±0.77)分,文化热爱(4.30±0.70)分,文化推崇(4.27±0.71)分,文化参与(4.05±0.76)分。386人(68.1%)有明确的文化信仰。不同年龄社区民众的文化信仰之间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。文化信仰与个体的幸福感(r=0.468, P < 0.001)呈正相关关系,而与抑郁水平(r=-0.117, P < 0.01)呈负相关关系。文化信仰的4个维度均与幸福感均呈正相关关系,与抑郁水平呈负相关关系。进一步分析表明,完全健康者的传统文化信仰水平显著高于部分病态者、易感者、疾患者,部分病态者的传统文化信仰水平显著高于易感者、疾患者。 结论 社区民众的传统文化信仰状况与心理健康有显著的关系,文化信仰水平越高,幸福感水平越高,抑郁症状则越轻。建议通过提升城市社区民众的传统文化信仰水平改进个体的心理健康状况。 Abstract:Objective The public in Guangzhou and Shenzhen were investigated, to analyze the Chinese traditional cultural beliefs of the community people and their relationship with mental health. Methods From January 2019 to December 2020, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 567 city community people in Guangzhou and Shenzhen using a convenience sampling method. The Chinese traditional cultural beliefs and mental health status were measured by the self-developed basic information scale, Chinese traditional culture belief scale (CTCBS), flourishing scale (FS), patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results The total average score of CTCBS among the public was (4.18±0.69) points. The scores for each dimension: The average score for cultural admiration was (4.11±0.77) points, the average score for cultural love was (4.30±0.70) points, the average score for cultural esteem was (4.27±0.71) points, and the average score for cultural participation was (4.05±0.76) points. A total of 386 (68.1%) respondents have traditional cultural beliefs. The public of different ages have significant differences in overall cultural belief levels (P < 0.01). There is a significant positive correlation between the cultural belief status of the public and the level of happiness (r=0.468, P < 0.001), and a significant negative correlation between the cultural belief status of the public and the level of depression (r=-0.117, P < 0.01). The four dimensions of cultural beliefs are positively correlated with happiness and significantly negatively correlated with depression levels. Further analysis shows that the traditional cultural beliefs of completely healthy individuals are significantly higher than those of partially ill, susceptible, and diseased individuals. The traditional cultural beliefs of partially ill individuals are significantly higher than those of susceptible and diseased individuals. Conclusion There is a significant relationship between the traditional cultural beliefs of community residents and their mental health. The higher the level of cultural beliefs, the higher the level of happiness, and the milder the symptoms of depression. It is suggested to improve individual mental health by enhancing the traditional cultural beliefs of urban community residents. -
Key words:
- Chinese traditional cultural beliefs /
- Mental health /
- Happiness /
- Depression
表 1 567名城市社区民众传统文化信仰状况分析
Table 1. Analysis of traditional cultural beliefs of 567 city community people
条目 非常不认同
(x±s,分)1.我希望能更多地去学习和认识中国传统文化 4(0.7) 9(1.6) 50(8.8) 240(42.3) 264(46.6) 4.32±0.76 2.我很乐意和他人谈论交流中国传统文化的思想和内容 5(0.9) 18(3.2) 84(14.8) 231(40.7) 229(40.4) 4.17±0.86 3.我认为中国传统文化有利于提升个人的道德和修养 5(0.9) 8(1.4) 39(6.9) 249(43.9) 266(46.9) 4.35±0.75 4.中国传统文化给我的人生带来很多的启发与智慧 3(0.5) 11(1.9) 71(12.5) 240(42.3) 242(42.7) 4.25±0.79 5.中国传统文化对我而言有着独特的魅力而日久弥新 3(0.5) 12(2.1) 73(12.9) 235(41.4) 244(43.0) 4.24±0.80 6.我常会积极参与各种传统文化活动,如传统节日活动、饮食、风俗习惯等 6(1.1) 24(4.2) 87(15.3) 238(42.0) 212(37.4) 4.10±0.89 7.中国传统文化对民众的精神风貌更具有积极的作用 5(0.9) 11(1.9) 63(11.1) 242(42.7) 246(43.4) 4.26±0.80 8.中国传统文化是丰富我内心世界的重要资源 6(1.1) 24(4.2) 114(20.1) 241(42.5) 182(32.1) 4.00±0.89 9.中国传统文化让我找到了精神的寄托与指引 9(1.6) 28(4.9) 142(25.0) 228(40.2) 160(28.2) 3.89±0.93 10.我认为传统文化是凝聚社会人心的重要力量 8(1.4) 10(1.8) 65(11.5) 252(44.4) 232(40.9) 4.22±0.82 11.中国传统文化思想对我个人的成长产生了重要的影响 6(1.1) 22(3.9) 93(16.4) 247(43.6) 199(35.1) 4.08±0.87 12.我非常热爱中国传统文化 6(1.1) 9(1.6) 58(10.2) 220(38.8) 274(48.3) 4.32±0.80 表 2 不同年龄段的社区民众与文化信仰状况比较
Table 2. Comparison of cultural beliefs among people of different age groups in society
年龄(岁) 人数 文化信仰 文化敬仰 文化热爱 文化推崇 文化参与 ≤30 290 4.21±0.66 4.13±0.76 4.33±0.68 4.30±0.70 4.09±0.73 31~40 157 4.01±0.78 3.94±0.83 4.13±0.80 4.10±0.80 3.89±0.86 >40 120 4.33±0.56 4.28±0.65 4.43±0.58 4.43±0.53 4.16±0.68 F值 7.510 6.817 6.703 7.975 5.253 P值 0.001 0.001 0.001 < 0.001 0.005 表 3 4种心理健康状况的社区民众文化信仰水平
Table 3. Cultural beliefs levels of social masses with four mental health conditions cultural beliefs
心理健康状况 例数(%) 文化信仰
(x±s,分)完全健康者 287(50.6) 4.37±0.60 4.31±0.66 4.47±0.63 4.46±0.61 4.24±0.66 部分病态者 124(21.9) 4.23±0.72a 4.16±0.82 4.31±0.70 4.31±0.73 4.14±0.80 易感者 109(19.2) 3.83±0.69ab 3.74±0.76 4.02±0.74 3.95±0.75 3.63±0.76 疾患者 47(8.3) 3.72±0.62ab 3.61±0.73 3.82±0.65 3.82±0.65 3.62±0.69 F值 27.125 24.341 20.780 23.504 25.723 P值 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 注:与完全健康者比较,aP<0.05;与部分病态者比较,bP < 0.05。 -
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