Application of meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion in patients with pressure sore after stroke
目的 探讨循经温通刮痧联合艾灸在脑卒中后压疮患者中的应用效果,为临床中医防治压疮提供理论依据。 方法 选择2022年3月—2024年3月在浙江省立同德医院就诊的脑卒中后压疮患者91例,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(45例)和中医组(46例),均给予常规护理,对照组采用水胶体敷料外敷,中医组在对照组基础上给予循经温通刮痧联合艾灸干预,持续2周。比较2组压力性损伤愈合量表(PUSH)和疼痛(VAS)评分、肉芽组织出现及创面愈合时间、创面血流灌注量、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)水平。 结果 中医组干预后PUSH评分为(2.81±0.55)分,VAS评分为(1.67±0.43)分,均低于对照组的(5.63±1.24)分、(2.58±0.88)分(P<0.05)。中医组肉芽组织出现时间[(4.09±1.27)d]、创面愈合时间[(19.28±4.10)d]均短于对照组[(6.12±1.34)d、(24.34±3.18)d, P<0.05],创面血流灌注量多于对照组(P<0.05);TNF-α低于对照组,VEGF水平高于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 循经温通刮痧联合艾灸可缓解脑卒中后压疮患者创面疼痛,加快创面愈合,其作用机制可能与增加创面局部血流灌注量,调节TNF-α和VEGF水平有关。 Abstract:Objective Exploring the application effect of meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion in patients with post-stroke pressure ulcers, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for the clinical prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Methods A total of 91 patients with post-stroke pressure ulcers treated in Zhejiang Provincial Tongde Hospital from March 2022 to March 2024 were selected and divided into a control group (45 cases) and a traditional Chinese medicine group (46 cases) by random number table method, both of which were given routine care. The control group was given hydrocolloid dressing for external application, and the traditional Chinese medicine group was given the combined intervention of meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion on the basis of the control group for 2 weeks. The scores of stress wound healing scale (PUSH) and pain VAS, granulation and wound healing time, wound blood perfusion volume, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels were compared between the two groups. Results The PUSH scores and VAS scores of the TCM group were (2.81±0.55) points and (1.67±0.43) points, both lower than those of the control group (5.63±1.24) points and (2.58±0.88) points (P < 0.05). The occurrence time of granulation tissue (4.09±1.27) d and wound healing time (19.28±4.10) d were shorter than those of the control group [(6.12±1.34) d and (24.34±3.18) d, P < 0.05]. The blood perfusion volume of wound was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). The level of TNF-α was lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05), and the level of VEGF was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion can relieve wound pain and accelerate wound healing in patients with pressure ulcers after stroke, and its mechanism may be related to accelerating local blood perfusion and regulating the levels of TNF-α and VEGF. -
表 1 2组脑卒中后压疮患者一般资料比较
Table 1. Comparison of general data between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer
组别 例数 性别
(x±s, 岁)BMI
(x±s, d)压疮面积
(x±s, cm2)Ⅱ/Ⅲ期压疮
(x±s, g/L)对照组 45 25/20 60.09±6.77 22.09±2.34 43.12±7.23 35.23±7.45 21/24 5.45±0.56 30.23±4.12 中医组 46 22/24 60.14±8.24 21.88±3.56 40.88±8.65 35.56±6.44 19/27 5.37±0.77 30.19±5.57 统计量 0.544a 0.032b 0.332b 1.337b 0.226b 0.266a 0.566b 0.039b P值 0.461 0.975 0.741 0.184 0.822 0.606 0.573 0.969 注:a为χ2值,b为t值。 表 2 2组脑卒中后压疮患者干预前后PUSH评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 2. Comparison of PUSH scores between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer before and after intervention (x±s, points)
组别 例数 组织类型 24 h渗出量 压力损伤面积 总分 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 对照组 45 3.11±0.45 1.45±0.47b 1.88±0.36 1.30±0.27b 5.10±1.14 2.88±0.76b 10.09±2.67 5.63±1.24b 中医组 46 2.98±0.67 0.91±0.23b 1.90±0.56 0.56±0.14b 5.02±1.26 1.34±0.47b 9.90±2.45 2.81±0.55b 统计量 1.084a 15.675c 0.202a 20.091c 0.317a 16.347c 0.354a 19.431c P值 0.281 <0.001 0.840 <0.001 0.752 <0.001 0.724 <0.001 注:a为t值,c为F值;与同组干预前比较,bP<0.05。 表 3 2组脑卒中后压疮患者干预前后VAS评分比较(x±s,分)
Table 3. Comparison of VAS scores between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer before and after intervention (x±s, points)
组别 例数 干预前 干预后 对照组 45 6.34±1.32 2.58±0.88b 中医组 46 6.17±1.78 1.67±0.43b 统计量 0.517a 17.231c P值 0.607 <0.001 注:a为t值,c为F值;与同组干预前比较,bP<0.05。 表 4 2组脑卒中后压疮患者肉芽组织出现及创面愈合时间、创面血流灌注量比较(x±s)
Table 4. Comparison of granulation tissue appearance, wound healing time, and wound blood perfusion between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer (x±s)
组别 例数 肉芽组织出现
时间(d)创面血流灌注量(PU) 干预前 干预后 对照组 45 6.12±1.34 24.34±3.18 2.45±0.67 3.06±0.72b 中医组 46 4.09±1.27 19.28±4.10 2.33±0.95 3.88±0.51b 统计量 7.419a 6.569a 0.695a 15.671c P值 <0.001 <0.001 0.489 <0.001 注:a为t值,c为F值;与同组干预前比较,bP<0.05。 表 5 2组脑卒中后压疮患者干预前后TNF-α和VEGF水平比较(x±s)
Table 5. Comparison of TNF-α and VEGF levels between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer before and after intervention (x±s)
组别 例数 TNF-α(ng/L) VEGF(pg/mL) 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 对照组 45 40.09±8.23 33.68±8.05b 279.98±20.45 350.01±27.45b 中医组 46 40.47±7.09 23.45±5.27b 281.02±30.47 399.67±21.33b 统计量 0.236a 19.093c 0.191a 24.371c P值 0.814 <0.001 0.849 <0.001 注:a为t值,c为F值;与同组干预前比较,bP<0.05。 -
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