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陶晓虹 樊莉 胡叶明

陶晓虹, 樊莉, 胡叶明. 循经温通刮痧联合艾灸在脑卒中后压疮患者中的应用[J]. 中华全科医学, 2024, 22(12): 2108-2111. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003809
引用本文: 陶晓虹, 樊莉, 胡叶明. 循经温通刮痧联合艾灸在脑卒中后压疮患者中的应用[J]. 中华全科医学, 2024, 22(12): 2108-2111. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003809
TAO Xiaohong, FAN Li, HU Yeming. Application of meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion in patients with pressure sore after stroke[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(12): 2108-2111. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003809
Citation: TAO Xiaohong, FAN Li, HU Yeming. Application of meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion in patients with pressure sore after stroke[J]. Chinese Journal of General Practice, 2024, 22(12): 2108-2111. doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003809


doi: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.003809

浙江省中医药科技计划项目 2023ZL306



  • 中图分类号: R743.3 R244.4

Application of meridian warming and scraping therapy combined with moxibustion in patients with pressure sore after stroke

  • 摘要:   目的   探讨循经温通刮痧联合艾灸在脑卒中后压疮患者中的应用效果,为临床中医防治压疮提供理论依据。   方法   选择2022年3月—2024年3月在浙江省立同德医院就诊的脑卒中后压疮患者91例,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(45例)和中医组(46例),均给予常规护理,对照组采用水胶体敷料外敷,中医组在对照组基础上给予循经温通刮痧联合艾灸干预,持续2周。比较2组压力性损伤愈合量表(PUSH)和疼痛(VAS)评分、肉芽组织出现及创面愈合时间、创面血流灌注量、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)水平。   结果   中医组干预后PUSH评分为(2.81±0.55)分,VAS评分为(1.67±0.43)分,均低于对照组的(5.63±1.24)分、(2.58±0.88)分(P<0.05)。中医组肉芽组织出现时间[(4.09±1.27)d]、创面愈合时间[(19.28±4.10)d]均短于对照组[(6.12±1.34)d、(24.34±3.18)d, P<0.05],创面血流灌注量多于对照组(P<0.05);TNF-α低于对照组,VEGF水平高于对照组(P<0.05)。   结论   循经温通刮痧联合艾灸可缓解脑卒中后压疮患者创面疼痛,加快创面愈合,其作用机制可能与增加创面局部血流灌注量,调节TNF-α和VEGF水平有关。


  • 表  1  2组脑卒中后压疮患者一般资料比较

    Table  1.   Comparison of general data between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer

    组别 例数 性别
    (x±s, 岁)
    (x±s, d)
    (x±s, cm2)
    (x±s, g/L)
    对照组 45 25/20 60.09±6.77 22.09±2.34 43.12±7.23 35.23±7.45 21/24 5.45±0.56 30.23±4.12
    中医组 46 22/24 60.14±8.24 21.88±3.56 40.88±8.65 35.56±6.44 19/27 5.37±0.77 30.19±5.57
    统计量 0.544a 0.032b 0.332b 1.337b 0.226b 0.266a 0.566b 0.039b
    P 0.461 0.975 0.741 0.184 0.822 0.606 0.573 0.969
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    表  2  2组脑卒中后压疮患者干预前后PUSH评分比较(x±s,分)

    Table  2.   Comparison of PUSH scores between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer before and after intervention (x±s, points)

    组别 例数 组织类型 24 h渗出量 压力损伤面积 总分
    干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后
    对照组 45 3.11±0.45 1.45±0.47b 1.88±0.36 1.30±0.27b 5.10±1.14 2.88±0.76b 10.09±2.67 5.63±1.24b
    中医组 46 2.98±0.67 0.91±0.23b 1.90±0.56 0.56±0.14b 5.02±1.26 1.34±0.47b 9.90±2.45 2.81±0.55b
    统计量 1.084a 15.675c 0.202a 20.091c 0.317a 16.347c 0.354a 19.431c
    P 0.281 <0.001 0.840 <0.001 0.752 <0.001 0.724 <0.001
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    表  3  2组脑卒中后压疮患者干预前后VAS评分比较(x±s,分)

    Table  3.   Comparison of VAS scores between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer before and after intervention (x±s, points)

    组别 例数 干预前 干预后
    对照组 45 6.34±1.32 2.58±0.88b
    中医组 46 6.17±1.78 1.67±0.43b
    统计量 0.517a 17.231c
    P 0.607 <0.001
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    表  4  2组脑卒中后压疮患者肉芽组织出现及创面愈合时间、创面血流灌注量比较(x±s)

    Table  4.   Comparison of granulation tissue appearance, wound healing time, and wound blood perfusion between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer (x±s)

    组别 例数 肉芽组织出现
    干预前 干预后
    对照组 45 6.12±1.34 24.34±3.18 2.45±0.67 3.06±0.72b
    中医组 46 4.09±1.27 19.28±4.10 2.33±0.95 3.88±0.51b
    统计量 7.419a 6.569a 0.695a 15.671c
    P <0.001 <0.001 0.489 <0.001
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    表  5  2组脑卒中后压疮患者干预前后TNF-α和VEGF水平比较(x±s)

    Table  5.   Comparison of TNF-α and VEGF levels between the two groups of patients with post-stroke pressure ulcer before and after intervention (x±s)

    组别 例数 TNF-α(ng/L) VEGF(pg/mL)
    干预前 干预后 干预前 干预后
    对照组 45 40.09±8.23 33.68±8.05b 279.98±20.45 350.01±27.45b
    中医组 46 40.47±7.09 23.45±5.27b 281.02±30.47 399.67±21.33b
    统计量 0.236a 19.093c 0.191a 24.371c
    P 0.814 <0.001 0.849 <0.001
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-05-19
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