Abnormal expression and clinical significance of CABYR in gastric cancer
目的 分析钙离子结合酪氨酸磷酸化调节基因(CABYR)在胃癌组织中的表达情况及与临床病理参数间的关系,并探讨其与胃癌患者远期预后的关系。 方法 利用癌症公共数据库分析CABYR在胃癌中的表达水平和对疾病进展及预后的影响,并纳入2017年1月—2018年4月在蚌埠医科大学第一附属医院接受根治术治疗的107例胃癌患者进行验证。另采用癌症公共数据库预测CABYR在胃癌中可能参与的生物学过程并进一步分析其与免疫细胞浸润的相关性。 结果 癌症公共数据库分析发现CABYR在胃癌组织中的表达水平显著高于癌旁组织,与胃癌临床分期密切相关,且CABYR高表达组患者术后生存期明显低于低表达组(P<0.05)。本院临床病例分析发现,CABYR在胃癌组织中的表达水平较癌旁组织显著升高[(6.944±1.841) vs.(1.000±0.245),P < 0.001],与疾病恶性进展密切相关, 且CABYR高表达组患者术后5年生存率较低表达组显著降低(log-rank χ2=32.799,P<0.05)。Cox回归分析显示CABYR高表达是影响患者术后5年生存率的独立危险因素(HR=2.985,95% CI:1.460~6.104),ROC曲线分析显示CABYR预测患者癌性死亡的灵敏度为80.39%,特异度为73.21%(P<0.05)。此外,癌症公共数据库分析发现CABYR在胃癌中的生物功能主要与免疫细胞的浸润有关。 结论 CABYR在胃癌中高表达并与胃癌疾病进展密切相关,可作为评估患者临床预后的生物学标记物。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the expression of calciumbinding tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated gene (CABYR) in gastric cancer tissues and its relationship with clinicopathological parameters, and to explore its relationship with the long-term prognosis of gastric patient. Methods The expression level of CABYR in gastric cancer was analyzed using public cancer databases to assess its impact on disease progression and prognosis. Additionally, 107 gastric cancer patients who underwent radical surgery at the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical University from January 2017 to April 2018 were included for validation. Furthermore, the potential biological processes involving CABYR in gastric cancer were predicted using public cancer databases, and its correlation with immune cell infiltration was further analyzed. Results Analysis of public cancer databases revealed that the expression level of CABYR in gastric cancer tissue was significantly higher than that in adjacent non-cancerous tissue and was closely associated with clinical staging. Moreover, patients with high CABYR expression had significantly lower postoperative survival rates compared to those with low expression (P < 0.05). In the clinical validation, the expression level of CABYR in gastric cancer tissue was significantly elevated compared to adjacent non-cancerous tissue [(6.944±1.841) vs. (1.000±0.245), P < 0.001], correlating strongly with malignant disease progression. Additionally, the 5-year postoperative survival rate of patients with high CABYR expression was significantly lower compared to the low-expression group (log-rank χ2=32.799, P < 0.05). Cox regression analysis showed that high CABYR expression as an independent risk factor for reduced 5-year postoperative survival (HR=2.985, 95% CI: 1.460-6.104). ROC curve analysis demonstrated that CABYR predicted cancer-related death with 80.39% sensitivity and 73.21% specificity (P < 0.05). Further database analysis revealed that the biological function of CABYR in gastric cancer was mainly associated with immune cell infiltration. Conclusion High expression of CABYR is closely associated with gastric cancer progression and can serve as a biomarker for evaluating clinical prognosis. -
Key words:
- Gastric cancer /
- Prognosis /
- Immune infiltration /
- Tumor biomarker
表 1 胃癌中CABYR蛋白表达与临床病理参数之间的关系(例)
Table 1. Relationship between the expression of CABYR protein and clinicopathological parameters in gastric cancer(cases)
临床病理参数 例数 低表达组
(n=54)χ2值 P值 性别 0.002 0.961 女性 22 11 11 男性 85 42 43 年龄(岁) 1.587 0.208 <60 44 25 19 ≥60 63 28 35 病理类型 0.717 0.397 腺癌 81 42 39 其他 26 11 15 脉管浸润 15.729 < 0.001 无 50 35 15 有 57 18 39 肿瘤最大径(cm) 0.225 0.635 <5 40 21 19 ≥5 67 32 35 组织学分级 0.255 0.613 G1~G2级 62 32 30 G3级 45 21 24 T分期 11.525 0.001 T1~T2期 57 37 20 T3~T4期 50 16 34 N分期 5.042 0.025 N0~N1期 59 35 24 N2~N3期 48 18 30 TNM分期 18.918 < 0.001 Ⅰ期~Ⅱ期 52 37 15 Ⅲ期~Ⅳ期 55 16 39 表 2 胃癌患者胃癌根治术后5年生存率的影响因素分析
Table 2. Analysis of risk factors affecting 5-year survival rate after radical gastrectomy
临床病理参数 单因素 多因素 log-rank χ2值 P值 HR值(95% CI) P值 性别(男性vs. 女性) 0.204 0.652 年龄(<60岁vs. ≥60岁) 1.259 0.262 病理类型(腺癌vs. 其他) 0.836 0.361 脉管浸润(无vs. 有) 42.838 < 0.001 3.956(1.774~8.819) 0.001 肿瘤直径(<5 cm vs. ≥5 cm) 0.001 0.971 组织学分级(G1~G2 vs. G3) 0.035 0.852 浸润深度(T1~T2 vs. T3~T4) 27.389 < 0.001 2.653(1.373~5.126) 0.004 淋巴结转移(N0~N1 vs. N2~N3) 22.388 < 0.001 2.394(1.254~4.571) 0.008 TNM分期(Ⅰ期~Ⅱ期vs. Ⅲ期~Ⅳ期) 37.810 < 0.001 3.058(1.427~6.554) 0.004 CABYR表达(低vs. 高) 32.799 < 0.001 2.985(1.460~6.104) 0.003 注:各变量赋值方法如下,无脉管浸润=0,有脉管浸润=1;浸润深度,T1~T2=0,T3~T4=1;淋巴结转移,N0~N1=0,N2~N3=1;TNM分期,Ⅰ期~Ⅱ期=0,Ⅲ期~Ⅳ期=1;CABYR低表达=0,CABYR高表达=1。 表 3 CABYR与胃癌免疫细胞浸润水平的相关性分析
Table 3. Correlation analysis of CABYR expression and immune cell infiltration in gastric cancer
免疫细胞 r值 P值 CD4+ T Cell 0.137 0.009 Macrophage 0.119 0.022 CD8+ T Cell -0.144 0.005 Neutrophil -0.130 0.012 -
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