Analysis of the safety and efficacy of proximal gastrectomy of esophageal-jejunal π-type anastomosis and circular anastomosis
目的 比较近端胃切除术中全腔镜食管空肠改良π型吻合与开放圆形吻合2种不同消化道重建方式的围手术期情况及术后疗效,探讨改良π型吻合技术联合双通道吻合技术在近端胃切除术中的安全性及有效性。 方法 回顾性分析2018年1月—2023年1月于安徽医科大学第一附属医院胃肠外科行腹腔镜或开放近端胃切除、双通道吻合消化道重建的63例胃癌患者临床资料,其中开放食管空肠圆形吻合24例(圆吻组),全腔镜下食管空肠改良π型吻合39例(π吻合组)。比较2组患者的临床资料、围手术期恢复情况及术后并发症等相关指标,评价改良π型吻合技术的安全性和疗效。 结果 2组术前基线资料、术中清扫的淋巴结数目、切缘情况、术中出血量、手术时间及吻合时间、术后相关并发症等比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),而切口长度[(4.92±0.53)cm vs. (14.33±1.80)cm,P < 0.001]、首次下地活动时间[(1.07±0.27)d vs. (1.91±0.58)d,P < 0.001]、首次排气时间[(2.17±0.38)d vs.(2.91±0.58)d, t=4.652, P=0.039]、恢复全流食时间、术后住院时间、术后第3天NRS评分、切口感染、术后并发症分级整体情况等差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 近端胃切除双通道消化道重建中联合食管空肠π型吻合和开放圆形吻合同样安全有效,且π型吻合创伤小、恢复快,是一种安全可行、值得去尝试的消化道重建策略。 Abstract:Objective Compare the perioperative and postoperative outcomes of two different digestive reconstructions: improved endoscopic esophago-jejunal π-anastomosis and open circular anastomosis in proximal gastrectomy. We investigated the safety and effectiveness of improved π-anastomosis combined with dual channel anastomosis in proximal gastrectomy. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 63 cases of gastric cancer who underwent laparoscopic or open proximal gastrectomy, dual-channel anastomosis in the Department of Gastroenterology at the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from January 2018 to January 2023. Among them, 24 cases underwent open esophagojejunal circular anastomosis (circular anastomosis group); 39 cases of full endoscopic esophagojejunal modified π-type anastomosis were selected (π anastomosis group). Compare the clinical data, perioperative recovery, and postoperative complications of two groups of patients to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the improved π-type anastomosis technique. Results There were no differences between the π-type anastomosis group and the round astomosis group in terms of preoperative baseline data, number of lymph nodes dissected during operation, cutting edge condition, intraoperative blood loss, operation time and anastomosis time, and postoperative related complication (P>0.05), but the length of the incision [(4.92±0.53) cm vs. (14.33±1.80) cm, P < 0.001], the time of the first activity on the ground [(1.07±0.27) d vs. (1.91±0.58) d, P < 0.001], first exhaust time [(2.17±0.38) d vs. (2.91±0.58) d, t=4.652, P=0.039], the time to return to a full liquid diet, the length of postoperative hospital stay, NRS score on the third postoperative day, the incision infection, and overall postoperative complication grading, these were significant statistical differences (P < 0.05). Conclusion The combined esophageal-jejuno-π anastomosis and open circular anastomosis in the double-channel gastrointestinal reconstruction of proximal gastrectomy are equally safe and effective, while the π-type anastomosis is less invasive and has a faster recovery, which is a safe, feasible and worthwhile strategy for gastrointestinal reconstruction. -
表 1 2组胃癌患者基线资料比较
Table 1. Comparison of baseline data between two groups of gastric cancer patients
项目 圆吻组(n=24) π吻合组(n=39) 统计量 P值 性别(男/女,例) 17/7 30/9 0.291a 0.590 年龄(x±s, 岁) 67.96±7.89 64.46±8.60 1.617b 0.111 BMI(x±s) 23.23±2.91 22.92±3.06 0.399b 0.691 基础疾病(例) 9 11 0.592a 0.441 既往史(例) 吸烟史 8 12 0.045a 0.832 饮酒史 7 13 0.119a 0.730 肿瘤部位的分型AEG(例) 1.958a 0.162 Siewert Ⅰ型 0 0 Siewert Ⅱ型 24 37 Siewert Ⅲ型及胃体、胃底癌 0 2 肿瘤最大直径(x±s,cm) 2.64±0.99 2.15±0.94 1.929b 0.058 病理分型(例) 3.161a 0.367 原位癌 3 8 高分化腺癌 1 0 中分化腺癌 5 11 低分化腺癌 15 20 T分期(例) 367.000c 0.115 T1 10 22 T2 2 7 T3 12 10 N分期(例) 421.000c 0.411 N0 15 29 N1 6 4 N2 0 2 N3a 2 3 N3b 1 1 注:a为χ2值,b为t值,c为U值。 表 2 2组胃癌患者术中和术后恢复情况比较
Table 2. Comparison of intraoperative and postoperative recovery between two groups of gastric cancer patients
项目 圆吻组(n=24) π吻合组(n=39) 统计量 P值 清扫淋巴结数目(x±s,枚) 18.50±5.72 16.95±5.37 1.081a 0.284 手术时间(x±s,min) 251.95±50.00 275.17±46.70 1.671a 0.098 食管空肠吻合时间(x±s,min) 35.54±7.64 34.48±8.21 1.371a 0.181 术中出血量[M(P25, P75),mL] 40.00(30.00,87.50) 50.00(30.00,50.00) 379.500b 0.171 肿瘤上切缘(x±s,cm) 2.03±0.53 2.11±0.42 0.618a 0.539 肿瘤下切缘(x±s,cm) 5.96±1.12 5.57±0.63 1.778a 0.080 切口长度(x±s,cm) 14.33±1.80 4.92±0.53 30.530a < 0.001 首次下地活动时间(x±s,d) 1.91±0.58 1.07±0.27 7.764a < 0.001 首次排气时间(x±s,d) 2.91±0.58 2.17±0.38 4.652a 0.039 恢复全流食时间(x±s,d) 6.70±2.45 5.07±0.27 5.763a 0.033 术后住院时间(x±s,d) 13.66±6.47 11.05±3.83 2.017a 0.048 术后第1天WBC(x±s,×109/L) 11.93±3.25 11.67±3.18 0.305a 0.762 术后第1天Hb(x±s,g/L) 110.87±20.52 116.02±17.78 1.052a 0.297 术后第3天NRS评分[M(P25, P75),分] 2.00(0.00,2.00) 2.00(2.00,2.00) 285.500b 0.003 注:a为t值,b为U值。 表 3 2组胃癌患者术中并发症发生情况比较(例)
Table 3. Comparison of intraoperative complications between two groups of gastric cancer patients(cases)
组别 例数 胸膜破裂 脾血管出血 食管空肠吻合口出血 圆吻组 24 0 2 1 π吻合组 39 1 1 0 χ2值 0.189 P值 0.999a 0.663 0.381a 注:a为采用Fisher精确检验。 表 4 2组胃癌患者术后早期并发症发生情况比较(例)
Table 4. Comparison of early postoperative complications between two groups of gastric cancer patients(cases)
项目 圆吻组(n=24) π吻合组(n=39) 统计量 P值 食管空肠吻合相关并发症 1.079a 0.299 食管空肠吻合口瘘 3 0 2.734a 0.098 食管空肠吻合口狭窄 0 1 0.999c 肠梗阻 0 1 0.999c 切口感染 4 0 4.421a 0.036 胸腔积液 2 3 < 0.001a 0.999 术后并发症分级 9 4 342.000b 0.011 Ⅰ 3 1 Ⅱ 6 3 Ⅲ 0 0 Ⅳ 0 0 Ⅴ 0 0 注:a为χ2值,b为U值,c为采用Fisher精确检验。 -
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