Integrating HFEMA and the CATCH model to develop a fall safety management system for elderly patients
目的 探讨医疗失效与效应分析(HFEMA)方法结合CATCH跌倒管理模型构建老年住院患者跌倒管理体系的应用效果。 方法 以扬州大学附属医院2022年1—12月的老年住院患者36 888例为研究对象,比较HFEMA结合CATCH跌倒管理模型实施前后跌倒发生率、跌倒伤害情况以及护理人员跌倒宣教落实率、老年患者及家属跌倒知识知晓率。 结果 HFEMA结合CATCH跌倒管理模型实施后,老年患者跌倒发生率由2022年上半年的0.13%(21/16 696)降至下半年的0.04%(9/20 192),差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.417,P=0.006)。实施前2、3、4级跌倒伤害例数分别由5例、2例、8例下降至3例、0例、4例(Z=9.828,P<0.05)。护理人员跌倒宣教落实率由95.1%(15 878/16 696)升至100.0%(20 192/20 192),老年患者及家属跌倒知识知晓率由85.3%(14 242/16 696)升至92.5%(18 678/20 192),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。 结论 医疗失效模式与效应分析方法、CATCH跌倒管理模型相结合构建出集跌倒评估、预防、干预为一体的老年住院患者跌倒管理体系,有效降低患者跌倒风险,值得推广。 -
- 医疗失效模式与效应分析 /
- CATCH管理模型 /
- 老年住院患者 /
- 跌倒
Abstract:Objective To explore the effectiveness of combing the healthcare failure mode and effect analysis (HFEMA) with the CATCH fall management model in constructing a fall management system for elderly hospitalized patients. Methods A total of 36 888 elderly patients hospitalized at our hospital from January 2022 to December 2022 were selected as the research objects. The incidence of falls and fall-related injuries, as well as the realization rate of fall education among nursing staff and the awareness rate of fall prevention among elderly patients and their families, were compared before and after the implementation of the HFEMA combined with the CATCH model. Results Following the implementation of the combined HFEMA and CATCH fall management model, the incidence of falls in elderly patients decreased significantly, from 0.13% (21/16 696) in the first half of 2022 to 0.04% (9/20 192) in the second half of 2022 (χ2=7.417, P=0.006). Fall injuries of grade 2, 3, and 4 also decreased from 5, 2, and 8 cases to 3, 0, and 4 cases respectively (Z=9.828, P < 0.05). The compliance rate of nursing staff with fall education increased from 95.1% (15 878/16 696) to 100.0% (20 192/20 192), and the awareness rate of fall prevention among elderly patients and their families increased from 85.3% (14 242/16 696) to 92.5% (18 678/20 192), the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.001). Conclusion The integration of the HFEMA with the CATCH fall management model effectively reduces the risk of falls in elderly hospitalized patients by combining fall assessment, prevention, and intervention. This system is highly effective and recommended for broader implementation. -
表 1 老年住院患者跌倒失效模式及潜在风险分析
Table 1. Failure mode and potential fall risk analysis in elderly inpatients
流程 潜在失效模式 失效原因 严重度
(RPN)评估 未能根据病情随时进行评估 (1)高危因素评估欠全面 8.17 6.17 5.83 293.88 (2)动态观察不到位 6.33 5.17 3.33 108.98 (3)再评估意识较差 6.67 3.17 4.17 88.17 告知 告知/宣教不到位,患者/陪护人员对宣教依从性不高 (1)护士配备不完善,环境介绍流于表面 5.33 5.17 4.50 124.00 (2)无针对性强化宣教 7.00 4.00 3.33 93.24 (3)宣教内容形式化、不全面 5.33 6.33 5.50 185.56 (4)宣教效果评价不及时 6.83 5.83 4.33 172.42 (5)患者未主动寻求帮助 5.50 4.17 5.50 126.14 准备 安全设施不齐全 (1)警示标识设置不合理 4.50 5.50 5.00 123.75 (2)部分病房卫生间、公共卫生间无扶手 8.50 7.33 5.50 342.68 (3)夜晚照明不足 6.00 6.83 5.00 177.44 (4)设施存在安全隐患 5.33 6.33 5.00 174.08 实施 未对有高危风险的跌倒/坠床患者有效交接班或者巡视不到位 (1)安全防范意识不足 5.50 4.67 4.33 111.22 (2)夜班护士未对高危跌倒/坠床患者重点交班 8.17 7.50 3.17 194.24 (3)护士人手不足 5.17 6.17 3.67 117.07 观察及记录 未及时发现患者发生跌倒 (1)护士洞察风险能力较差 3.33 3.17 6.50 68.61 (2)老年住院患者及陪护人员未及时告知护士跌倒的发生 7.00 3.50 3.17 77.67 表 2 HFEMA结合CATCH跌倒管理模型实施前后老年住院患者发生跌倒情况比较
Table 2. Comparison of falls in elderly hospitalized patients before and after implementing the HFEMA combined with CATCH fall management model
时间 例数 发生跌倒
[例(%)]跌倒伤害的程度(例) 1级 2级 3级 4级 实施前 16 696 21(0.13) 6 5 2 8 实施后 20 192 9(0.04) 2 3 0 4 统计量 7.417a 9.828b P值 0.006 <0.001 注:a为χ2值,b为Z值。 表 3 HFEMA结合CATCH跌倒管理模型实施前后护理人员跌倒宣教落实、老年患者跌倒知识知晓情况比较[例(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of fall education implementation by nursing staff and fall knowledge awareness in elderly patients before and after implementing the HFEMA combined with CATCH fall management model[cases(%)]
时间 例数 护理人员跌倒宣教
知晓情况实施前 16 696 15 878(95.1) 14 242(85.3) 实施后 20 192 20 192(100.0) 18 678(92.5) χ2值 1 011.717 493.542 P值 <0.001 <0.001 -
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