Effects of 6S+X management on hospital services in public hospitals under the mode of one hospital and two districts
目的 旨在提高患者的就医服务质量,本研究首次探索“6S+X”管理推动公立医院“一院两区”模式下深化优质院区服务实践的效果。 方法 选取西南医科大学附属成都三六三医院30名护理人员,按照医院服务模式的不同分为对照组(2021年5月—2022年5月收治的315例患者,实施常规管理方式)和观察组(2022年6月—2023年6月收治的315例患者,实施“6S+X”模式)。比较2组的效果反馈与评价、护理人员工作能力、护理不良事件发生率、患者健康知识知晓度、患者住院时间、费用以及护理满意度。 结果 观察组护理人员病房管理、整体护理、基础护理、护理文书管理能力得分分别为(4.49±0.75)分、(4.52±0.71)分、(4.92±0.60)分、(4.62±0.68)分,较对照组(3.23±0.53)分、(3.27±0.65)分、(3.46±0.58)分、(3.17±0.53)分更高(t=9.202、9.643、13.238、11.679,均P<0.001)。观察组不良事件发生率较对照组更低(P<0.001)。患者观察组的健康知识知晓度高于对照组(P<0.001)。观察组患者平均住院时间(7.72±1.44)d较对照组(9.37±1.63)d短(t=20.337,P<0.001),平均住院费(1 254.62±131.24)元总较对照组(1 638.25±103.78)元更低(t=51.880,P<0.001)。观察组护理满意度为95.24%(300/315),高于对照组的82.22%(259/315,χ2=26.683,P<0.001)。 结论 “6S+X”管理模式可以推动公立医院“一院两区”模式下深化优质院区服务实践并提升管理成效和护理质量。 Abstract:Objective To explore the practice effects of 6S+X management on deepening high-quality hospital services in public hospitals under the mode of one hospital and two districts so as to improve the quality of medical services. Methods A total of 30 nursing staff from Chengdu 363th Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University were enrolled. According to different service modes, they were divided into control group (315 cases, May 2021-May 2022, routine management) and observation group (315 cases, June 2022-June 2023, 6S+X management). The effect feedback and evaluation, work ability of nursing staffs, incidence of adverse nursing events, awareness of health knowledge, length of hospital stay, hospitalization cost and nursing satisfaction in the two groups were compared. Results The scores of ward management, holistic nursing, basic nursing and nursing document management in observation group were (4.49±0.75), (4.52±0.71), (4.92±0.60), (4.62±0.68) points, which were higher than those in the control group [(3.23±0.53), (3.27±0.65), (3.46±0.58), (3.17±0.53) points; t=9.202, 9.643, 13.238, 11.679, all P < 0.001]. The incidence of adverse events in observation group was lower than that in the control group (P < 0.001), and awareness rate of health knowledge was higher than that in the control group (P < 0.001). The average length of hospital stay in observation group was shorter than that in control group [(7.72±1.44) d vs. (9.37±1.63) d, t=20.337, P < 0.001], average hospitalization cost was lower than that in control group [(1 254.62±131.24) yuan vs. (1 638.25±103.78) yuan, t=51.880, P < 0.001], and nursing satisfaction was higher than that in control group [95.24% (300/315) vs. 82.22% (259/315, χ2=26.683, P < 0.001]. Conclusion 6S+X management can deepen high-quality hospital services, and improve management effectiveness and nursing quality in public hospitals under the mode of one hospital and two districts. -
Key words:
- 6S+X management /
- Public hospital /
- One hospital and two districts /
- Service practice /
- Nursing effect
表 1 护理人员对“6S+X”管理模式的评价[人(%)]
Table 1. Assessment of nurses for the "6S+X" management model[people(%)]
条目 认同 不认同 改善院内环境 30(100.00) 0 降低工作压力 29(96.67) 1(3.33) 增加管理主动性 27(90.00) 3(10.00) 提高自我管理能力 30(100.00) 0 增强工作协调性 28(93.33) 2(6.67) 增强职业素养 25(83.33) 5(16.67) 减少成本消耗 29(96.67) 1(3.33) 提高工作效率 28(93.33) 2(6.67) 保障护理工作安全 29(96.67) 1(3.33) 提升医院形象 30(100.00) 0 表 2 “6S+X”管理实施前后2组护理人员工作能力比较(x±s,分)
Table 2. Comparison of working ability before and after implementing the "6S+X" management model in two groups of nursing staff(x±s, points)
组别 人数 病房管理 整体护理 基础护理 护理文书
管理能力观察组 30 4.49±0.75 4.52±0.71 4.92±0.60 4.62±0.68 对照组 30 3.23±0.53 3.27±0.65 3.46±0.58 3.17±0.53 t值 9.202 9.643 13.328 11.679 P值 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 表 3 “6S+X”管理实施前后2组不良事件发生情况比较[例(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of adverse event occurrence in two groups before and after the implementation of "6S+X" management model[cases(%)]
组别 例数 医患纠纷 护理缺陷 投诉 不良事件
发生观察组 315 4(1.27) 0 0 4(1.27) 对照组 315 10(3.17) 14(4.44) 5(1.59) 29(9.21) χ2值 2.630 14.318 5.040 19.986 P值 0.105 <0.001 0.025 <0.001 表 4 “6S+X”管理实施前后2组患者健康知识知晓度比较
Table 4. Comparison of health knowledge awareness between two groups of patients before and after implementing the "6S+X" management model
组别 例数 优
[例(%)]观察组 315 136 149 28 2 285(90.48) 对照组 315 105 127 53 30 232(73.65) 注:2组患者健康知识知晓度比较,χ2=30.292,P<0.001。 表 5 “6S+X”管理实施前后2组患者住院时间与费用比较(x±s)
Table 5. Comparison of hospital stay and costs in two groups before and after implementing the "6S+X" management model(x±s)
组别 例数 住院时间(d) 住院费用(元) 观察组 315 7.72±1.44 1 254.62±131.24 对照组 315 9.37±1.63 1 638.25±103.78 t值 20.337 51.880 P值 <0.001 <0.001 表 6 “6S+X”管理实施前后2组护理满意度比较
Table 6. Comparison of nursing satisfaction between two groups before and after implementing the "6S+X" management model
组别 例数 满意
(%)观察组 315 213 87 15 95.24(300/315) 对照组 315 134 125 56 82.22(259/315) 注:2组护理满意度比较,χ2=26.683,P<0.001。 -
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