Association of uric acid with COPD and pulmonary ventilation based on Mendelian randomization method
目的 相关研究提出了血尿酸(UA)与慢性阻塞性肺疾病及肺通气阻塞的发生发展之间的联系, 本研究采用孟德尔随机化分析方法进一步探讨它们之间的因果关系。 方法 从全基因组关联研究汇总数据中筛选与COPD、血尿酸、肺通气相关的基因位点, 将其作为工具变量, 分别使用IVW等多种分析方法进行孟德尔随机化分析, 采用MR-PRESSO、MR-Egger截距法、leave-one-out法对相关基因位点进行敏感性分析。 结果 IVW结果显示: UA与COPD发生之间不存在因果关系(OR = 1. 053, 95% CI: 0. 932 ~ 1. 189, P = 0. 406), 且MR-PRESS和MREgger均未观察到水平多效性和异质性。UA与第一秒用力呼气容积实测值与预计值的比值(FEV1%)改变之间无因果关系(β = -0. 006, P = 0. 686), UA与一秒率(FEV1 / FVC)改变之间无因果关系(β = -0. 004, P = 0. 323), MRPRESSO和MR-Egger观察到水平多效性和异质性, 但对存在水平多效性的基因位点进行剔除后, 结果依然无显著关联(UA-FEV1% P = 0. 412, UA-FEV1 / FVC P = 0. 303), 利用留一法对相关基因位点进行逐个剔除后没有观察到上述因果关系发生显著变化。 结论 本研究结果表明, UA与COPD发生呈正相关关系, 与FEV1%、FEV1 / FVC改变之间呈负相关关系, 但均无显著的因果关系。 Abstract:Objective Relevant studies have indicated a correlation between blood uric acid (UA) levels and the occurrence and progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary obstruction; In this study, Mendelian randomization analysis is used to further explore the causal relationship between them. Methods The gene loci related to COPD, blood uric acid, and pulmonary ventilation were screened from the aggregated data of genome-wide association studies and used as instrumental variables to conduct Mendelian randomization analysis using various analysis methods such as IVW. MR-PRESSO, MR-Egger intercept and, leave-one-out methods were used to analyze the sensitivity of relevant gene loci. Results IVW results showed no causal relationship between UA and the occurrence of COPD (OR = 1. 053, 95% CI: 0. 932-1. 189, P = 0. 406), and neither MR-PRESSO nor MR-Egger observed horizontal polymorphism and heterogeneity. No significant association between UA and first second forced expiratory volume ratio of the measured value to the predicted value (FEV1%) changes (β = -0. 006, P = 0. 686), No significant association between UA and FEV1 / forced vital capacity (FVC) changes (β = -0. 004, P = 0. 323), and horizontal polymorphism and heterogeneity were observed for MRPRESSO and MR-Egger, however, after excluding SNPs with horizontal pleiotropy, the results still showed no significant association (UA-FEV1% P = 0. 412, UA-FEV1 / FVC P = 0. 303). No significant changes in the above causal relationships were observed after the relevant gene loci were removed one by one by the leave-one-out method. Conclusion The results of this study show that UA is positively correlated with the development of COPD and negatively correlated with changes in FEV 1% and FEV1 / FVC, but none of these is a correlate causal relationship. -
表 1 本研究所选取的GWAS数据简要信息
Table 1. Summary of the GWAS included in this two-simple MR study
变量 ID 样本量(人) SNP (个) 性别 年份 UA bbj-a-57 109 029 6 108 953 男、女 2019 COPD finn-b-J10_COPD 193 638 16 380 382 男、女 2021 FEV1% ukb-b-13405 148 653 9 851 867 男、女 2018 FEV1/FVC ieu-b-106 55 907 12 321 875 男、女 2021 表 2 UA与COPD之间MR分析结果
Table 2. Results of MR Analysis between UA and COPD
MR方法 N(SNPs) 效应值β SE P值 OR(95% CI) MR Egger 39 0.007 0.104 0.946 1.007(0.822~1.234) Weighted median 39 -0.016 0.083 0.844 0.984(0.837~1.157) IVW 39 0.051 0.062 0.406 1.053(0.932~1.189) -
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